Example sentences of "of [noun pl] has " in BNC.

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1 The inspector of taxes has failed to distinguish between the concepts of tax relief allowable on interest paid to purchase a private residence — and the operation of MIRAS .
2 Over the last century , the number of taxes has mushroomed and the system is now so complex that few understand it fully .
3 This classic dispute does not exhaust the level-of-analysis problem , which recurs as one about whether the foreign policy behaviour of states has international or domestic determinants .
4 The rapid increase in the number and diversity of states has had long-term consequences for global politics .
5 This complexity explains why the system of concepts and of values has no direct relationship with the process of production ; the two do n't fit .
6 But while a sophisticated series of discourses has been developed to analyse the problems and conflicts in women 's experience , and especially the pain and anguish of women 's social , domestic , emotional , and sexual lives , the reasons why most women continue to define ourselves , and to practise as heterosexual have remained unexplored .
7 A committee of experts has been set up by the Russian Ministry of Culture to look into the problem of such articles within its borders .
8 A troupe of experts has toured the country giving their views over periods of several days and as a result some courts have convicted and others have acquitted .
9 At the suggestion of the European Community , which had been asked to mediate by the Czechoslovak and Hungarian governments , a panel of experts has been set up to assess the situation .
10 ( 4 ) The British Academy of Experts has its own list of members who hold themselves out as being experts in particular fields and available for compiling reports .
11 A new generation of chefs has raised British cooking to poetic heights — with some unfortunate exceptions , says AISLING FOSTER
12 This set of essays has sketched the development , from small but imaginative beginnings , of a major Modular Course with significant institutional support .
13 The durability of coins has ensured the survival of these images from poorly documented periods and has thereby provided , as was realised in the Renaissance , a unique memorial to the achievements and history of the past .
14 A broad spectrum of projects has been supported , including repair yards for fishing boats , bulb growing , hotels , craft industries and an aluminium smelter .
15 The larger size of authorities has produced complaints about remoteness from rural areas .
16 In periods of rapid expansion an increase in their own scale of operations has been paralleled by an expansion of output in smaller affiliated companies .
17 The RNLI 's chief of operations has written to thank the crews of both the Falmouth and Lizard lifeboats following a service involving both lifeboats on 16 February 1991 .
18 Efficiency of operations has to give way to inventiveness and creativity .
19 The life of aphids has some interesting features , as the drawing shows .
20 In their defence , however , it has to be admitted that the drafting of contracts has not always been perfect , particularly in the simpler forms , where clarity has sometimes been sacrificed to brevity .
21 The introduction of contracts has helped to enhance the accountability of providers to purchasers and has opened up a debate about the standards of care that should be delivered .
22 Editor , — Chris Ham states that ‘ The introduction of contracts has helped to enhance the accountability of providers to purchasers , ’ but from our own research we are aware of some purchasing organisations that have failed to exercise any control over the financial and strategic operations of providers ( presented to the Health Economics Studies Group , York , 1993 ) .
23 Two fundamental trends are at work : employee numbers are being gradually but drastically reduced — the Army alone is facing a 30 per cent by 1995 ; and all three services are coming to terms with their obligation to ‘ market test ’ support services with the result that a steady trickle of contracts has been going to the private sector since the early 80s .
24 The number of vacancies has fallen .
25 A year after a referendum failed to endorse proposed sweeping restrictions on hunting [ see ED no. 35/36 ] , the Italian Chamber of Deputies has approved a bill cutting the hunting season by three months , restricting hunters to designated reserves and limiting the number of species which can be killed .
26 Two years later , in his essay on Rabelais , the list of enemies has altered — all except the first item : ‘ Railways , factories , chemists and mathematicians . ’
27 A network of contacts has been built up .
28 He sweated coldly , shut his eyes , and forced the words to come : ‘ It is from the elevated mind of France that the folly of titles has fallen .
29 Motivated by a desire for a better life , rural populations have migrated to urban areas and the resulting expansion of cities has meant problems of shelter and employment .
30 Now , however , the majority of manufacturing firms seek locations in smaller towns where space is more abundant , with the result that the role of cities has become increasingly that of centres for service sector activities .
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