Example sentences of "of [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 With a swollen overdraft there could be no outlay on new players — it was in fact a case of salvaging some small return from huge expenditure early in 1950 .
2 When Ralph Salperton sold the business his father and his grandfather had built up , he had announced his intention of devoting much of his newly won leisure to compiling the family history .
3 Instead of devoting more time and money to the inherently unlikely possibility that this organism alone among replicating particles contains no nucleic acids , researchers should concentrate on cracking its tough proteinaceous capsule .
4 It must be borne in mind , that after 14 months of lay each flock should be depopulated , and the house/s completely cleaned out and creosoted .
5 The battle was over and the future she had dreamed of lay all about her in hopeless ruins .
6 Since subjects learnt at school have been codified and developed through written texts , and written texts are written in Standard English , it follows that children , to have any hope of mastering these subjects , must learn to read and write Standard English .
7 As previously argued , this sets skill development activities firmly within a context in which the children can see the importance of mastering these particular skills , simply because they can make the children 's work towards their goals significantly easier .
8 In the hope of rectifying this unsatisfactory state of affairs , Hobbes aimed to lay bare ‘ elements ’ or seeds from which ‘ pure and true ’ philosophy might grow , if carefully cultivated by a method which he will describe .
9 BT has gone a few steps further , and begun trials of its own telephone robot , capable of handling many of the routine tasks usually dealt with by its 25,000 human operators .
10 Erm chairman yes we hope to erm , excuse me , to erm that E four will be capable of er sorry E F two thousand will be capable of handling all our erm planned weapons er which are already in our programme the er conventional er , the C A S O M , the conventionally armed , stand-off missile , the er anti- armour missile er twelve thirty eight and the future medium range air-to-air missile er whatever that happens to be er as a result of er competition .
11 Other people 's methods of handling those problems , or any others they may have , for that matter , are of no interest to me whatever .
12 More than capable of handling any situation , she thought , while unobtrusively studying his athletic form and strong line of jaw .
13 One breed that seemed capable of handling any distraction was the Connemara and it was from that section that both Champion and Reserve came .
14 ‘ Hell , you 've had experience very recently of handling some tricky situations , taking instant decisions , and they came out just the way we wanted them .
15 Thus one way of handling this dilemma is to share group maintenance with another member of the meeting who seems to do it well .
16 Because these routines are already in the video processor , the main chip is spared the slog of handling this information .
17 Maybe the only way of handling this situation , she told herself , fighting for calm , was to refuse to be provoked .
18 A GIS should be capable of handling this problem .
19 This chapter addresses the problem of handling these fleas , not as extraordinary ideas , nor even as physical entities , but as units of information .
20 The outcome was a search for a ‘ nicer ’ , informal , that is non-legal , way of handling these trouble-cases .
21 Much RE writing in the past 20 years or so has centred on the raising of ultimate questions , and there has also been an insistence on developing in pupils skills of understanding and of handling these questions .
22 But there 's a sense in which the teachers themselves are going to have to learn new skills , both in terms of the sheer mechanics of handling these devices , but also in sort of learning how to use them best in their actual teaching .
23 It is clear there is considerable uncertainty over the effects of dredging this and other submarine accumulations of sand and gravel in the Bristol Channel .
24 It is clear there is considerable uncertainty over the effects of dredging this and other submarine accumulations of sand and gravel in the Bristol Channel .
25 Although Said rejects them , and Foucault characteristically does not mention them , the most effective ploys that have recently been played in this project of articulating another form of knowledge , of redefining the basis of knowledge as such , derive from a different although related body of work to that which Foucault describes — namely the phenomenological tradition of Heidegger , Levinas , and Derrida , which , seemingly like all twentieth-century European philosophy , also traces its apparent origins back to Husserl .
26 One other committee brought into existence as part of the project structure is the Inservice Panel , which is charged with the responsibility of developing staff-development and inservice activities and of articulating these with the county 's existing inservice training ( INSET ) programme .
27 Well in the abstract we were loo we , I bought them and decided whether they are high or low counts , we now have a way of quantifying that , we have a way of counting each individual er vessel .
28 ( Alternatively , it may be the social acceptance of the 10–7 risk of encountering such violent conditions . )
29 It does not therefore run the risk of encountering those barriers which prevent the Keynes effect from operating , namely absolute liquidity preference and/or an investment function which is interest inelastic .
30 It is built up as a result of encountering these words in print as one is learning to read , though of course new word forms will be added throughout adult life as they are encountered .
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