Example sentences of "have in the " in BNC.

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1 The portraits of Chatterton have something of the importance to the novel that the living and ageing likeness has in The Picture of Dorian Gray .
2 A sudden change of éaulement , an unusual turn in-out of legs or arms , or quick jumps up and then down to the floor followed by a roll over or even a somersault can accentuate the particular place that unusual movement has in the whole design .
3 In spite of her disability , Elaine has in the past led a remarkably active and normal life .
4 Sir Alan has in the past written about his deep misgivings over intervention and has recently let it be known in the City that he believes the economy is at last showing signs of pronounced slowdown , a view not fully shared by the Treasury .
5 Inflation will come down through the use of high interest rates , as it has in the past .
6 Odd-Knut tells us that to ask a Lapp that question is like asking an Englishman how much money he has in the bank .
7 But it is a feudalism where inequalities and poverty have been intensified by British colonialism and which has in the last thirty-seven years since independence been in a state of flux caused by the varying stages of capitalism which reach out to it from the towns and cities of the Indian sub-continent .
8 Those musical orbits described by the fertile planets of Loose Tubes and the Jazz Warriors dominated the polls , with Andy Sheppard continuing to make his individual mark as he has in the past two years .
9 ‘ It would also be almost impossible for the plaintiff in a civil action to get an anonymity order for himself , as the company has in the Goodwin case . ’
10 Romanticism — the dream of the redemptive love that will bring heaven-on-earth , resolve all difference , end alienation — has in the twentieth century replaced religion as the opium of the people .
11 Even so , the bulk of the increase would have to come from improved yields , as it has in the past three decades .
12 Actually , once the fund has footed a bill , it has in the past successfully pursued a polluter through the courts .
13 Pressure from the people , and from the French government , has in the past few weeks nudged some neighbouring West African dictatorships the same way .
14 The implication is that , to solve some kinds of problem , an animal must know that something is the case , and not merely that a given action or sequence of actions has in the past been reinforced .
15 Against the rest of the sector and the market , that looks a good deal less attractive than it has in the past .
16 Attention has in the past been drawn to Attali 's use of private planes and £280,000 outlay on office chairs , including over 100 white leather ones for the London top brass .
17 This is not just legal nicety — Highlander has in the past been the victim of terrorist attacks , a fact which had led to difficulty in enabling Highlander to obtain a satisfactory insurance cover on the property .
18 I think Brian Way has in the past misjudged Dorothy Heathcote 's work because he has seen it as intellectual .
19 Under LMS it is theoretically possible for primary schools to improve PTR by diverting money which has in the past been used for building maintenance and classroom materials to employing additional teachers .
20 To give a brief example , in Nepal population pressure has in the last decade or so brought about many intensifications of cropping patterns such as the introduction of wheat as a winter crop .
21 The success that a replicator has in the world will depend on what kind of a world it is — the pre-existing conditions .
22 It has often been pointed out , and in my view with justice , that the school curriculum has in the past been overwhelmingly in the power of the universities .
23 It has in the past been notorious that a pupil in an English school , having learned French for seven years , and having even passed at grade A at A level , may yet be unable to utter more than a few halting sentences , and be hardly able to follow a simple conversation with a native speaker .
24 Prior approval is not required ( except in SSSIs and National Parks in the UK , but then not from the Agriculture Department ) and in assessing schemes financially , MAFF has disregarded the fact that it has in the past contributed 50–70% of the scheme 's cost and that a high proportion of the profit to be earned is public money in the form of HLCAs .
25 The citation mentions that the trust and respect that SPECS has in the industrial and academic communities in which it acts as intermediary in the supply of new and unusual chemicals .
26 Although love between human beings has in the first place a physical basis , in that two people are physically attracted to each other , ultimately it is not physical but mental .
27 It is predicted that such developments will gain common ground in the elaboration of the GUI concept as it has in the computer-aided design world , but will quickly diversify in terms of the actual products which emerge .
28 In science , for example , the earth science component ( attainment targets 9 and 16 , with aspects of attainment targets 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 ) includes much that has in the past been described as geography , while the materials component ( ATs 6–8 ) includes a great deal that has conventionally been regarded as technology .
29 It allowed and encouraged the possibility of longer-term co-operation with business and property development , which has in the past proved more difficult to achieve with locally elected councils , through which other interests may achieve higher levels of representation .
30 It consists of a fortuitous , almost accidental , alliance between a particular fraction of development capital and New Right political reformers , not always particularly clearly articulated , which has in the last few years managed to don the cloak of inner city concern .
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