Example sentences of "have [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 It may happen that the optimal tableau of LPk for some k has for all in a row i containing a structural variable x r and is not integral .
2 He enjoys it all with equal enthusiasm , and when I visited him in a small hut on Denham airfield where he was instructing ab initio pilots in Cessna 172s I detected the same dedication , pride and affection he has for all his aviation exploits .
3 Erm we have always out any er leaflet erm clearly so that people to put their names on the register erm that is a statutory responsibility erm the expenditure in excess of what we had er done in the past is actually going to be a very very small amount of one officer 's time in redesigning the leaflet erm otherwise the expenditure will remain as it , as it always has for all intents and purposes and I think that answers your question if clearly you have problems about getting people on the electoral register that means there 's something about your own electoral .
4 Mr Watkins has after all signed and presented the NES .
5 ‘ But is n't it the case , ’ I ask him , ‘ that while people are piling into the cinemas to see the worst exports of Hollywood , they are also piling in to see our own films , such as Alan Parker 's The Commitments , which has after all just won the Bafta award for best film . ’
6 It has after all become a commonplace that the creative imagination of the philosopher , mathematician or scientist is not much different from that of a prophet or poet ; what distinguishes him is how he treats his findings in retrospect .
7 The bit about is OK but should the Lukic figure read — 1.5 million , he has after all scored more goals for the opposition than for us .
8 The purpose of this interview will be to assess the elderly person 's financial needs , the income she has from all sources , and her capital ( if any ) , and to establish whether she is entitled to receive a supplementary pension or allowance .
9 With quite minor additions and subtractions the actual wood substance has in all cases about the same chemical constitution and about the same density of ninety pounds per cubic foot ( that is , much the same as sugar — say 1.5 ) .
10 In a few minutes , Gordon Brown , the Shadow Chancellor , offered more substance than Chancellor Lamont has in all his months at No 11 Downing Street .
11 The conclusion from this comparison of the draft Bill and the Act is that Parliament has in all material respects adopted the committee 's approach and has thereby indorsed the committee 's point of view .
12 The eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son , etc. , will have considerable wealth , whereas the second born has in all families .
13 Despite that record , it is , of course , the case that unemployment has risen in this recession , as it has in all other recessions .
14 The International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine says that its target of 90 per cent reduction of waste from industry and water treatment plants has to all intents and purposes been met .
15 Furthermore , while linguistics has certainly been useful to the study of rhythm as it has to all aspects of poetry , there has been an unfortunate tendency to suppose that the language of verse is itself rhythmic .
16 The advantage the pure watercolour has over all other media is that it depends greatly on the light passing through the colour being reflected back from the white paper .
17 And the easiest way to ensure that — a readiness to criticise the Government at each and every turn — is the one temptation he has at all costs to resist .
18 It 's also knowing and being interested in the history of things , which I do n't think Maggie has at all .
19 It has at all times been an act of faith and a declaration of belief , the faith and the belief that a society and a nation will fare best , in this world and the next , where the most promising of its youth are withdrawn at a critical period of their development to spend several years in close and intimate proximity with one another and with those whose talent and delight is the pursuit of knowledge of all kinds for its own sake and the communication of that talent and delight to their successors .
20 Durability has at all times been a main attribute of the materials held in highest regard and it is precisely the most durable things that have most chance of surviving .
21 Yet the transmission of precious substances in the form of jewellery or other objects of display has at all times and most notably during the last five millennia served the same purpose the world over , that of signalling and enhancing status .
22 Title to the property is and has at all material times been registered at H.M.
23 Upjohn has at all times contended that Halcion is safe and effective and that any errors in the presentation of its material to the Licensing Authority were unintended , and it is suing the BBC for libel .
24 HP has by all accounts spearheaded the firm 's move into the Unix world , according to Mike Maunder , general manager of CA 's mid-range products , ’ HP is the powering force behind our move into Unix ’ .
25 As a resort it has changed though , having passed out of the possession of the royals and their followers and into that principally of the world 's surfers , who come to this coast for technical reasons , because it has by all accounts the best waves in Europe on which to perch for the ride into town .
26 Expos 'd to all the pinching Rigour
27 ‘ I 've had about all I can take for one day . ’
28 A good time was being had by all .
29 The Christmas goose was well and truly cooked and a good time was had by all .
30 Station dances were always well attended and a good time was had by all .
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