Example sentences of "of [adj] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 The music melody continues with HOT STUFF an outrageous new musical which celebrates the era of 70 's glam-rock .
2 ‘ After the dark days of 70 's and 80's , I think we have turned the corner and have shown what can be done when , even in a remote community like ours , people get together and work for their mutual benefit . ’
3 Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Limited ( ‘ Anglo ’ ) and De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited ( ‘ De Beers ’ ) by virtue of Anglo 's interest of more than one third of the equity share capital of Minorco and JCI , and De Beers ' interest of more than one third in the equity share capital of Anglo , are also taken to have an interest in these same shares .
4 A back pass from player-manager Hoddle seemed to catch Hammond by surprise and the goalkeeper hit the ball straight to the feet of Posh 's Tony Adcock , who put it into an empty net .
5 With her bags , and eager to fulfil her life 's dreams through elopement , Catherine waits … in Washington Square of 1850 's New York at the height of fashion and sophistication .
6 One of Prudential 's first moves under its new chief executive was to close down its estate agency business , which began in 1985 .
7 Other insurers were firmer in the wake of Prudential 's results with Sun Alliance a penny up at 372p , General Accident 2p better at 670p and Commercial Union also 2p higher at 607p .
8 Other insurers were generally firmer in the wake of Prudential 's results with Commercial Union 3p higher at 608p and General Accident up a penny at 669p and Guardian Royal 3p firmer at 219p .
9 Because the flow of companies coming to the market is outside of MAS 's control , we can not give the acquiror any assurances as to how many opportunities will be identified within a certain timescale .
10 I have enclosed a copy of MAS 's brochure , which provides more information about their services , and the most recent edition of KPMG 's quarterly Deal Watch publication , which gives details of the International Network .
11 The second book is a comparative French/British study of 1980 's communications policymaking and deregulation ; it concludes by stressing the similarities in French and British policy in these areas .
12 In line with the Group of Eight 's decision in December 1988 to offer fair treatment to Latin American debtors , Brazil in January 1990 proposed that debtor countries with payments imbalances or shortages of hard currency ( such as Bolivia , Ecuador and Peru ) should convert their debt into local currency to pay for Brazilian imports and to finance cross-border ventures , and also offered them the possibility of buying back debt at a discount .
13 In light of cancellation of 5029 's programme of Northern running in the early part of 1992 , investigations are currently under way to put together a limited number of trips ( including , a short visit to the National Railway Museum , York ) .
14 This raised three different problems ( or opportunities , as we say in marketing ) : overall , the quality of the stores was higher than expected by people used to Allied Carpets ' promotional style ; people were not fully aware of the extent of the offer — they did not associate Allied with furniture and beds ; and , in a market where independent retailers are still the dominant factor , they had low expectations of Allied 's standards of personal service .
15 That such care may well characterize those activities which Scruton declares can not possess it is suggested by Andrew Lumsden 's appropriately passing remark on the casual , anonymous sexual encounter : ‘ for now I can only generalize : as I 've known it , men are never so peaceful , so unviolent ( physically and emotionally ) , so graceful with each other ( no matter how ‘ crude' ’ the act ) as they are — as we are — when content to take each other without the addition of names , or beds , or flats , or even of any clear impression of one-another 's looks ' ( Gay News , 235 ( Mar. 1982 ) , 17 ) .
16 The nobleman Berhtfrith subsequently attributed Osred 's victory over his enemies at Bamburgh to the decision of Osred 's party to do justice by Wilfrid ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 60 ) and the indications are that Wilfrid came to an understanding with Osred 's party following his rejection by Eadwulf .
17 Continuing Pictish-Northumbrian military confrontation was a part of the background , therefore , of Osred 's reign .
18 There was a better than average crowd watching us and a fair number were Press photographers who were intent on getting pictures of the unwitting discoverer of Froggy 's body .
19 I guessed it was the shock of Froggy 's death , and the tension of caddying for one of his contracted professionals .
20 Apart from having to go over the unpleasant details of Froggy 's death yet again , I had a nasty feeling that Inspector Drew 's bright and suspicious eyes masked darker ideas about my role in Froggy 's murder .
21 Without any preamble , except the customary offer of a cup of tea which I declined , the Inspector began to take me in painstaking detail through my account of my discovery of Froggy 's body .
22 Four of 252 's Beaufighters had been destroyed on the ground during air raids while on Malta and the remaining four left on the same day for Gibraltar on the first leg of the flight back to England , each carrying three aboard instead of the usual crew of two .
23 By disposing of Petromed 's investment portfolio , we have reduced the cost of the acquisition by about $300 million .
24 Also , these two and three other agricultural colleges offer full-time post-degree and post-HND courses , generally of one-year 's duration , in such subjects as agricultural marketing farm management and farm mechanization .
25 It will run the same version of Concurrent 's RTU Real-Time Unix as the existing models .
26 Comprising five large paintings , fifteen drawings and several early works , it is the first exhibition of Willing 's art since his death in 1988 .
27 There were sheaves of yellowed printout and mislaid documentation ; tubes of Shigenaga beer empty and full ; an assortment of abused rayons and grey underwear ; a grimy pair of zero-g 's ; a squashed box with two organic tampons in it ; a circuit tester ; an inertial screwdriver ; a bag of ageing fruitdrops ; and a broken-backed paperback book , its pages creased , its cover fused and inert .
28 It seems he wanted to preserve the evidence of Elfed 's attitude to him .
29 Not only in law , but in ordinary life , we look upon an act done by one man in pursuance of another 's orders as done by the person who gives the order .
30 And they kill from spite : they despise the colour of another 's skin and resent the way another worships God .
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