Example sentences of "of what [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 God , I have to think of what to call these things .
2 Since the anthropological material forms an organic whole with the writings of Marx and Engels , and is important for everything they wrote , a somewhat arbitrary selection needs to be made of what to examine in detail .
3 Kermit 's vision and his sense of what to collect and which project to complete first were impeccable .
4 The back row were swifter to the loose ball , had a clearer idea of what to do with it when they got there , and their impressive half-backs were given every opportunity — which they eagerly took — to control the game .
5 The problem of what to do with the 55,000 Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong detention centres will figure prominently in the talks .
6 Another important component of the competence of neighbourhood police is knowing the answer to the conundrum of what to do when nothing cam be done .
7 By Richard Ehrlich LIKE MOST parents of young children , I regularly face the dilemma of what to do with leftovers .
8 But now there is the pressing problem of what to do with Mr Landor who seems incapable of acting for himself .
9 He added that there remained the unresolved problem of what to do ‘ when Scotland votes Labour but England votes Conservative . ’
10 The old soldier is best on home ground and there are some vivid illustrations of what to do with muggers ' testicles .
11 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
12 The removal of the ‘ problem ’ of what to do about aggravations is wonderful and gives complete freedom to use the range of remedies whatever reputation they may have for over-reacting or whatever rules may have evolved about not repeating .
13 Because no one had been sure of what to do , since there was no prescribed etiquette , the leading members of the Household had decided that a small , but ‘ Imperial ’ dinner-party was the answer .
14 It concerns some issue which may ultimately imply a choice of what to do about it .
15 But being aware of that guilt does not answer the question of what to do next .
16 No one has yet solved the problem of what to do with it — turning it into glass chips is the latest idea , but engineers have to wait between 30 and 50 years until the waste has cooled down sufficiently enough for the process to take place .
17 In the back rooms of Whitehall , where they worked on the knotty problem of what to do in a national emergency , there was a file on the likely effects of German air attacks on London .
18 After wading through the comprehensive 40 page manual you may have some idea of what to do as , yet again , it 's simulation time !
19 Along with the bruises , I was left with the problem of what to do in the Grand Final , and eventually came up with the idea of a prop stool which would collapse at the touch of a button and jump up again on its own .
20 Despite subsidised kindergarten facilities which would be the envy of most Western countries , the fact remains that school hours are invariably shorter than working hours and there is always the problem of what to do when the children are sick .
21 Beside her stood a pleasant-looking , round , grey-haired woman , unsure of what to do , hesitating about whether to hush the weeping figure or let her cry .
22 One of the properties of a context is a specification of what to do on a what-you-see save : the user might want to record some indication that the context was there .
23 If you have never had to think of it before , the prospect of what to do with several thousand pounds can seem a very daunting challenge .
24 That still leaves it with the human problem of what to do about its many customers , the sizeable backlog of orders they have created and the delays they face .
25 There remained the question of what to do with the king .
26 They may need reminding of what to do , so it may help to talk them through it .
27 There was hardly time to think carefully and logically of what to do .
28 He was certainly no coward , but he was likely to remain steady only as long as he could see his way clear and be sure of what to do .
29 They 'd probably be unconscious and they may of stopped breathing , okay , so you know , your priority changes as your time scale changes and you have to be aware of what to do and what is possible to do next okay ?
30 ‘ I ca n't wait to see shear waters again , ’ I said brightly to the Warden when he came to check that we understood about Calor gas , to remind us to boil the drinking water and to tell us the exact procedure of what to do if we fell down a cliff .
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