Example sentences of "have have the " in BNC.

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1 Print-making has had the advantage of some careful scholars , but an excellent book is by a practitioner , Stanley Hayter .
2 Furthermore , ‘ there have been questions about his loyalty ’ , for Alderson has had the temerity to caution the service about an apparent drift towards paramilitarism .
3 Her sister Harriet has had the cottage for two years .
4 At last someone has had the nerve to bring the area in line with the rest of British climbing : no longer will it be a quiet backwater resigned to a few lines in the climbing press about some brilliant new VDiff on a puny little crag in the back of beyond .
5 The Government 's accumulated fiscal surpluses will then be available both to revive an economy which has had the excess heat taken out of it during 1989/90 and to restore its electoral fortunes .
6 Together with Germany in the 1930s , Russia since 1917 has had the most penetrating system of political propaganda , but it was severely hampered at first by inefficient technical means for dissemination over vast spaces and many minority nationalities .
7 Most of the structural adjustment programmes ( SAP ) now in place have involved a significant exchange rate adjustment , which has had the effect of cheapening local currencies in relation to harder international currencies , in a number of cases by a factor of three or four within two to three years .
8 No marriage has had the exposure of this one .
9 No government in the country 's history has had the strength to make such a move and Benazir Bhutto 's shaky administration can ill afford to rock the boat .
10 But one that has had the error beep replaced by a robotic voice screaming ‘ Attention ! ’ is likely to have the opposite effect , as is one that ingests a floppy disc accompanied by a long drawn out grumble taken from a soggy passage in the Star Wars trilogy .
11 It seems that scarcely one Black artist in Britain has had the benefits of an extended professional career : a dealer , regular exhibitions , interested critics , sales and the support of one 's peers .
12 Whales have been saved , so have seals , and nuclear power has had the question-mark over it enlarged .
13 China has had the status since 1980 , when America waived a law ( originally intended to benefit Soviet Jews ) that prohibits MFN for countries which restrict emigration .
14 One fundamental assumption is that the atmosphere has had the same 14 C concentration in the past as now , and this in turn assumes , amongst other things , that the production rate of 14 C has remained constant .
15 Sam , about 16 months old , has had the time of his life with Peter .
16 Back at the corner plot , the imaginary Seniors are delighted that Carole has had the gigantic poplar at the back removed .
17 ‘ We rarely have been in a position where he has had the confidence to go for it , ’ said Gray .
18 ‘ I think he will win , but it has only been when he has had the sun on his back in the last couple of days that he has really come on . ’
19 THE economy has had the tonic its doctors ordered .
20 BILL KOCH 'S personal and business life is the stuff of a page-turning book and a movie , so it is fortunate that he has had the foresight to bring his own biographer and film maker into his campaign to defend the America 's Cup for his country .
21 He has had the benefit of a fine son and beautiful daughters , but there have been no more great plays . ’
22 It suggests that your vehicle was once petrol engined or has had the wrong springs fitted at some point .
23 Peruvian agrarian reform has had the effect of raising the consciousness of the peasantry .
24 Before the visitor has had the time to see the baptistery ruins , the plaques or the crucifix he will have spent time near the door .
25 The gallery has had the railings restored ; they were originally upright , but are now horizontal .
26 President Havel has had the dreary uniforms of the Communist state redesigned by Theodore Pištěk , the costume designer for the film Amadeus , much of which was shot in Prague .
27 There 's been a lot of doom and gloom spoken about ‘ the depressed market ’ , and certainly the fiscal policy of high interest rates has had the short-term effect that was intended .
28 The likelihood of a syphilitic mother passing the infection on when she is pregnant diminishes the longer she has had the disease , and when she has been given an adequate course of anti-syphilitic treatment , there is no chance of her infecting her unborn child unless she herself becomes reinfected .
29 But , in fact , it is conscious discrimination by policy makers against the unemployed which has had the side effect of making the relative position of pensioners look artificially advantageous .
30 The trend towards categorization of public library staff into specialist posts — cataloguers and classifiers , readers ' advisers , stock editors , administrators — has had the result of cutting off most librarians from contact with their readers .
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