Example sentences of "have [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is going to take time , ’ he said , adding that he does not yet have plans for IBM — he has to first learn the company by meeting executives , managers and employees .
2 ‘ This is going to take time , ’ he said , adding that he does not yet have plans for IBM — he has to first learn the company by meeting executives , managers and employees .
3 The Admiral , whose office dates from the end of the thirteenth century , has at first no jurisdiction apart from the discipline of the fleet , but in the course of the fourteenth century we find him assuming a jurisdiction to punish crimes , such as piracy , committed at sea , as well as a civil jurisdiction over shipping and commercial matters .
4 He 'd at first said , ‘ wild flowers ’ , but I reminded him of what had happened at Caroline 's wedding .
5 Usually , the hard currency exchanged by foreign investors to pay wages , salaries and utility and other costs , has a significance in Second and Third World countries that it does not have in First World countries .
6 They lowered blood pressure in patients with hypertension , prevented irregularities of the heartbeat which might be caused by adrenaline , reduced mortality after coronary thrombosis , and , perhaps most importantly of all , they revealed the complexity of the factors which control cardiac activity in man , and the difficulties of predicting the effects drugs will have without first carrying out extensive and detailed experiments , both in the laboratory and in the clinic .
7 For making up you will have to first paste the motif on to ‘ A ’ , as before , then cut in ‘ C ’ .
8 I said , we 'll have to first time and yet it 's all he wants and he was gon na take a day 's pay off .
9 8 A coin collector has C coins and is given a further 20 coins.If he now has 2,352 coins altogether , how many did he have at first ?
10 On the English side Hugh Calveley , having at first sold his services in Spain to du Guesclin , changed sides and served the Black Prince there in 1367 ; later he was to join John of Gaunt , and he even worked for Richard II in France .
11 Having at first pictured João as tall , dark and handsome , she had by now convinced herself that he was unlikely to be any taller than herself , and probably plump and talkative .
12 I may indeed remind my friend of a thought I had by referring to it as the one I had on first wakening in Venice .
13 It had to first of all survive which is why it went on the long march was n't it ?
14 They had to first of all get a base from which to achieve , unfortunately of course gaining the power and the growth of the power no doubt the ideals were corrupted and it became what you are su suggesting it did , it no longer represented the people .
15 Though before they could reach the restaurant they had to first go down some concrete steps , and then up several flights more .
16 It seems that David had at first great difficulty in making his way with the public , and was several times unsuccessful in his efforts after fame .
17 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , it has taken me longer than I had at first anticipated to work my way through the manuscript you .
18 Its presence had at first been derided by the national brewers but its campaigning zeal attracted continual media attention and many independent brewers had been encouraged to return to cask beer production with enthusiasm .
19 In this way a mostly desperate body of art , which had at first shocked the American public , was transformed by speeches , articles and the context in which it was displayed , into an ideological weapon for the defence of Individualism and the right to express oneself .
20 The ‘ Singing Budgie ’ and ‘ We Hate Kylie ’ campaign had at first seemed impotent against the simple , unquenchable ambition of Kylie .
21 He had at first intended to drive straight to Jack 's house in Chelsea .
22 Within days it was obvious that the extent of the dissolution was every bit as great as I had at first suspected .
23 Herbert had at first been reluctant to believe that it was better for John to study dance in Cape Town than to return to high school in Johannesburg .
24 The railways undercut his price and he was forced to find many more passengers than he had at first calculated .
25 A working compromise was reached only after Barbarossa agreed to hold the Pope 's bridle and stirrup at a formal meeting ; an act of ritual homage which he had at first refused .
26 The two other officers were staring at me with a curiosity which I had at first thought similar to the curiosity I had found among the soldiers .
27 In the event , wiser counsels prevailed ; the proposals that had emerged by the summer of 1989 from the subject working parties and the National Curriculum Council were far from being the national syllabuses that had at first seemed likely .
28 The very scenery which had at first terrified people as recorded by Gilpin and others was steadily becoming attractive to visitors .
29 Or was the fact of their friendship with Gideon just an unwelcome coincidence , as I had at first supposed .
30 The societies , which had at first been purely local became national , with branches throughout Britain .
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