Example sentences of "of [art] day " in BNC.

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1 This means you can get professional help any time of the day or night , and at weekends .
2 the art criticism of the day is fully described in the monograph , and some of the underlying reasons for its mainly aggressive character are outlined ; these include anti-Semitism and the fierce dislike of the monument by some academic sculptors .
3 And at the end of the day I have always found that the training programme is open to genuine ideas — in all the classes the aim is to build and shape the existing talent so that the actor can work effectively and truthfully when faced with any situation .
4 Yet the articles which followed qualified certain of these rights in a typically catholic way and in the terms of the papal teaching of the day .
5 For the Roman catholic social teaching of the day laid down certain things as of natural law which anyone who was reasonable and honest was supposed to be able to recognize .
6 In fairness to de Valera , it must be said that he opposed any attempt to incorporate the church into the apparatus of the state and in this was , as already noted , going against the form of relationship preferred by the Popes of the day .
7 The structure of this oppressive power contained not the Roman catholic church as state executive , but as what Gramsci termed ‘ an organic intellectual ’ , as a planner and co-executor of the ethos of the state , merging this public aspect of the catholicism of the day with ideological elements from more recognized sources of catholic-Irish nationalism : the language movement , anti-imperialism and , generally , catholic-Irish domination .
8 It was the 1960s before the bishops began to distance themselves from direct relationships with the government of the day .
9 Having acquired a sufficient number of signatures , the Campaign submitted their referendum proposal , which the government of the day , the Fine Gael — Labour coalition under Garret FitzGerald which had come into power that year , decided to submit to the populace .
10 Monstrous in this small room , though in the light of the day it reverts to its ordinary size , two biggish panels of glass , steel frame and stand , 227.5 x 175.8 cm.
11 Natural materials , salvaged antiques and fittings , deep pile carpets and chintz are the order of the day ’ ( Hunt , p43 ) .
12 A chef would never leave a kitchen with food out on the worktops at the end of the day , and front desk is always tidied at the end of a shift , but how many managers do more than simply turn off the computer and go home at the end of a session with their spreadsheet or word processor ?
13 There was a short silence now in which anyone with good enough hearing to detect a pin-drop would have detected the sound of hundreds of little grey cells jostling and barging each other in frantic efforts to arrive at a perfect understanding of the day 's events .
14 After Paul left , the party broke up quickly , as though everyone felt that the business of the day had now been concluded .
15 You work here for an hour at either end of the day , sleep in this funny little store place I 've found you and during the day you can try and find something more normal .
16 Facilities for homeless people are of course open only at certain times of the day and I had n't the money to go anywhere else .
17 All my efforts were concentrated on keeping up appearances during those two hours of the day when I was with them .
18 ‘ Another thing is I work odd hours , which means I 'm up and about at funny times of the day .
19 Pick fruit just ripe , harvesting preferably in the coolest part of the day .
20 The most common cause of damage when getting the glider out of the trailer and putting it back at the end of the day 's flying is impatience , and the only answer is never to rig without an adequate number of people .
21 It is also important to differentiate here between the first flight of the day and subsequent flights .
22 The importance of the vital actions drill may even be undermined in the eyes of the student if the instructor insists on a complete check of each control movement for every flight ( stick to the left , left aileron up , right aileron down , stick to the right , etc. ) , since it is clear that things like this can not change between flights , and the majority of experienced pilots only do that check on the first flight of the day .
23 I think that the instructor should treat the first flight on a particular glider as if it was the first flight of the day , and on subsequent flights he should just check for full and free movement and that the surfaces are moving fully .
24 The final glide back to the base airfield at the end of the day is a particularly stressful time .
25 If it is the first flight of the day for you , then it should always be the aim to make it an accurate spot landing .
26 At the end of the day we must concern ourselves with the practicalities and not philosophies of dealing with everyday problems .
27 In any public confrontation a quick assessment and early resolution is the order of the day , for on the streets pragmatism always rules and ‘ real polises ’ set out immediately to ‘ fix ’ their adversaries by using deeply imbued constructs relating to time and space .
28 Indeed the quality ‘ capture ’ often means a lot of work with perhaps only one detection — if that — at the end of the day .
29 Ours was now a multiple reality and our structural ambivalence can be illustrated by one example when one of the squad created a blazer badge in heraldic style ( although we could never have been seen in a blazer at this time when faded denim was the order of the day ) .
30 She did routine office stuff for the rest of the day , and only re-read it at five .
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