Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is the record of a glory that was short lived , but makes an illustrious event in Aarau 's history .
2 Each in turn raised questions about the decision-making process by which some handicapped babies were allowed to die ; one by investigating the actions and attitudes of a consultant paediatrician , and the other by challenging the attitude of the parents .
3 A few years ago , I heard of a consultant surgeon who had been drinking on duty for 20 years .
5 It might also be desirable to use the services of a consultant , either from the Church or from a secular agency , in order to help parish leaders to develop inter-personal skills .
6 The recent case of a consultant convicted of attempted murder for administering a lethal injection of potassium chloride to a patient in intractable pain has highlighted the issue of pain that , contrary to expectation , does not respond to opiates .
7 If 10%–15% of the total activity is carried out in private practice and a similar proportion is carried out by trainees without the direct supervision of a consultant then one consultant is required for approximately 30000 population .
8 If such a home places its residents under the care of a consultant psychiatrist , surely it should be called a hospital .
9 For advocacy groups to work properly they must feel that they are truly independent of the influence of professionals employed by the authority , since any group will from time to time find itself challenging the advice of a consultant psychiatrist or service manager employed by the authority .
10 But how likely was Dr. Greene , experienced as he might be in viewing bodies , to disagree with the opinion of a consultant forensic pathologist unless the latter 's judgment was manifestly perverse ?
11 The reporting of manometry is performed by a research registrar who is under the supervision of a consultant gastroenterologist .
12 Property and equipment costs increased to £391,946 and this aspect of expenditure is the subject of a consultant 's report which is investigating the Council 's present property requirements , commitments and costs with a view to providing future options .
13 ‘ Participating firms have the services of a consultant for between one and four hours , they receive a summary of his findings , a copy of the complete study and a return visit when he advises on ways of acting on the results of his findings . ’
14 Members working on behalf of a prisoner learn a lot about that country — its culture and political allegiance for example — knowledge that is no longer useful when the case is closed .
15 That is explicitly contrary to Article 23 of the third convention , whereby the presence of a prisoner may not ‘ be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations . ’
16 A statue shows a priest dressed in the skin of a prisoner who has been flayed alive .
17 Economically speaking , then , it seems plausible that vampire economics conform to the rules of a Prisoner 's Dilemma .
18 No abuse of a prisoner was allowed during court proceedings ( Mark 14:65 ; Matt.
19 Guarded talk , because she was never fully in his confidence , but he had spoken of a prisoner who was special and different .
20 In another it was said that the legitimate expectation of a prisoner that he would be allowed maximum parole if no disciplinary award of forfeiture of remission of sentence had been made against him , gave him sufficient interest to challenge the award .
21 A scene on the inner face of a plate in the upper middle of the aspect illustrated shows a procession of spearmen on foot and mounted warriors accompanied by three trumpeters assisting at what appears to be the sacrifice of a prisoner .
22 In the case of a prisoner whose tariff does not exceed 20 years , these representations will not be relevant to the tariff but only to the question whether he should be detained beyond the end of his tariff period because of the danger he is thought to pose .
23 They all seek declarations to the following effect : ( a ) that as a matter of law in the case of a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the Secretary of State is required to set a period for retribution and deterrence which does not exceed the tariff recommended by the judiciary ; ( b ) that the Secretary of State is required by law to tell the prisoner what period the judiciary have recommended , and the reasons for that recommendation , and also if he has departed from that recommendation to tell the prisoner his reason for doing so ; ( c ) that the prisoner is entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before the tariff is set , and for this purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State will make his decision which is not in his , the prisoner 's , possession .
24 Moreover , in the case of a prisoner who has been released on licence under section 61 , if his licence is revoked , he is entitled under section 62(3) to make representations in writing with respect to his recall and to be informed of the reasons for it .
25 But the Secretary of State has clearly to consider other aspects of the early release of a prisoner serving a sentence of imprisonment .
26 This is a response to the conviction of two forensic medical examiners of the manslaughter of a prisoner for whom they had prescribed methadone .
27 ‘ Are you going to take the word of a prisoner over mine ? ’ snarled Nicholson .
28 Our relations from now on are strictly those of a prisoner and a warder .
29 Staff , learning of some intimate aspect of a prisoner 's life , perhaps from seeing a file or overhearing a chaplain or social worker discuss confidential information , would be expected to use it to put the prisoner down .
30 ‘ Have you heard of a prisoner called Enrico ? ’
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