Example sentences of "a [adj] ' " in BNC.

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1 I felt I had stepped back into a thirties ' film and that in the morning , when we went down into the bar for café au lait , Arletty and Jean Gabin would be leaning on the zinc counter .
2 Vibrations of a 2 ' and a 1 " symmetry are inactive in both IR and Raman spectra .
3 The only IR bands without Raman counterparts should be due to a 2 ' modes .
4 Some authors order the symmetry species a 1 ' , a 2 ' , e' , a 1 ' , a 2 " , e " , regarding the '/ " distinction as most important .
5 Others treat the symmetry with respect to the 3-fold axis as more important , ordering the species as a 1 ' , a 1 " , a 2 ' , a 2 " , e' , e " .
7 Out of all possible motions of the six atoms , there are therefore two of a 1 ' symmetry .
8 Only a 1 ' , e' and e " vibrations will be Raman active , so we expect six fundamental bands in the Raman spectrum , only three of which ( due to the three e' vibrations ) should coincide in frequency with IR bands .
9 That leaves us with modes of a 1 ' and e " symmetry , which are forbidden in the IR but active in the Raman .
10 We can now complete the assignment for PF 5 , by distinguishing between the a 1 ' and e " modes .
11 The two a 1 ' modes will be polarized .
12 Some authors order the symmetry species a 1 ' , a 2 ' , e' , a 1 ' , a 2 " , e " , regarding the '/ " distinction as most important .
13 Some authors order the symmetry species a 1 ' , a 2 ' , e' , a 1 ' , a 2 " , e " , regarding the '/ " distinction as most important .
14 Others treat the symmetry with respect to the 3-fold axis as more important , ordering the species as a 1 ' , a 1 " , a 2 ' , a 2 " , e' , e " .
15 This clearly results in a different numbering of all modes except those of symmetry species a 1 ' and e " .
16 IV ) are all symmetry-related , giving a 1 ' , b 2 ' and e' stretching modes , only one of which one ( e' ) is IR-active and all three are Raman active .
17 The tiled hearth of a 1930s ' surround was made in a single unit , and simply laid on the structural hearth .
18 Just as her childhood amusements could have originated from the pages of a 1930s ' children 's book , so Diana 's upbringing reflected the values of a bygone age .
19 Towels are kept warm on a 1930s ' heated rail which was rescued from a hotel in Manchester , and Sally stores her cosmetics in an elegant Regency mirror-on-stand .
20 Like a sixties ' hippie , Preston thought irreverently , halfway to getting stoned .
21 Many new towns on the fringe of the affluent south-east are so heavily populated by young married couples that they simply do not cater for retired people in any of their social activities ; similarly , you may be pushed to find an under-30s ' club in a retirement village on the south coast .
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