Example sentences of "have make this " in BNC.

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1 MacMillan has made this last song a welcome to the future as the three protagonists quietly and slowly come forwards , their hands linked , gradually raising their heads as if greeting a new day .
2 Video technology has made this a frequent topic of male sporting conversation .
3 Until recently , cowl bases ( or ‘ curbs ’ ) were made from elm , but Dutch elm disease has made this material difficult to obtain .
4 Stauder referred to ‘ this exorbitantly rewarded and grotesque event which gives the winner more prize money than Boris Becker has made this year ’ .
5 But reduced East-West tension has made this even more difficult , clobbering defence sales , which account for roughly half of Deutsche Aerospace 's revenues .
6 It has made this country one of the best places in which to live , work and bring up our children .
7 I would like to thank the Curwen Archives Trust whose generous grant has made this publication possible .
8 Generally , though , the effect is one of stillness , of supreme design : it is only in passing a family raising picks over their heads to break the deep brown clods that you consider the huge effort which has made this landscape .
9 It has made this a Special Development Area .
10 One minister for the inner cities in Britain has made this quite clear :
11 In recent times the greater availability of heavy GRP blades has made this manoeuvre much easier and neater .
12 Dangerous animals do not attack unless an individual has made this possible through his or her incorrect behaviour .
13 ‘ It is this type of censorship that has brought a dehumanising character to the proceedings , and communication has made this blatantly obvious .
14 It had been hoped that the removal of exchange rate fluctuations between EC currencies would constitute the first stage toward monetary union , but the widespread acceptance of floating has made this aim more difficult to achieve , although the European Monetary System has had some success in this respect .
15 By a whole series of moves , which were discussed in detail in Part II , the Government has made this form of welfare far less attractive — both in the level of payment , and the terms under which it can be obtained .
16 The recent trend towards ‘ super-ministries ’ taking on several different but related areas of policy has made this political division of labour particularly important .
17 But since then , the pace of the development of science has made this impossible .
18 ‘ I want to introduce the man who has made this all possible , and whose health and leisure complex you are here to experience — and later , of course , to promote .
19 But the resurgence of nationalism in Europe and in other parts of the world , in diverse forms , has made this once again a major issue for political analysis , and I shall return to various aspects of it in the next chapter .
20 So my dark covering has made this great fruition .
21 Perhaps that is one of the safeguards that has made this country such a successful and stable parliamentary democracy .
22 " " Living Churchyards " is the latest idea to emerge from a new link between the conservation movement and the world 's faith groups , which is one of the most successful alliances that WWF has made this decade , " says Ivan Hattingh , Head of Development at WWF .
23 Recent demographic work has made this point time and time again .
24 The relative lack of council housing has made this system more important : in 1948 34 per cent of farmworkers lived in tied housing , but by 1976 this figure had increased to 53 per cent .
25 Last season definitely took a turn for the better when Kerslake came , and Kelly has made this season 's success in no small part .
26 Milner implies that only the development of modern ( structuralist ) linguistics has made this possible , and certainly the work of Hockett ( 1977 ) , Milner himself , Nash ( 1985 ) and now Chiaro ( who draws quite heavily on Hockett ) provides detailed linguistic and structural analyses of the different kinds of word- and sound-play that are exploited in jokes .
27 Lord Mayor , I really do not have the time to speculate in detail why Councillor has made this mistake .
28 And it 's certainly not available in sufficient detail for for all of the sectors to make a fair comparison and I think Mr has made this point in in when you 've questioned him a number of times today that the information is just not available or to hand to make to make that comparison .
29 The generosity of Dermot McGlade of the Shandon Hotel at Marble Hill Strand — a great friend to the club — has made this big day possible .
30 But what do you think has made this one so special the By Request C D and video and everything ?
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