Example sentences of "of [verb] such " in BNC.

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1 ( Alternatively , it may be the social acceptance of the 10–7 risk of encountering such violent conditions . )
2 Officially a commemoration of the Great Exhibition of 1851 , to demonstrate British achievement in arts , sciences and design , its chief impact was one of surprise that in these depressing times the government should be capable of sponsoring such a fling .
3 If a right to conscientious tax diversion can be established in this way , then , if it is to mean anything at all , it must be proof against standard utilitarian objections , for example , those relating to the cost of administering such a scheme .
4 In comparison , internal organization is a more attractive way of administering such transactions .
5 No high scores were found in any country and during the interviews respondents often asked about methods of administering such systems .
6 He did not know of the English habit of using such affectionate epithets rather haphazardly , and he was impressed that she should consider him her dear .
7 However they will understand the difficulties of using such an unpredictable material as wood , and make due allowance for minor defects .
8 Now , your agency creative team has worked on a number of concepts and put up campaigns for all of them : the beneficial effect on the skin of natural ingredients ; the sheer charm of the packs on the dressing table ; the ease and delight of using such products .
9 It is necessary to win over the negotiators to the idea of using such a computer model , and resistance is likely to focus on the idea that negotiating is a matter of judgement and can not be mechanised .
10 Small companies still tend to be inhibited by the cost of using such services and within larger firms the knowledge of their benefits still seems to be limited to a small number of individuals and not widely recognised within the company as a resource .
11 Some subject specialists have worked out their own way of using such systems , for instance many molecular biologists post sequences onto these networks rather than writing or publishing .
12 The cost of using such established systems is high , typically about £1,500 per hour to hire .
13 However , increasing use of the structural Funds and institutional arrangements to aid the market process may be more likely to be acceptable to all the member states , as the success of Germany and Japan ( who practise considerable intervention in their economies ) , has indicated the benefits of using such policies .
14 However , in the right circumstances a Court Scheme can be more attractive ; those circumstances are examined , and the advantages and disadvantages of using such a scheme and the procedures involved are explained below .
15 The motivation and advantage of using such a method as a research tool is that it finds a middle way between idiosyncratic subjectivism and claims to objectivity that have been increasingly questioned in the past twenty or so years ( by writers from Derrida ( 1975 ) to Lakoff ( 1987 ) ) .
16 Before writing the report , the school librarian will have to consider certain factors involved in its compilation and also the consequences of submitting such a report .
17 A second and possibly overlapping category might be those who want to be free from the worries of maintaining such a holiday home .
18 Proposals to introduce mandatory re-entry programmes for nurses and health visitors linked to periodic relicensing are one way of maintaining a safe level of practice , and a logical step forward in promoting the importance of maintaining such safety .
19 But what is the result of maintaining such a false value of our currency ?
20 We live in an age which because of AIDS and cirrhosis of the liver knows full well the dangers of pursuing such life styles .
21 If some components have to be physically larger than the space provided or require other " upstream " or " downstream " components to be modified as well , then the consequences of pursuing such a concept must be similarly recognized at an early stage .
22 The difficulties of pursuing such a methodology are immediately evident .
23 However being my first experience , it was very enjoyable , if only a little sore later and was an excellent way of seeing such beautiful scenery .
24 The cost of repairing such defects comes under the maintenance of the plant .
25 But one must beware of accepting such statements at their face value as evidence of deep personal belief , for such phrases are taken from books which advised people how to compose documents , and Dr Margaret Spufford has shown how rural wills in Cambridgeshire were drawn up by only a small number of scribes .
26 Although party polemicists ( especially the Tories ) frequently referred to the existence of a fundamental conflict between a Whig monied and a Tory landed interest , recent research has warned us to be cautious of accepting such remarks as an accurate description of social and political realities .
27 But with questions raised about the credit worthiness of some local authorities , is the provision of cheap finance from central government the best way of financing such institutions ?
28 ( We have evidence to suggest that program teaching units can be rather effective at showing teachers new teaching possibilities , including those involving style changes ; nonetheless we reemphasize the dangers of including such demands . )
29 The majority of delegations have nevertheless said they are in favour of including such consequences within the scope of the law of contracts , but in order to take account of the opposition expressed provision has been made for any contracting state to enter a reservation on this matter : article 22(1) ( b ) .
30 If that is the case , then the only feasible way of including such shares is if the holders assent them to the scheme by separate undertakings .
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