Example sentences of "have make good " in BNC.

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1 Banking services and finance companies continued to trade profitably in spite of higher interest rates and the group 's network of independent financial advisers , has made good progress , although slower than envisaged .
2 Memorex Telex NV 's Peripherals Group in Milpitas , California has made good on its promise to offer a version of its 5100 Automated Tape Library for IBM Corp AS/400 9406 processors , and claims that it is the first such library in the AS/400 market .
3 Though the DHA has made good provision for assessment and diagnosis , accommodation for those requiring long-term care , which is provided primarily by the private sector , was found to be insufficient .
4 On the second erm erm issue the commitments in Greater York , erm Mr has has made good progress erm on this erm and he 's been had discussions this morning with er district colleagues and hopefully we we are nearly there on that one .
5 Building reusable code can take more time initially , so it has to make good business sense to invest the extra time on a particular object .
6 ‘ Anyone caught damaging lights also has to make good the damage , and that can be very expensive .
7 His temperament , in fact , was rather more a golfer 's than a racing driver 's and I ca n't be sure that the likes of Arnold Palmer and other big sportsmen who 'd made good in the States were n't in some way role models for the young Mario .
8 You would have the right only if you 'd made good use of your experience of life . ’
9 Dunes , palm trees , mud-brick villages , children and animals would have made good picture postcards , but , for all its beauty , the desert was terrifying .
10 Continuing on down the street the Ahearns , a Catholic family who were all of small stature , the Frys , another quiet family and the Vincents who in contrast to the Ahearns were all well built — in fact the sons could all have made good guardsmen .
11 As a magazine article , any one of these chapters would have made good reading .
12 ‘ I suppose Uncle Cosmo could have made good in Australia .
13 It would have made good drama to pit Bernard 's projection of mass production against Laura 's fears that this would threaten to destroy the ethnic and cottage industry appeal upon which the business was based .
14 In other cases , Zuwaya threatened reprisals for injuries suffered : they might have to make good the threat , but usually persuaded their antagonists to pay compensation .
15 The landlord will have to make good damage to decorations caused by carrying out of works by him ( Bradley v Chorley BC [ 1985 ] 2 EGLR 49 ) .
16 Their best almost delighted Norwich , with Paul Merson cracking a 35 yard volley against the United bar and Peter Schmeichel having to make good saves from Ian Wright and Kevin Campbell to avoid a devastating defeat .
17 It is the only one of the old British colonial banks to have made good in the modern world .
18 130 and H167 seem to have made good starts , but Z114 better watch out since before long he may be in H167 's dirty wind .
19 Students are reminded that their eventual employers will expect them to have made good use of their time at university .
20 ‘ Well , I 'm hoping I 've made good use of them . ’
21 ‘ You 've made good speed , ’ said Hotspur when they were alone .
22 ‘ But only after I 've made good use of them ! ’
23 After Cromwell , new squires , successful tradesmen , farmers and impoverished Cavaliers who had made good marriages then began to build new houses .
24 Meanwhile , Azariah had made good in the West Indies , and his grandson , John Frederick , returned to England and Bettiscombe towards the middle of the eighteenth century and became MP for Bridport .
25 Some haggling ensued , but Combes , who was originally from Broad Chalke and had made good in London as a mercer , wanted to show his village just how well he had done .
26 Jordanians were dejected by the beating Iraq was getting , elated by the news that Iraq had made good its threat to strike Israel with missiles , worried lest Israeli retaliation drag Jordan into the war .
27 He had made good use of the last few days .
28 By the time they had sorted out the confusion and given chase , the woman had made good her escape .
29 A small jeweller in Switzerland , who for years had made good profits by flagrantly copying de Chavigny designs , using inferior stones , low-carat metals and cheap workmanship , and then passing them off as de Chavigny originals through an impenetrable network of shady dealers and retailers , found its bank was suddenly very glad to extend credit for new workshops and an expansion programme .
30 Give him credit though , he had fought his way to the top and had made good .
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