Example sentences of "of [art] national " in BNC.

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1 The four members of the National Police were arrested in June 1990 .
2 A judicial investigation into his case ordered the arrest of a member of the national police .
3 He was a leader of the National Council for the Displaced .
4 Among the hundreds of those held without charge or trial in Syria are the following who have appeared in the Letter Writing Campaign : Hakem Sultan al-Faiz , a 61-year-old Jordanian national and former member of the National Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'th Party , who has been held for almost 20 years ; Ahmad ‘ Abd al-Rau'uf Roummou , a 55-year-old teacher , arrested in 1975 ; Muhammad Nabil Salem , an engineer , arrested in the wake of a one-day national strike in 1980 and Mahmud Jalbut , a Palestinian arrested in 1980 .
5 A model for art museums is the catalogue of the National Gallery , London .
6 The leadership of the state knew in large measure what was wanted : it was part of the national — popular consciousness as well as being itself a result of the convention between church and Irish parliamentary party in the previous century .
7 One can also add that there is something in the present policies of the SDLP which suggest a need to maintain a somewhat fragile unity in respect of the national question .
8 One immediately recognizes the active construction of the national ideal as promoted by principal currents in nineteenth century European nationalist thought ( see Kedourie 1985 ) .
9 Part of the overall argument of this book is that , as the Roman catholic church is principal validator or legitimator of the Southern state along with the concept of the national entity , what that state goes on to do in the field of social ethics can not be separated out from the responsibilities of the church .
10 In 1860 , the rules on the composition of the National Education Board was changed to permit equal protestant and catholic representation .
11 THE tourism and leisure group of the National Economic Development Council ( NEDC ) has proposed that the UK reorganise its public holidays ( see page 11 ) .
12 The company has also achieved a grade A accreditation from the plant evaluation committee of the National Association of Catering Butchers .
13 The 1990 Forum ( Film and Commissions and the UK film industry ) greatly assisted the formation of the national body , the UK Film Commission , which is headed by Sydney Samuelson .
14 The European Commission 's MEDIA programme 's main thrust is to enhance the strength of the national audio visual industries to member states by encouraging greater collaboration between them and wider distribution of their products .
15 From Pauline Pears and Sue Strickland of the National Centre for Organic Gardening
16 I had applied to continue full-time research following my degree course , but this had been turned down by my chief officers ; however , I had been told that assistance for part-time study would almost certainly be approved in view of the national policy of encouraging officers to extend their educational qualifications .
17 A good performance in the ‘ B ’ or regional squads may bring you to the attention of the national coach , and may also result in your promotion to the élite squads .
18 Perhaps most significant of all is the launch of the National Schools Coaching Programme .
19 Review of the National Marquetry Exhibition .
20 It contains guidance on arrangements to transfer local authority residential care homes to independent control ; it also gives Directions from the Secretary of State for Health about local authorities ' continuing responsibility for residents in transferred homes whose care was arranged by the local authority under Section 21(1) of the National Assistance Act 1948 ( as amended by paragraph 2(1) , Schedule 23 to the Local Government Act 1972 ) and under paragraph 2 , Schedule 8 to the National Health Service Act 1977 .
21 ‘ It is the view of the Department that Section 42 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 , which is to be implemented in April 1993 , will require authorities to make some direct provision for residential care under Section 21 of the 1948 Act ’ ( paragraph 5 ) .
22 In making a decision on the first of the three cases cited , the Commissioner communicated with the Chief Executive of the National Health Service Management Executive , asking him about a health authority 's duty to provide continuing nursing care which is assessed as being needed , and which is not otherwise available .
23 The Government has published its review of the National Health Service and has subsequently released 8 working papers .
24 Union leader Arthur Scargill 's dream of political victory crumbled with the collapse of the national miners ' strike .
25 The ‘ insiders ’ can walk down the corridors of the National schools in London , Leningrad , Paris , Moscow , Copenhagen , Milan and elsewhere , pause to listen outside a studio door and know instantly what type of step is being practised .
26 And so the long lease was dreamt up by Grand Metropolitan and taken up with enthusiasm by the rest of the national pub owners and brewers .
27 Secretary of State Peter Lilley MP has met representatives of the national brewers .
28 At the same time , at the level of practical pedagogy , there is a counter-tendency in the study of the national canon to concentrate more and more on a small and diminishing number of texts .
29 As we have noted , literary study in the United States involves a large quantitative spread of the subject , intensive professionalism , and a virtual absence of the national mystique that characterizes English English .
30 Certainly there are many bogus images of the national past around , culminating in the dream world peddled abroad by the British Tourist Board ( though this is , alas , what Americans and others want to visit ) .
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