Example sentences of "have set in " in BNC.

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1 Once diarrhoeal disease has set in a baby will go under in just two or three days .
2 At the emotional level , this can mean that the personal involvement is engaged ahead of the action , and that by the time the manipulation is actually taking effect , its originator can sit back and observe what she has set in motion .
3 The unit in question , for what Telekom calls Systems Customers , is part of its Business Customers division , and was established as part of the thorough restructuring Telekom has set in train ; it serves 500 major companies and organisations , and its business is growing at 13% to 14% a year , against less than 5% overall growth from private customers in 1992 .
4 That has set in train a process that could , eventually , lead to sanctions against offending countries ; but that might take years , and tigers , as a species , are short of time .
5 Unisys has set in place its Colleagues developers programme , offering development and porting support to independent software vendors , plans to begin software distribution via compact disks during the second quarter , and will introduce network licensing software from Gradient Technologies Inc .
6 Fortunately the weather is mild and spring has set in which means that there will be prey about — young mammals and so on .
7 Once reality has set in the rewards are known .
8 The life you bring with you has set in motion
9 After an hour , boredom has set in : the quick learners are impatient with those who ca n't follow , while the older women mechanically repeat five or six words in succession after the others , without even looking at their books .
10 The fungal growth may have been due to the water quality being affected by the chemicals , or it could have set in where damage had occurred as a result of the flicking .
11 And the question I had been holding down with my domestic frenzy , my sorting and tidying , my focus on Matter , burst through : would the decay have set in ?
12 Rufus took her £40 off her by the reception desk , having set in train the arrangements by which she would be admitted to a fashionable West End clinic , with Rufus , her surgery and her hospitalization ultimately paid for by some provident association to which she and her husband subscribed .
13 At the moment erm because of the extra time we 've got available because production investment has been delayed because of ministerial decisions , we 've set in train three further studies and they will look collectively at alternatives , comparison in combat modelling and also in the numbers and if I could describe those three very briefly because I think they 're the they 're relevant to what we 're talking about .
14 And this was a particularly popular view in the nineteen sixties and you found lots of people arguing that the American system needed reform that here was the president who was hamstrung by congress , or in the er in the er question I 've set in the , in the programme , you know , the president is less Gulliver in Lilliput , you know , as more like Pinocchio in Lilliput erm that the president has enormous responsibilities , that the nation looks to the president , the world looks to the president but the president ca n't do anything and that you need an increase in presidential power .
15 Morgan and Smith 1989 ) , where I had had the discussion with Simon Holdaway mentioned above , the symbolic nature of police culture consistently surfaced to confound the economic assessment of good practice which the Home Secretary had set in his opening address to the participants .
16 Viva Hate ! feels implausibly fresh : the music 's breathing again , free of a certain stuffiness and laboriousness that had set in seemingly irreversibly in The Smiths ' twilight period .
17 As more and more stone-filled gabions were built in to reduce the erosion which the scheme had set in train , it became apparent that Pandora 's box had been opened , and that what might have worked as a piece of traditional river canalization in the cohesive sediments found downstream had proved a recipe for disaster when applied in the unstable gravels of this upland brook .
18 Among the actual owners of the horses , disbelief had set in the quickest .
19 In the end it was overtaken by the advent of the ‘ New Draperies ’ , but the downward trend had set in well before the establishment of these in East Anglia ; indeed , in the event they came to replace the contracting broadcloth manufacture which , even as early as 1523 , had shown signs of instability : it was symptomatic of recession that no less than 35 per cent of Spring 's liquid assets had to be written off as irrecoverable , and the winding up of his affairs can not but have dealt its prosperity a mortal blow .
20 What had happened at Great Casterton was that the discovery of a wall in a place where it could not possibly exist , according to my ideas of the site , had set in motion all my mental defences .
21 Now that rigor mortis had set in it was in fact all the easier to lift him .
22 The rain had set in steadily by the time Ruth got home .
23 Winter had set in truly now .
24 She had no reassurance to offer and he was convinced of his own responsibility because the sale to MacQuillan had set in train the events leading to Pascoe 's despair .
25 When they got there a group of men were already pulling the monster off the sharpened stakes they had set in the bottom of a pit .
26 First Lieutenant Jaroslav Oudran was sentenced on March 14 to 4 1/2 years ' imprisonment and stripped of his rank by a military court , having been convicted of using force in an " inadmissible " way during the violent police dispersal of a demonstration by students on Nov. 17 , 1989 , which had set in motion the events which led to the removal of the communist regime [ see p. 37026 ] .
27 Although Reith was dismissed in February 1942 , his initiative in these areas had set in train a series of plans for comprehensive redevelopment .
28 The process which Peter had set in motion persisted to a considerable extent after his death .
29 EAST and West Germany have set in motion a big spy swap , as a sign of rapidly improving relations , it was announced yesterday .
30 East and West Germany have set in motion a big spy swap , involving 28 agents , as a sign of rapidly improving relations .
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