Example sentences of "have be through " in BNC.

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1 Where interiors have survived , it has been through benign neglect .
2 She has been through a marriage , a divorce , and a serious love affair ; learnt Russian , written regularly for a local paper and taught a young child disabled by a stroke to read again .
3 He talks about his ileostomy ( a permanent colostomy ) with the lack of embarrassment that only someone who has been through it can .
4 The car has been through several variations of engine size , but now like an ageing but still beautiful dowager , repeated facelifts can no longer wholly hide the ravages of time and progress . ’
5 But Mr Bond has been through it all before .
6 He was aware that a captain with a record such as his has a big advantage , since any troops will respond better to a leader they know has been through the fire himself , and so he knew just what he could ask of his bowlers .
7 The United Kingdom has been through 13 years in which unemployment has more than doubled , irreplaceable assets have been wasted , markets at home and abroad have been lost , manufacturing investment has fallen , poverty has increased , the crime rate has rocketed , and talents have been neglected .
8 Pat in EastEnders and Bet in Coronation Street who were both , I think , wonderful before they got married have really become very boring now that they 've got husbands , and Rita , of course , has been through the terrible chastening and disempowering experience of a ‘ film noir ’ femme fatale .
9 ‘ I am convinced that much of the success achieved by the Arsenal has been through the team quickly sensing a weakness in the opposition , ’ Chapman commented .
10 A second focus for integration has been through the design of materials based on one subject discipline but specifically planned to feed across the curriculum .
11 The Liberal Democratic Party has been through many name changes since the 1987 election .
12 This is an agricultural area still , as it has been through the centuries , and most of the residents are employed in the district , with some commuting to Hull , the nearest city .
13 Mr Whinnett said : ‘ I am not a psychiatrist , but if someone has been through a traumatic experience I have to consider that it could happen .
14 He added : ‘ If anyone has been through a traumatic experience , it takes a long time to unwind .
15 Some complete buildings are advertised in the financial press although for most investors who can not afford to purchase an entire building the way to participate has been through enterprise zone property unit trusts .
16 An important way to the heart of the client 's business has been through technology : computers and data networks .
17 Unlike North America the involvement of government in economic life has been through the increased regulation of the private sector ; in the U K it has resulted in the public ownership of the industries or utilities concerned .
18 She has been through it all with such tremendous courage and coolness . ’
19 ‘ She has been through an awful lot , ’ says Ann .
20 Until now , the only speaking Barbara has managed to do has been through the mouth of her dog Millie by way of a book written in the pet 's name .
21 He has been through it , seen it and done it all before . ’
22 A spokeswoman there said last night : ‘ She has been through a terrible ordeal .
23 ‘ I was disappointed at what happened , but I 'm not the only one who has been through something like that .
24 She is the same wholehearted trouper she has been through war and peace for three generations .
25 We 're hoping — Andy has been through hell
26 Larry has been through it all .
27 Another means of keeping contemporary teachers better informed and less parochial in outlook has been through a range of central and local government books and reports .
28 Rather hoary for a start-up , Mentalix has been through a couple of iterations beginning as a consultant and going on to develop scanner interfaces for the old Apollo workstation .
29 While Data General Corp made a net loss of $63 million for fiscal 1992 , the company maintains that it has been through the worst in its transition from proprietary to open systems , and is now seeing considerable growth in demand for its high-end multiprocessor AViiON servers .
30 In November , he warned that if the likes of IBM and DEC did n't implement drastic measures they 'd go through ‘ Holy Heck ’ — DG has been through that and if the company is confident about one thing , it is that the worst is over .
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