Example sentences of "have a different " in BNC.

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1 Scotland has a different brewing tradition in England and Wales .
2 It might be interpreted as saying that V has a mode of access to his own brain different from any modes of access to V 's brain available to BS ; or that V has a different mode of access to the external world , and that this constitutes the difference between him and BS .
3 It is impossible to deny that V has a different mode of access to the external world from BS , for V can see and BS can not .
4 The Festival Court has a different activity taking place each day , while the Centre and surrounding ‘ competition ’ courts will see the best women players from 56 nations competing for what is the premier team prize in women 's tennis .
5 ‘ Every dog has a different character .
6 BSL involves simplification of terminology and has a different grammatical construction to spoken English .
7 The vast majority of people listen during the day , and the station has a different editorial approach to its weekday daytime programmes and to its evening and weekend shows .
8 Too early to know , say officials , and anyway that question really has a different target : it was the press and Wall Street that got euphoric in the early days of war , and then came down with a bump , not the administration .
9 Everybody I talk to has a different version of Jim 's life .
10 Each of our forces is autonomous and has a different approach to security .
11 It can carry information because each DNA molecule can have a different sequence of bases , just as every paragraph in this book has a different sequence of letters .
12 The Danube has a different name in every country through which it flows : in Germany it is the Donau , in Slovakia , Dunaj , when it reaches Budapest it becomes the Duna , at Belgrade it is the Dunav and in Romania it is the Dunarea .
13 This trade — dubbed parallel importing — has sprung up within Europe because each E C member State has a different health service and different ways of fixing drugs prices .
14 Each Red Panda has a different pattern , making it easy to identify individuals .
15 Certainly Ayer has a different view of what facts can be construed from those observations than they do .
16 Each country has a different name for them , often reflecting local attitudes , such as the graphic villas miserias in Argentina , highlighting the poverty of the communities .
17 After I had read out the concentrated edition to my two guests , Moltke remarked : ‘ Now it has a different ring ; it sounded before like a parley ; now it is like a flourish in answer to a challenge . ’
18 At the time he said never again , but a few years have gone by and he has a different perception .
19 Almost every letter he wrote to Hanns has a different affectionate greeting .
20 This means that a typical Surtseyan cone has a different profile from a Strombolian one .
21 However the Commons environment committee has a different view .
22 However , if they are rearranged to read ‘ Put the blanket on this child ’ the sentence has a different meaning .
23 This is because the planning departments believe that the information obtained by the business units needs to be supplemented by their own scanning which has a different emphasis .
24 ‘ You realise that each age has a different set of problems .
25 Having said that , every person has a different rate of ageing .
26 But to Japan 's Ministry of International Trade and Industry' ( MITI ) the word has a different meaning .
27 If you compare a striped object with one that has a different kind of black and white pattern , they do not appear to be the same size even if , in reality , they are identical .
28 The air line is inserted through the cap of the tube ( virtually every model of undergravel has a different cap system , designed to spread water through the tank , and/or splash it on the surface for aeration ) .
29 Over the past few years , however , live colouration has become an important criterion in taxonomy , and as synspilum differs markedly from melanurum in this respect , and has a different distribution , it is now once again generally considered a separate species , albeit probably very closely-related .
30 And since the mandolin has a different tuning to the guitar , it gives you a different chord voicing to everybody else .
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