Example sentences of "have [to-vb] an " in BNC.

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1 She only has to wear an outfit once for it to become an instant fashion trend .
2 She has to wear an artificial arm and mask to protect the skin on her face .
3 This contrasts oddly with the MMC procedure in the case of a merger , where the MMC has to conduct an open inquiry .
4 The researcher has to remain an objective and outside recorder of events at the same time as being closely involved with the people and events that are being studied .
5 This is a development of flash cards which works the visual memory even harder , because the pupil has to carry an image of strings of words .
6 Under The National Investment Programme for Schools and Colleges , each school has to invest an imaginary £10,000 — left to them by an ex-pupil .
7 On top of this BR now has to find an extra £100m a year to pay for an unnecessarily large safety programme , one result of the Clapham rail crash .
8 With Alan Kernaghan suspended , and newcomer Jon Gittens not eligible , Lawrence has to find an answer to the centre half problem .
9 Is this really censorship or just part of the normal dialogue between author and publisher , who has to find an audience for the book .
10 The blindfolded man has to preempt an attack as soon as he feels it coming by blocking and striking lightly in the direction that he senses it is coming from .
11 It has to provide an appropriate milieu for the sex act , to act as a channel for the menstrual flow , which is the shedding of the unused lining of the uterus when conception and implantation of the fertilized ovum has not taken place , and also furnish the route by which the baby exits .
12 Having said this , Smith , being a Marxist , has to provide an alternative and more sophisticated account of why military expenditure remains high even if it is dysfunctional for capitalism For Smith , military expenditure is yet one more example of the contradictions of capitalism — it is both functional and dysfunctional .
13 A manager has to create an environment in which a new act can get on with their music as free as possible of worry about business .
14 It is as if she has to create an impervious beauty , a mask to conceal the painfully damaged body beneath the clothes , just as her lips are always closed in these photographs to conceal her decayed teeth .
15 Dead empires have bred leaping ambition ; international politics has developed into a struggle between competing ethnic groups ; the United Nations has to pick an impossible path between respect for sovereignty and respect for nationalism .
16 Like the ornithologist who has to reach an impossibly remote island by a certain day in the rainy season only to find it overflowing with ornithologists from all over the world choking the woodland tracks with cameras and tripods , trying to catch a fleeting glimpse of a small bird as it hops about in the dripping undergrowth .
17 Anyone who ‘ uses ’ copyright music has to buy an annual licence from the PRS These ‘ music users ’ include everyone from radio and television stations , clubs , pubs , restaurants , shops , concert halls , dance halls and any other place where there is either live or recorded music audible to the public .
18 It has to privatise an entire industry and can not run the risk of the City picking up only the most attractive pieces .
19 If the plaintiff 's solicitor has to swear an affidavit of service he must specifically state that first class post was used , otherwise the court will presume it was second class post .
20 For instance , we will invest £30 million to ensure that within 12 months , no child has to use an outside lavatory .
21 If a government in the Third World wants to meet the energy needs of its people without destroying the environment or creating human misery , it has to adopt an integrated national policy on energy for cooking .
22 She is terrified of flying … so much so that often she has to fight an inner turmoil even to step on the plane .
23 He has to keep an eye on his own kind as well as anybody else .
24 Hot on Rigby 's heels is Little Budworth 's Mike Barber who in turn has to keep an eye on Dingle 's Tony Collins , just a few points behind .
25 … admittance to Britain or deportation ; cases where the Home Secretary has to consider an appeal in which wrongful conviction is alleged , or appeals to him from police officers , or prison officers , against disciplinary decisions ; and prisoners ' petitions to the Home Secretary .
26 Considerations of finance are important in relation to that , because I do not believe that British Rail has to build an underground station in order to achieve its purpose .
27 Walls and other vertical surfaces should be jetted from above , impact point downwards if possible , even if the operator has to seek an elevated position .
28 A church has to have an intangible atmosphere , a kind of presence which you are aware of . ’
29 The all-rounder , who hurt his shoulder during Pakistan 's World Cup campaign , said he will not tour England if he has to have an operation .
30 Even a small council such as a parish council has to have an officer responsible for the administration of its financial affairs although this duty may well fall upon the clerk .
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