Example sentences of "have a good " in BNC.

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1 The New Yorker has a good record of commissioning articles .
2 It is impossible to watch the towplane and the ground ahead during the climb out so that in the event of a launch failure the glider pilot has to look for a field , whereas in the normal tow position he has a good view of the fields ahead all the time .
3 Bear this in mind when using the foot sweep and ensure that it has a good chance of shifting the opponent by forcing him to lift his weight from the ankle to be attacked .
4 The latest trend has been towards the darker types , still usually sedimented , and today wheat beer has a good 25 per cent of the Bavarian market .
5 You 'll need lots of patience , but as you say your boy has a good nature otherwise , the chances are you 'll succeed .
6 If we read ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ through with Tate 's commentary at our elbow , we see at any given point what he means : he has a good ear , as we might expect from his own poems ( which are however metrical , as ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ is n't ) .
7 The young Yorkshireman apparently has a good temperament and a complete all-round game .
8 Claudio Abbado already has a good record in many of these areas .
9 Disney has a good record on bringing in projects on time , and there is a great deal of faith in the Eurodisney management .
10 Your plugger should contact all the DJs with whom he or she has a good relationship , trying to persuade them to play your record .
11 For a songwriter/artist who the music publisher believes has a good chance of success , it is quite usual for there to be a royalty split of 70:30 in favour of the writer .
12 Mrs M Dunn of Oban , Scotland has a good idea for maximising space in a small bathroom .
13 This is the main highway from Istanbul , which lies about 100 miles to the east , to the Greek border , some 100 miles to the west , and although in most parts it has a good tarmac surface it is in the main single carriageway .
14 Finally , and outside the university context , it is perhaps worth mentioning that the Camden library service has a good loan collection of African writing .
15 ABILL improving guarantees on cars and household goods has a good chance of becoming law because it is being introduced by the MP who topped the ballot for private members ' bills .
16 Mr Wilkinson , whose bill has a good chance of reaching the statute book , believes such a measure is necessary to curb growing surburban problem of overdevelopment through luxury blocks of flats being built by developers on plots previously occupied by a single house .
17 The three-times world champion has a good tale to tell and , while the format could have done with more meat on the bones , this volume certainly does not pull any punches .
18 Nigel Tinkler sends down Bank View to carry top weight and this Yorkshire trainer has a good record with his southern .
19 It also has a good reputation for retaining its good appearance over along period of time .
20 It is minced fairly finely with a high proportion of fat to meat and has a good spicy flavour which is not too hot , although peppercorns and other spices are often included .
21 But Mr Ishihara has made a career out of being shocking , and he has a good motive .
22 He has a good reason .
23 The centre has the support of Selby District Council , and has a good rapport with the dog wardens , who bring in stray and abandoned dogs each week .
24 Gwent has a good record in the Young Farmers ' Clubs Efficiency with Safety contest and a team from this county took the handsome glass trophy again this year .
25 We are used to everyone saying that their horse has a good temperament , but what is the temperament of a horse ?
26 The owner of a competitive jumping horse says that his horse has a good temperament because it is ‘ consistent and courageous ’ .
27 That stew of Celt and Teuton , Magyar , Slav , Latin and Scandinavian which comprises contemporary Europe has a good deal of experience in common , not just of wars , but in terms of underlying social and intellectual structures .
28 Louis Armstrong has a good claim to being the most influential popular singer of the century .
29 Ghofar has a good deal in common with Last Suspect , the 50–1 shot on whom this sagacious Welshman won the 1985 Grand National .
30 ‘ We just have to hope that there are no more injuries before Monday and that Mr Moran has a good squad to pick from .
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