Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is clearly rather tired of preaching the design gospel when it has been evident to him for many years the fundamental role it plays in good business practice .
2 On the other hand , others , like Joseph Parker , to whom Gladstonian Liberalism and Protestant Christianity were one faith , were not therefore accused of preaching the ‘ social gospel ’ .
3 The exercise of decomposing the system models will aid this process , progressively bringing the systems ideas closer to what can be observed in practice ; imaginative use of unsophisticated computer software can also help , particularly where the level of detail makes manual analysis impracticable ; simple matrices similar to those employed to good effect in many of the studies described in this book can also be of benefit ; not forgetting , of course , the significant value of discussing ideas with experienced staff from the organisation being studied .
4 When the game was adjourned after 60 moves and six hours play , he was still a pawn behind but is now within sight of salvaging a draw .
5 His tale ( Off Piste ) of salvaging a dismal winter season with a superb day in April will arouse the jealousy of many a jaded ice-man of late .
6 With most of its inhabitants either dead or financially ruined by the eruption , there was no hope at all of salvaging the buried town , and it was abandoned .
7 The truth is , that the whole long history of religion is littered with evidence that it is this very failure continually to revise , supplement and , where necessary to ruthlessly reject the scriptures , that has brought about , in this late twentieth century , some of obvious that there can be no real hope of salvaging the old order .
8 This process of elaborating a concept and moving toward empirical indicators is the crucial step in variable analysis .
9 A revisionist history 's emphasis on ‘ local knowledge ’ does usefully challenge a creation of the easy narrative which balances a symbolic reading of some specified cultural documents ( literary texts , material artefacts , theatrical performances ) with the critical desire of re-energising the past .
10 It is the equivalent of respecifying a car fleet from Ford Escorts to Sierras for the same price .
11 The process of attributing the blame to Paisley continued the next day with a debate in Stormont in which a Labour member said :
12 Some have a built-in weight strip to provide the weight to hold bottom when the feeder is empty , or a means of attaching a weight of your own choice .
13 One of the more useful ways of attaching a boundary to a singular space-time is by a b ( bundle ) -boundary construction .
14 To this it might be objected that one learns the meaning of ‘ blue ’ through seeing blue things and being told they are blue ; learning the meaning of the word is a matter of attaching a word to the look of something ; the look is basic .
15 Later , after Picasso had denied any knowledge of African art in the Enquête sur l'Art Négre conducted by the review Action in 1920 , Paul Guillaume , the first Parisian art-dealer to become interested in African and other primitive sculptures as works of art , wrote : ‘ Picasso owns a certain number of pieces of very different origins ; he makes a pretence of attaching no importance to their chronology . ’
16 The glaring difficulties of attaching an imagistic label to minimalist/formal of conceptual artists such as Serra , Anselmo , Sonnier , Nauman , Morris and Long are ignored .
17 The means of attaching the mast to the mast track .
18 Experiments have been made with other ways of attaching the printed pages to the external case .
19 A variety of different ways of attaching the tapes can be used — by sewing , the use of adhesives , staples , screws or rivets , heat sealing and ultrasonic welding !
20 It was not however , until I arrived in the country , and found myself surrounded by objects as strange as if I had been transported to another planet , that I conceived the idea of devoting a portion of my attention to the mammalian class of its extraordinary fauna . ’
21 This will give you the opportunity of smelling the oils first , and buying only those you like .
22 But this is , unfortunately , an inefficient way of mastering a subject and one grotesquely inappropriate to the Prime Minister of a leading Western country in the last decade of the 20th century .
23 The programmes of those early years explored the whole range of possibilities offered by civil nuclear power and paved the way for the growth of a domestic industry capable of mastering the entire fuel cycle from the mine through enrichment to reprocessing .
24 Scores of one and 25 in the first Test at Calcutta were in line with his dismal average of 17 , but in the first innings of the second Test in Madras , he at last showed signs of mastering the Indian spinners .
25 Kenneth Baker echoed the views of most MPs in a Commons debate in 1990 : ‘ If the concept of British justice is to mean anything , we must retain the possibility of rectifying a mistaken verdict .
26 Builders must finish the job in a proper and workmanlike fashion and must use suitable materials — you have a claim if these principles are not adhered to , and if you can establish shoddy or negligent work it is possible that the courts will award damages for inconvenience caused in addition to the cost of rectifying the initial problem .
27 This , in the government 's view , was the only practicable way of rectifying the injustices of the dual market for land .
28 ii Consider the value of manning the exhibition by a planner , even for limited periods .
29 In the breathless explanations that followed , apparently the WAAFs had been sent to relieve the airmen of manning the bombing quadrants but no action had been taken about withdrawing the RAF .
30 Tact is the skill of handling a difficult person or situation without giving offence .
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