Example sentences of "have [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The previous discussion has emphasized that black workers were recruited for particular types of jobs in specific sectors of the British economy .
2 A Schools Council report ( 1970 ) has emphasized that the problem is not that this sort of pupil leaves school at the earliest opportunity but that as far as school learning goes they ‘ leave ’ at the age of about 12 .
3 Gloucester 's reaction to this arrangement is unknown , but Lancashire was the one area of the north where Edward failed to endorse his power and the duke may well have resented his exclusion ; recent work has emphasized that he never entirely abandoned claims to grants which he had once held .
4 Recent work in the philosophy and sociology of science has emphasized that experimental results are rarely adequate for making a definitive choice between competing theories .
5 Recent reconnaissance has emphasized that this source was not merely remote from the centres which it served , but that it could be operated only under conditions of some rigour .
6 Whatever the nature of price adjustment costs , one important development in establishing the micro-foundations of Keynesian wage or price rigidity has emphasized that these costs need not be substantial to lead to rigidities which can have important macroeconomic consequences .
7 Gloucester 's reaction to this arrangement is unknown , but Lancashire was the one area of the north where Edward failed to endorse his power and the duke may well have resented his exclusion ; recent work has emphasized that he never entirely abandoned claims to grants which he had once held .
8 My vet has diagnosed that he suffers from an allergic syndrome , which could either be a contact allergy or photosensitivity .
9 Everyone involved has to realize that the tasks are not relearned in an automatic sequence : the fact that the patient may be able to put on his sweater one day does not necessarily mean that he is immediately able to progress to putting on his trousers — indeed , he may have forgotten how to cope with the sweater the following day .
10 Yet the counsellor of older people has to realize that the blocks may not necessarily be those current in modern attitudes and beliefs .
11 While the magnificence of the result could justify the fact that The Red Shoes cost twice as much as The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp , there were many cases where the extravagance worked against the final result , and Michael Powell has recalled that he became ‘ impatient at the complacency of my associates about the mounting costs of our films . ’
12 Reisz has recalled that when he broke ranks and made a melodrama , Night Must Fall ( 1964 ) , he was accused of selling out and going commercial .
13 His collected poems were edited in 1945 by Michael Meyer , who has recalled that , although Sidney Keyes was inclined to be taciturn in a large gathering or among strangers , to his friends he was witty and delightful company .
14 However , over the past five years , a new industry has developed that makes and markets machines whose purpose and promise is that they can outthink humans in an arena traditionally thought to demand reasoning of the highest sort .
15 At the same time , much good practice has developed that needs better dissemination and application .
16 The party leadership in Scotland has dismissed that on the grounds that those MPs who are associated with Scotland United represent constituencies where action against the carrying of knives would have the greatest effect .
17 H I mean I 'm really talking about the high number of post sixteen special needs people Gail has , has to see that I mean they probably exist in other
18 When an owner of property against whom an order has been made under the Act comes into this court and complains that there has been some irregularity in the proceedings , and that he is not liable to have his property taken away , it is right , I think , that his case should be entertained sympathetically and that a statute under which he is being deprived of his rights to property should be construed strictly against the local authority and favourably towards the interest of the applicant , in as much as he for the benefit of the community is undoubtedly suffering a substantial loss , which in my view must not be inflicted upon him unless it is quite clear that Parliament has intended that it shall .
19 Federman has recognized that this is a staple feature of his works .
20 The Department of Energy has recognized that its current termination date for subsidizing such projects , 1998 , is too tight and that many projects will be unable to raise the necessary finance beyond that date and might have to be abandoned .
21 Mr Williamson has recognized that the adaptation of existing buildings would be allowed .
22 Indeed , he has commented that the only sensation that he recalls from his youth ( which did not evaporate on his coming of age ) was one of persistent desire .
23 Fletcher ( op. cit. ) has commented that during all the years when Bennett was studying the Scottish flora and publishing records , he did not once visit Scotland .
24 Galloway has commented that ‘ teachers and magistrates who see legal sanctions as the solution to the problem of poor attendance might be more happily occupied in search of the Holy Grail ’ .
25 Silvio Bedini has commented that ‘ although the invention of the candle timepiece has been traditionally ascribed to Alfred the Great of England , it obviously had an earlier history in the Orient ’ .
26 Andrade has commented that , ‘ virtually every physical and chemical characteristic of materials has been suggested as being important in blood coagulation and thrombosis ’ .
27 By concession , rental income from surplus business accommodation is taxed under Sch D , Case I rather than Sch A. The Inland Revenue has commented that it normally accepts that current account and trade interest qualify for relief under s 393(8) , ICTA 1988 , as , under certain circumstances , will interest from the temporary lodgement of part of the current working capital in a bank deposit account .
28 Speake has commented that : ‘ Patronage to support and pay a goldsmith or craftsman who utilised such expensive materials as gold , silver and garnet , could only be given by the ‘ top people ’ in Anglo-Saxon society' ( 1980 , p. 39 ) .
29 Alan Callandine , the Midland Railway Trust 's Development Officer , has commented that this is a great opportunity to ride behind this wonderful locomotive which is normally only seen hauling main steam charters .
30 One chairman has commented that tribunals operate a sliding scale of formality .
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