Example sentences of "of [art] way " in BNC.

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31 There was relief that the rise was out of the way and substantial enough to keep further advance at bay .
32 Even Cezanne 's rare prints are starting to look a bit undervalued , in terms of the way in which the market as a whole is performing .
33 Despite my criticisms of the way the policy was carried out — there was not enough consultation - it gives us a real basis to work on .
34 But ministerial aides said it was better to get the increase out of the way this week , rather than have it happen during the conference .
35 An example he cites of the way drugs are pervading the industry is the experiment with BST hormone which is being injected into cows , including animals on farms in Somerset , to improve milk yields .
36 To hold the pound within its margins the system requires a member country to intervene in the markets when its currency diverges 75 per cent of the way to its permitted fluctuation margins , either side of the central rate .
37 Charlton was critical of the way the proposed sale of Martin Edwards 's majority shareholding to Michael Knighton for £10m had been handled .
38 It took three years , and the man was backed every inch of the way by his union .
39 Obstacles which prevent young people from using their talents at home must be swept out of the way , he said .
40 Their whole game depends on getting the man on the ground out of the way , if necessary with the boot , if he is so unfortunate as to be between them and the ball .
41 He said : ‘ I do n't agree with Jack Charlton 's long-ball tactics , but there were glimpses of the way I would like to see the Republic play .
42 Having declared London ‘ shabby and out of the way ’ , Hamnett has decamped to show in Paris , leaving a trail of controversy in her wake .
43 Less comforting for the chicks was her habit of scratching violently backwards with one foot after the other , which often sent the babies hurtling out of the way like fluffy ping-pong balls .
44 There is no insistence from management that a certain proportion of tickets be given every shift , so his behaviour was more a result of the way that he defined the role of neighbourhood policemen as having crime control responsibilities .
45 About a hundred yards from the village we came under automatic fire from somewhere on our left , and continued the rest of the way walking in the ditch .
46 Two French Commandos take over and carry their wounded comrade the remaining part of the way ; he manages a smile as they pick him up .
47 This action of the Way passes through wonderful limestone scenery including the impressive mass of Kilnsey Crag .
48 He spoke of the way Britain failed to take care of the environment and lamented the creeping of towns and the vanishing of the fields and hedgerows , not so much because of the animals as because of the air and the nature of man and the liberty of the soul .
49 It is an illustration of the way in which ‘ The Thing ’ works by substituting nonsense for sense , so that presently everybody is talking nonsense , and nobody can talk sense any more .
50 Sometimes biblical chant sounds too much like adaptation from simple anthropological textbooks , but we can see at any rate the exemplification of the way in which Lawrence 's ‘ capering redskins ’ had to be for Eliot now ‘ Life ’ but ‘ not the last word , only the first ’ .
51 The whole hall is convulsed to see children elbowed out of the way while the adults take over skipping ropes and doubledutch , 1920s style , fills the screen .
52 Arthur N. Gilbert has written about a particular instance of the way social and political crisis provokes renewed urgency in the policing of sexual deviance .
53 Here is a most revealing instance of the way a difference within the same , teleologically construed , can make a great deal of difference : in effect a difference of degree can be as real as a difference of kind but in a different way : the lesser is inferior and thereby inimical in a way the antithetical can not be , and the same becomes more ditferent than difference itself .
54 What Butler says of this account — namely that it ‘ tells us more about the fantasies that a fearful heterosexual culture produces to defend against its own homosexual possibilities , than about lesbian experience itself ’ ( Gender Trouble , 86 — 7 ) — might also be said more generally of the way homosexuality is conceptualized in sexual difference theory .
55 My own study is indebted to Fanon 's analysis of how discrimination is internalized psychically and perpetuated socially between subordinated groups , classes , and races — what , in relation to the latter , he calls ‘ the racial distribution of guilt ’ ( Black Skin , 103 ) ; also to his realization of the way the demonizing of the other is , above all , a mercurial process of displacement and condensation , so fluid yet always with effects of a brutally material , actually violent kind .
56 Malcolm took note of the way he looked — with his hair all slicked back , a really avant-garde gesture in Glasgow when everyone else was in loon pants .
57 We tried lots of rehearsal spaces but they were all a rip off and totally out of the way .
58 When she raised them the rest of the way she held them not to her streaming eyes , but to her ears , listening intently for the sound of the sea .
59 There is a connotation to leadership that needs perhaps getting out of the way .
60 Laing would also like to see a fundamental reappraisal of the way unions operate .
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