Example sentences of "of these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The men guilty of these outrages did not even have the excuse of their European counterparts , who could sometimes claim that wartime bombing had flattened the great stations which they were replacing .
2 Let us see if Labour Members have an answer to one of these pledges .
3 The paradox is that restorers are now making as much fuss of these ephemera as one would expect of older and more permanent works .
4 He was beginning to wish he 'd built another K9 to get him out of these spots .
5 Shorn of these surroundings the furnishings would be just another museum collection .
6 Slightly embarrassed by the formality of these surroundings , they would relax in the pub , to which they always retired when the official business had been completed .
7 The amount of these entitlements has been actuarially assessed and is fully funded by assets held independently of the Group .
8 Slaughter 's description of this as ‘ whimsical ’ is about as far as her detached sense of scholarship allows her to go in appraising some of these eccentricities .
9 The biggest of these eccentricities are the baths , splendid six-foot Edwardian ones with their original brass taps and plug holes .
10 Computer simulated graphics of these species show electron density delocalised across three centres .
11 While the male of one of these species constructs the nest alone ( as in other weavers ) , in others the female also involves herself in this activity and in two cases receives the active assistance of additional apparently adult birds .
12 Some of these species feed far offshore , necessitating very long foraging trips ( up to 300 m ) .
13 Recent field studies of the extant great apes by Wrangham , MacKinnon , and Dian Fossey allow us to formulate new models of the relations between social organization and ecology of these species and to present them in terms of the reproductive and social strategies of individuals .
14 This is a rather variable type of vegetation and is characterised by constant Molinia caerulea , Scirpus cespitosus , Erica tetralix , Potentilla erecta and Calluna vulgaris , but any one or even two of these species might be missing .
15 In some of these species one valve is greatly thickened .
16 None of these species may feel entirely ‘ at home ’ in the new place — but together , they may make an impressive species list .
17 It is beyond chance that all of these species also happen to be animals ; plants , perhaps inhabiting the same regions as these animals , have disappeared without even the briefest of epitaphs .
18 Most of these species of wrasse are commonly seen by divers in shallow coastal waters .
19 For many of these species it is possible to keep them indoors in conditions which are very much better than the average conditions that are used now .
20 With a few exceptions , insectivores are much less commonly represented in pellet assemblages , and lagomorphs even less so , and it has proved impossible to obtain large enough samples of these species to provide numerical data .
21 The mammalian predator assemblages mostly show a similar pattern of excess of incisors and deficit of molars , indicating for all of these species some loss of jaws .
22 It can not be over-emphasised that the future of many of these species of Sussex birds is closely tied to the management of these levels .
23 With the voluntary banning of organo-chlorines most of these species have recovered , but great care in the use of pesticides is necessary to prevent a repetition of these events .
24 The perithecia of these species have long , often multicellular ‘ horns ’ that originate just below the openings of the perithecium .
25 None of these species is in good shape , and North American conservationists fear that acceptance of the proposals could mean a dramatic increase in the numbers taken by hunters and trappers .
26 Many of these species also occur in gardens and may , like the mints , survive from former gardens or be introduced with dumped garden refuse .
27 The data strongly imply a threeway divergence of these species not longer than 5.6 million years ago .
28 Every one of these species has evolved its own special way of finding food , but they fall into eleven basic categories .
29 In the acoustic sonar systems of these species , however , the mind first patterns the vocal organs to produce highly specific sound signals or patterns .
30 I am glad to report that A.agassizii is not one of these species — some years ago I had a male live for four years in hard alkaline water , and a lifespan of three years is quite normal .
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