Example sentences of "have show more " in BNC.

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1 Has shown more reverence than you !
2 The Marx brothers might have shown more tolerance than Karl Marx for Stalin 's antics : throwing food at guests unwise enough to nod off at table during his interminable late-night dinner parties , or racing round in meetings ‘ cursing like a cab driver ’ .
3 Crawford wrote to the committee responding to their charges , and their reaction cam in terms probably familiar to many professional cricketers dealing with committees of enthusiasts : ‘ Mr Crawford should have shown more enthusiasm in his work , but the committee is willing to overlook past shortcomings on the understanding that improvement is shown .
4 With their numerical superiority , they should have shown more enterprise .
5 It said the Tornado pilot was not provided with enough information and controllers should have shown more awareness .
6 In order to do well at English at Oxford , you would have to show more than a purely aesthetic aptitude .
7 To overcome that problem , say some congressional Democrats , he is going to have to show more determination to cut the deficit — and not just by raising taxes .
8 The right wing within the party had shown more realism about the events in Europe than the left wing .
9 The closest they got to an opinion on the two campaigns was when Andrew said that Labour 's campaign organisers had been ‘ more laid back ’ than the Tories , but his brother immediately disagreed , saying that perhaps the Conservatives had shown more flexibility in their poster plans .
10 She was a tall , blonde girl , smooth-skinned with wide-spaced , rather small eyes of an extraordinary deep blue , who would have been thought beautiful if she had shown more animation .
11 I wish I had shown more patience .
12 Not for the first time , the legate had shown more enthusiasm for papal power than the pope .
13 She had still been smarting from her unjust dismissal for ‘ over-familiarity with the management ’ at Ardis & Co , when she had wasted no time in squashing two men in particular at Vasey 's who had shown more interest in her than in their work .
14 By any yardstick , starting even with television , the visiting countries have shown more initiative .
15 Some studies have shown that the Pill decreases antibody production slightly , and others have shown more allergies , infections and autoimmune diseases among Pill-takers .
16 Recent generations , who have a closer experience of persecutions and of the results of solitary confinement under brutal regimes , have shown more sympathy with Cranmer 's weaknesses .
17 ‘ But we have to show more punch , determination and heart where it counts .
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