Example sentences of "of it [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For those who wish to see , there are signs of a distinctive Major philosophy — some of it Thatcherite , some of it Labourish .
2 And erm not only er do I think that er she 'll probably be reasonably good with , with finals I 'm absolutely sure that her course reports from , you know , all the places where she 's been will be better than most of the other candidates , you know , because she brings home these , the these reports , you know , and she says it looks alright , you know , beginning of the course Nurse is lacking in this or has not got that or is not , you know , you think mm pretty the end of the course Nurse got the hang of , is very good , has done this , has done that , has supported this and you think mm pretty , well that 's lovely you know but she did n't have the experience during the whatever , she had been given the experience and the end of it brilliant
3 In his diary , he records Denis Healy 's description of it prior to his arrival .
4 Of course , the label or promotional literature as constituting a representation would have to induce the representee to enter the main contract of sale and he would have to know of it prior to the contract .
5 Oh I must remember to take that film out Is that the finish of it total ?
6 Now these limits were fatal , they believed that they could win the war through air power and they , they could n't and the ground casualties , although fairly slight , when you think of it fifty thousand people killed is not a bi a large amount in a major war , far from it erm although erm militarily not that significant , politically they were devastating because people in America started to ask the question , what is this war for ?
7 instead of it flowing
8 Some of it explicit , the rest hidden teasingly away — cyphers within cyphers — as if for his eyes alone .
9 Adorno 's preference for ‘ immanent method ’ — analysing and evaluating works in terms of the implications , the immanent tendencies , of their own mode of existence rather than approaching them comparatively — means that , having set his criteria for ‘ autonomous bourgeois music ’ from his interpretation of Beethoven , he exports those criteria to all music of the period and finds the rest of it wanting .
10 He had come out of it successful , respected and secretly wealthy .
11 A more serious problem arises where the applicant does not rate highly in terms of either expertise or ability , that is where the content of the degree is irrelevant , and the quality of it uninspiring .
12 Of course , like everyone else I 'm aware of the slimming adverts on television or in magazines , and the vast amount of advice ( a lot of it conflicting ) about how we should eat .
13 Seldom can a chancellor have been given so much advice , some of it sought , some of it gratuitous — and , as is the way with this subject , much of it conflicting .
14 Seldom can a chancellor have been given so much advice , some of it sought , some of it gratuitous — and , as is the way with this subject , much of it conflicting .
15 You can claim back 80% of it each month from your NI contributions or tax payments .
16 I ca n't speak for the others , but I do some of it each hour .
17 There was no limit to the amount of money which could be used during any given assignment but at the end of it each operative had to account to Kolchinsky for his or her expenses in tabular form , supplying the relevant chits to back up the figurework .
18 We we should discuss a bit about this document and I too have had the er dubious honour of reading John Major 's speech and it 's nice to see that both Tory speakers have actually managed to take half of it each and paraphrase it .
19 This had his name on it , + he ate his breakfast out of it each morning .
20 It 's like , we do a bit of it each night and it 's over two weeks .
21 They have not shrunk from setting aside gifts made to persons in a position to exercise undue influence over the donors , although there has been no proof of the actual exercise of such influence ; and the courts have done this on the avowed ground of the necessity of going this length in order to protect persons from the exercise of such influence under circumstances which render proof of it impossible .
22 Not a classic illustration of the thesis of Aggleton and colleagues , who have been looking at the lifespans of cricketers and report a two-year gap in favour of right-handers , much of it ascribable to fewer deaths in accidents or in war .
23 The adder ( vipera berus ) has suffered from the loss of its habitat , much of it sandy heathland , and from deliberate killing by people afraid of its poisonous reputation .
24 656,000 hectares , 26% of the land area , is forested in the Auvergne , half of it deciduous , the remainder planted conifer .
25 Mr Roger Lankester , the party 's pollution specialist , said : ‘ My biggest criticism is that each part of the bill appears to have a loophole or get-out clause which will render much of it unenforceable . ’
26 He believed that ‘ a club should be like a big family , with all members of it sticking and pulling together under one head ’ .
27 I 'm just thinking if you did lots and lots of little bits , I think you 'll find it quite difficult to make the rest of it coherent .
28 And this maxim seems especially appropriate for the seed trade , in spite of it insatiable appetite for novelty .
29 It was almost eleven before we left that great mud complex , driving back through Trujillo and on south across dull , desiccated country , a lot of it near-desert .
30 My understanding of English was competent , but my command of it uncertain .
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