Example sentences of "have [be] great " in BNC.

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1 I know the strain has been great because operating as you do entails the most constant vigilance and cunning which no other troops are called upon to display . ’
2 The overall effect on administrators and senior figures generally , as far as concerns their reading habits and the amount they read , has been great .
3 Nick was so thrilled with my caddying that he told everyone on television in an interview that ‘ Andy Prodger has been great .
4 Since that time I think that there has been great progress towards reconciliation and this has largely flowed from common sense and from a better understanding of the facts .
5 After a year of following the Hip and Thigh Diet combined with a sensible exercise programme , which I hasten to add has been great fun , I have managed to reduce my body weight by almost a third and in the process become fit and healthy .
6 The Church here has been great .
7 There has been great progress in recent years in this quest , but its attainment is still thought to be decades away and the cost effectiveness of this research is being increasingly questioned .
8 It would be foolish to deny that there has been great suspicion that when we talk about freedoms and flexibilities what we are actually talking about is worsening existing terms and conditions .
9 Anyway , to be on the safe side I have not touched a drop since , but God knows the temptation has been great .
10 Since 1976 there has been great erosion of respect for local government .
11 There has been great agitation about the fate of professional footballers a cause close to the heart of my Hon. Friend the Member for Cunninghame , North , and indeed of great interest to all of us who are football fans .
12 However , despite a varied programme there has been great difficulty in gathering support for the other functions and indeed the last one had to be cancelled .
13 In particular , there has been great interest in the practical commercial use of artificial intelligence , with many companies and even governments becoming involved .
14 Within this , there has been great emphasis on attaining detailed ( often numerical ) standards .
15 He says some overseas players are disasters but Courtney has been great for Gloucestershire .
16 ‘ The college has been great offering to find a school for the children , and after school I will be encouraging them to join in the dance and fitness classes for children at the college . ’
17 So I told them what I would do , but once again I 've never been in the situation but this is what I 'll do , said as if they were me own parents make them as comfortable as I could while I 'll cleaned up and give them a bed bath or if they could shower , shower them and erm and get everything back to normal as quick as possible , fine , that were all fine she , and then as , as I got up from it they all said thanks a lot Joy it has been great you really have been great you 've made it easy , we 've got an easy day in front thanks to you , you know you 're bubbly and all this and then when she phoned me on the Sunday she said hello Joy it 's Sue here and I , I said will you let me know one way or the another cos I said I hate being left up in the air
18 When Ma had come home from London with her there 'd been great excitement , and Edward and his brother Billy had looked at the mite as if she were a fairy found among the budding snowdrops .
19 Most often the support band are terrible , but they could have been great and they could have been you .
20 The spending may have been great but it was not being devoted to thousands upon thousands of undeserving and feckless claimants .
21 The 1966 inquiry plodded its way through an incredible number of excuses as to why Blake had not also been transferred and concluded that if Blake had been moved , and the child murderer left at Wormwood Scrubs had then escaped ( rather than Blake ) , there would have been great public criticism .
22 The interval between her leaving Edgcote and meeting Freemantle can not have been great , a matter of months at most , unless Leapor 's depression was vastly disproportionate to the space in which she describes it .
23 His talents may not have been great but his importance lies in his using them all to express in painting his romantic vision .
24 Failure to do so would have put at risk all future Kindertransporte and , though in the last weeks of the peace the temptation to stay on in Britain must have been great , the escorts always did their best to get back .
25 At the Tribute and subsequently in Seville , it must have been great to be surrounded by so many people who openly acknowledge Queen as a huge influence .
26 The rental of such an office could not have been great , but it was little things which often had a quite disproportionate impact upon burgh councillors , for such a move would give tangible proof that the party which could arrange it had the ear of government and could thus effect other , and perhaps more far-reaching , changes .
27 Both the Marxist and the Eliasian approaches , on the other hand , although implying that there may have been great changes in sexual behaviour , fall short of actually saying so .
28 The client expresses and believes in different , more rational interpretations — ‘ There is no rule which says somebody must love someone else , it would have been great if she 'd turned up but there are other girls I could ask out .
29 So maybe we would have been great to have the skills before I did it , and that 's why I am on the course this Erm , the only thing that I can think of that 's erm , something that I do believe and I am committed to getting changed , is er , a system in our offices , in one of our departments , but I do have erm , authority over the people that I would be talking to , so , I know at the end of the day , I could just say , do it , but I 'm trying to get them to believe in changing erm , and just sort of certain benefits of it .
30 ‘ You 'd have been great in silent movies ’ .
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