Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With a swollen overdraft there could be no outlay on new players — it was in fact a case of salvaging some small return from huge expenditure early in 1950 .
2 The craft workers loved complicated and attractive patterns and looked constantly for new ways of elaborating old motifs , like the papyrus , and for new sources of artistic inspiration .
3 This refers to the tendency of attributing human motives to social institutions , in this case of thinking about organisations as if they were pursuing the goals in question .
4 Wittgenstein 's discussion is certainly not peppered with references to narrow-front migration , smoke-bathing , or Skinner boxes , ( nor is that of Regan , Singer , Frey , or Midgley herself , come to that ) , since his concern is to clarify the implications of our everyday ways of attributing psychological concepts like hope , fear , belief , understanding , and so on .
5 Far from being dry and insignificant facts , the questions of attributing particular pots to particular people and places are treated with real and infectious enthusiasm .
6 Yet let us always beware of jumping to conclusions , of assuming too readily that those experienced parliamentary draftsmen did not know their business and , perhaps above all , of attributing legislative intention too readily simply because we think that we , the judges , had we been the legislators , would have found such an intention sensible or morally or politically desirable .
7 Many district planning authorities in fact use standard conditions and some have a policy of attaching certain conditions to particular types of development , e.g. it is the normal practice of some local planning authorities to impose a standard condition on all hot food shops requiring that , ‘ No noise , dust , grit , fumes or odours shall be emitted from the development , which in the opinion of the local planning authority create a nuisance in the locality ’ .
8 ‘ You are ’ messages often have the effect of attaching negative descriptions or labels to the young person 's character : ‘ You are thoroughly bad ’ ; ‘ You 're the most conceited , selfish person I 've ever known ’ .
9 Although both James and Miller concern themselves with the effects of attaching verbal responses to the cues to be discriminated , there is no reason to restrict the analysis they offer to such responses .
10 Do people ‘ differentiate ’ in an active sense , in terms of attaching significant social meanings , among localities ?
11 It sees ways of making certain that small points of correction are dealt with speedily , and thus the chance of devoting extra energy to the broader guidelines and the delineation of greater issues .
12 It sees ways of making certain that small points of correction are dealt with speedily , and thus the chance of devoting extra energy to the broader guidelines and the delineation of greater issues .
13 When Ralph Salperton sold the business his father and his grandfather had built up , he had announced his intention of devoting much of his newly won leisure to compiling the family history .
14 But a combination of factors , including a high proportion of broken or at least deteriorating homes and single-parent families , an absence of parent-child contact due to migration and possibly compounded by the necessity of devoting excessive time to earning a living and , as I will argue shortly , a distorted appreciation of the parent 's function vis-à-vis education crystallize to release the black youth from the influence of his parents and jettison him into a world in which his peers , with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society , are the dominant forces .
15 Instead of devoting more time and money to the inherently unlikely possibility that this organism alone among replicating particles contains no nucleic acids , researchers should concentrate on cracking its tough proteinaceous capsule .
16 Mr. Nicholas Bennett : Does my right Hon. Friend agree that one of the major ways in which unemployment has been reduced in Wales is through the Governments regional policy of re-locating Civil Service and other Government agency jobs to the regions and Wales ?
17 But it is incumbent on us to transform man at the same rate so that he will be capable of mastering new techniques and new ways of thinking . ’
18 The unspeakable difficulties of mastering Russian
19 Since subjects learnt at school have been codified and developed through written texts , and written texts are written in Standard English , it follows that children , to have any hope of mastering these subjects , must learn to read and write Standard English .
20 As previously argued , this sets skill development activities firmly within a context in which the children can see the importance of mastering these particular skills , simply because they can make the children 's work towards their goals significantly easier .
21 There is a much stronger tradition in American society than in British of rectifying perceived private wrongs by means of litigation .
22 In the hope of rectifying this unsatisfactory state of affairs , Hobbes aimed to lay bare ‘ elements ’ or seeds from which ‘ pure and true ’ philosophy might grow , if carefully cultivated by a method which he will describe .
23 But getting the internal cost structure right for the 1990s has not simply been a case of manning level reductions .
24 The advantage of the Garrett system is that it is a convenient way of handling largish numbers of PP3s .
25 When Labour 's support was needed in the House to block the building of the Humber port , which will be capable of handling 10 million tonnes of imported coal , Labour Members showed their true colours and left the Commons at 8 pm .
26 Wholesale and retail deposits command different interest rates partly because of the relative administrative convenience of handling wholesale funds on a large scale rather than handling large numbers of small deposits .
27 BT has gone a few steps further , and begun trials of its own telephone robot , capable of handling many of the routine tasks usually dealt with by its 25,000 human operators .
28 Mr Risbridger said they planned to invest and upgrade dock facilities by developing riverside berths capable of handling 8,000 tonnes .
29 Erm chairman yes we hope to erm , excuse me , to erm that E four will be capable of er sorry E F two thousand will be capable of handling all our erm planned weapons er which are already in our programme the er conventional er , the C A S O M , the conventionally armed , stand-off missile , the er anti- armour missile er twelve thirty eight and the future medium range air-to-air missile er whatever that happens to be er as a result of er competition .
30 The planners ' internal methods of handling personal and departmental information seem , generally , to be rather rudimentary .
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