Example sentences of "of a [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 The increasing prominence of a cappella repertory in the choral institutions and the punctilious singing it requires , the marked prominence of younger singers with clearer , straighter voices ( principally men of pre-marital age , able to accept the low salaries offered to lay-clerks , albeit for brief periods only ) , the choirmasters ’ determination to raise standards by producing clearer textures in resonant buildings , the pervasive influence of boy trebles singing in high registers upon the whole choral sound these are factors that may all have their place in Taruskin 's stimulating argument but might also be regarded as vigorously independent of it .
2 Summary : The conference was funded by ESRC to discuss the results of the primary analysis of WIRS2 , some initial results of secondary analysis ( some of which was ESRC funded , but under separate grants ) , generally appraise WIRS2 as a resource for the academic community and , finally , discuss the possibility of a WIRS3 which subsequently took place in early 1990 , with a substantial contribution of funding from ESRC .
3 If you think there 's any chance of a re of a reply I would very certainly .
4 Liverpool dockers recently turned back parts of a 1,500-tonne consignment of Canadian PCBs ( polychlorinated biphenyls ) bound for this plant in Gwent .
5 It starts with private capital of around DM150,000 ( £53,500 ; $93,200 ) and further funds will have to be raised to reach the goal of a DM0.5 million ( £178,500 ; $310,700 ) annual budget .
6 It starts with private capital of around DM150,000 ( £53,500 ; $93,200 ) and further funds will have to be raised to reach the goal of a DM0.5 million ( £178,500 ; $310,700 ) annual budget for projects .
7 … a small wingy , leggy item runs across the screen of the VDU , interrupting my thoughts , which are dwelling on the possibilities of a 1,000-word essay on a woodlice-breeding camp .
8 The sudden purchase of a 2.8% stake by Lord Hanson , the archpredator , in May 1991 was the clearest possible signal that the company was in trouble , and vulnerable .
9 Kevin also runs a pop quiz with a prize of a Q96 tee-shirt for those who win .
10 Already there is talk of a Richards-for-vice-president movement in 1992 .
11 That is due mainly to the unique construction of the six-cylinder engine which , thanks to modern metallurgy , is cast as a sort of staggered , in-line six which allows the compact dimensions of a V6 with the unbeatable smoothness of a straight six .
12 Remaining models under the template are hit on the D6 score of a 4+ .
13 Remaining models under the template are hit at strength 3 on the D6 score of a 4+ .
14 Models whose bases lie under the rest of the template are hit on the D6 roll of a 4+ .
15 Remaining models under the template are hit on the D6 score of a 4+ .
16 If a spell is cast against the bearer or against the unit he is with , then the spell is dispelled on the D6 roll of a 4+ .
17 Jeu de Cartes , in particular , is nothing short of a tour de force or orchestral wizardry , superb engineering , and interpretative control .
18 By means of this simple model , Keynes was able to accommodate the marginal productivity theory of the demand for labour within his income-expenditure theory of employment , something of a tour de force .
19 The company 's figures imply that when you have burnt 99.9999 per cent of a 30,000-tonne annual throughput , a figure of 0.03 of a tonne remains .
20 He 's just taken delivery of a TA200S 200-watt stereo combo , as have Andy Summers , Seal , Greg Lake and Suzanne Vega .
21 24 Paid Drake £682 after taking advantage of a 2.5% discount for prompt payment .
22 Nevertheless , the activity of the promoter in the absence of a SV40 enhancer is sufficiently high to observe that activity is only increased two to three fold when the promoter is deleted from -300 to -190bp .
23 The foundation simply expressed its preference for a publisher , she says , with no talk of a quid pro quo .
24 Following assembly and electrophoresis of a ∼5-fold scaled-up binding reaction ( employing a 40–150 bp asymmetrically labelled DNA fragment ) under optimised conditions , the corresponding gel lane is separated from the rest of the matrix and transferred into a tray with 300 ml of 10 mM Tris-HCl , pH 8.0 .
25 Initially a pitch of a = 408 was chosen as being close to the Bate Collection 's recorders of the period : at this pitch it sounds fine but one could easily allow that the original use of the instrument might have been at a higher pitch than this .
26 four days before The Observer published this statement by Wilson , Chapman Pincher wrote in the Daily Express that he had a copy of a DI6 report , detailing the heavy surveillance of Harold Wilson prior to the general election of February 1974 .
27 It 's , certainly erm well attended , there 's , you know thousands of people attend and basically it centres around erm , a fire , Beltane means erm , sacred fire and erm a procession of drummers leads me to top of a path and along Carlfa , Carlton Hill and erm fire sculptures are lit around me and I unfo ha have this great costume that I unfold in and erm process round the hill and round hill are different performers erm painted in different colours to represent different elements of nature , and finally we come to this big fire where which I light with hands , which have been sculpted and bannocks are given to the people to eat , and erm the tradition that you 're supposed to cross the fire as a sort of a erm purification ceremony or or through the ashes of the fire .
28 How I remember outside is like the end of a erm O U T spells out .
29 cos I do n't think it 's the problem of a erm a safety record I think it 's the perceived
30 You 'd ha you 'd have it fixed two of them fixed like this on a a bit of a erm er straw rope .
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