Example sentences of "of [num] the " in BNC.

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1 In the October of 1934 the Catholic Charities Convention held a meeting in New York City at which one of the speakers was Monsignor Amleto Giovanni Cicognani .
2 By the summer of 1934 the Labour leadership had repudiated the Hastings resolution with a joint TUC/Labour Party statement reaffirming their commitment to ‘ preventing War by organising Peace ’ .
3 Even at the beginning of 1934 the anti-Semitism of the British Union of Fascists was not as a rule overt .
4 At the beginning of 1934 the ILP had written to the Comintern , criticizing the rigidity of Comintern control over constituents .
5 The child was born to what must have been exhausted parents , strained to their physical and mental limits , and it never lived to see another year ; in the December of 1771 the nameless infant was buried on Catherine Hill — the first occupant of plot number 119 , but certainly not the last .
6 Allying with the denominational press at the end of 1829 the Anti-Slavery Society allowed copies of the Reporter to be stitched under the cover of the Baptist Magazine .
7 At the end of 1886 the tunnel was opened to passenger and goods traffic ; it was more than four miles long and its construction occupied almost fourteen years , at a cost of more than £2 million .
8 The Chancellor said in the first nine months of 1992–93 the Employment Service found jobs for 31,000 unemployed disabled people , 25 per cent more than in the same period of 1991–92 .
9 Under the Children Act of 1948 the local authorities were given a duty to place a child in foster care unless this was not practicable or desirable in the child 's best interests .
10 By the summer of 1943 the Americans were getting into their stride so far as the war in the Pacific was concerned .
11 Throughout the spring of 1943 the British and Americans tried to force de Gaulle into accepting what they presented as a reasonable compromise on these issues .
12 The Canadian authorities , in the meantime , asked for forty-five cuts to be made , which Nicholson refused to do , and so by the end of 1971 the film had been shown only in selected cinemas in America and even there , the reaction had been mixed .
13 Since our rather unsuccessful sortie to Scotland during the winter of 1971 the Klondyke trade had revived and was bringing a new prosperity to the north west .
14 In the peak years of 1979–80 the United States ' share of the world trade was 51 per cent of wheat and 73 per cent of coarse grains .
15 In the winter of 1979–80 the Trannon careered off on a course of its own .
16 Over the winter of 1977–8 the Vietnamese Foreign Minister , Trinh , visited the region again and raised the idea of a new and broader organisation to that of ASEAN , which would embrace all the countries of Southeast Asia based on the principles of ‘ peace , independence and neutrality ’ .
17 In the peace Ballot of 1934–5 the LNU conducted the largest exercise in doorstep campaigning ever undertaken by any pressure group .
18 By the Statute of 1861 the 22 million serfs owned by private landlords were set free from personal bondage .
19 In the autumn of 1861 the Slavophile Ivan Aksakov tried to dissuade students from engaging in disturbances by urging them to return to their books and to " study Russia and the Russian nationality ( narodnost ) , in order to fill the gulf which still separates us from the people " .
20 By the end of 1861 the university had been closed .
21 U.S. shippers eventually took their case to the United States Congress which enacted the Harter Act of 1893 The Harter Act effected a compromise between the competing interests of shippers and carriers .
22 Before turning to the detail of sections 12–15 it must be noted that under the original Sale of Goods Act of 1893 the wording of some of these sections was slightly different prior to 1973 when the sections were amended by the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 .
23 In the first quarter of 1980 the ICI group was making profits at a rate of six hundred million pounds a year and in the third quarter we posted a loss for only the second time in our history .
24 It appears that under the Act of 1980 the content of that policy was entirely a matter for the governors , subject of course to the requirements of section 6 of the Act of 1980 .
25 He had , however , noted that in clamping down on the protests of 1980 the Polish party had acted under great Soviet pressure .
26 In grammar , putting a noun or noun equivalent beside another for the purpose of a more complete explanation or description , eg in The news that he had won surprised Tom , a young lad of eight the clause that he had won is in apposition to the noun news and the phrase a young lad of eight is in apposition to the noun Tom .
27 Experienced social workers were given a case manager role for a small case load of such elderly people , with the task of keeping them in their own homes on a budget of two-thirds the cost of residential care in a local authority home .
28 Probably as a result of Leotychidas ' intervention of 476 the tageia had passed from the Aleuads , Pindar 's hosts .
29 By the autumn of 1935 the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission ( and Hector Charlesworth ) were replaced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with a Director-General brought over from London in the person of W.E .
30 During the electoral and economic crisis of 1935 the Party had accepted no new members , but when it opened its books again in September 1936 membership shot up to 29,819 .
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