Example sentences of "have [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 A heavy bait , therefore , has to be tackled from a shorter range than does a light one ; a comparatively clean bait — a worm for instance , lying on sand or gravel — has only to be ‘ vacuumed ’ a few times , if at all , before the bream swallows it .
32 In my judgment , the question has only to be put for the answer to be apparent .
33 That assessment has only to be read to indicart to indicate what it fortended for future success in her chosen career .
34 Whatever lingering nostalgia he might have felt , Delves chose to look ahead , to concentrate on the new business opportunities that Mr Akayev is keen to encourage in his ‘ little Switzerland ’ , most of which has only in recent months been opened up to foreigners .
35 The lack of communication to others has only in part been due to our own ineptness at salesmanship ; it more likely lies in a fairly deeply embedded resistance to drama being anything other than a community art — not just a performing art , a community art .
36 [ Honeymoon , by the way , just in case you ca n't cut the etymological mustard , has only in recent times come to denote a nuptial holiday involving the purchase of duty-free goods and the taking of too many colour prints of exactly the same scene .
37 In fact , school is an institution which has little meaning for ‘ the lads ’ : it has merely to be ‘ got through ’ as enjoyably as possible — by ‘ having a laff ’ and rehearsing the loyalties and possibilities for defiance and resistance which will be carried over into work .
38 On a first reading it seems puzzling that the ‘ Poorer Growth ’ camps should be those of five or six of our best camp managers whose experience of diet is exceptional , and that the ‘ Good Growth ’ camps should include two Managers whose catering has constantly to be reviewed as not up to our standard .
39 Many passsages in the Jewish scriptures refer to the way in which religious observance itself can become an enormous obstacle and has constantly to be overcome .
40 This joins the Harley she already has along with her Kawasaki !
41 But he has also discovered that the Gorbachev magic has not worked in Romania as it has elsewhere in Eastern Europe .
42 But as they gently mock the truth of their attachment they relapse into prose , which in their mouths lacks many of the anti-romantic , realistic , mocking connotations it has elsewhere in Shakespeare .
43 Now a man may marry his stepmother or stepdaughter , or a woman her stepfather or stepson , provided that the younger person is aged at least 21 and has not at any time before reaching the age of 18 lived as a child of the family of the older person .
44 This record though , has not at all reduced the importance of output and employment in small units of production .
45 ‘ Where a mercantile agent is , with the consent of the owner , in possession of goods or of the documents of title to goods , any sale , pledge or other disposition of the goods , made by him when acting in the ordinary course of business of a mercantile agent , shall , subject to the provisions of this Act be as valid as if he were expressly authorised by the owner of the goods to make the same ; provided that the person taking under the disposition takes in good faith , and has not at the time of the disposition notice that the person making the disposition has not authority to make the same . ’
46 China 's initial response was that the speech could not be considered as a basis for talks " because it has not at all relinquished the concept of the independence of Tibet " , but on Sept. 23 disclosed an offer to hold direct negotiations to which the Dalai Lama responded positively .
47 Williams , Textbook of Criminal Law , 2nd edn , Stevens & Sons , 1983 , 764 , criticised Pitham : if a butler invites the maid to join him in stealing the Duke 's silver when he has found the key to the safe , surely he has not at that time appropriated the silver .
48 Th the the other thing erm reference that this other manager has not at no occa on no occasion has that car been used for company use .
49 The government has not at this stage , legislated in this area , but I understand in their next White Paper , they probably will take away the ceiling that presently exists , so that a rich offender could pay a lot more for his fine than er a person of average means .
50 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
51 The Conservative government has not of course been passive in the process of restructuring the social bases of electoral choice .
52 That has now decided that it will have one meeting of it 's council a year which will be it 's A G M , it has not for the moment elected an executive committee .
53 We are fortunate in that the rabbit population has not to date found us , although in 1983 we had to provide rabbit guards to comply with grant conditions , which were hideous white twists of plastic .
54 The stopped chamfer template has not to my knowledge been marketed , readers who want one will just have to make their own .
55 It is quite possible clearly that that number could be reduced , during the consultation process on the on the local plan , I think that 's an important point because of the issue of windfall that was mentioned by Mr Davis , and was raised yesterday , reference to historic trends in the city of York do show that erm we have exceeded structure plan targets by substantial amounts , I think the figure is is forty percent or or more , er the County Council could confirm that , slightly difficult calculation to do because I 'm sure you 'll be aware that to our eternal shame , the City Council has not to date adopted a formal local plan , with reference erm to your question on day one er as to whether or not we might calculate contribution of windfalls in the past , we have looked at the nineteen eighty seven residential land availability er study , which was agreed with the house builders , adjacent districts , and of course the County , and in the five year period of that study , by comparison with the sites that we agreed in the study , an additional four hundred and thirty dwellings came forward and were completed on sites that had not been identified in the study , now I 'd I would say very clearly that that level of windfalls erm would not continue in the future and it could not be a reliable basis for erm looking at windfall contributions in the city in the future , clearly the supply of development land in the city is a is a finite resource , er given given the constraints that are current holding , and although some additional windfalls to the two hundred I 'd suggested in my H One may come forward , on the other hand I suspect some of the sites suggested in the draft local plan could fall out of the equation .
56 The profession has not to date , unlike the world of venture capital , perceived any practical advantages to be obtained from their use .
57 While persecution varies in intensity from country to country and over time within one country , I can think of no Marxist-Leninist government which has not as a matter of official policy harassed , discriminated against and persecuted religious minorities .
58 Last month , after checking with the experts in Moscow , we felt compelled to publish the disappointing news that Ivan the Terrible 's library has not after all been found , whatever Pravda and The Times might say .
59 A few are wondering whether to go at all , whether the festive season has not after all been too tiring , whether a night in slippers in front of the television with a bowl of soup might not be a wiser choice than the doubtful prospect of a crowded room .
60 It is unnecessary as regards persons whom the husband has not by his previous conduct induced to look to him for payment ; it is ineffectual as regards those who do not happen to see the advertisement .
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