Example sentences of "be seen the " in BNC.

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1 In a moment are seen the paradisiac regions , as if the curtains of the moments have parted to show the gardens of reality that remain hidden to everyday sight .
2 In 1543 , Knox joyfully recorded the effect of allowing the reading of scripture in the vernacular : ‘ Then might have been seen the Bible lying upon almost every gentleman 's table .
3 As has been seen the courts prefer , where possible , to give these rights a contractual basis ( see Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler [ 1985 ] 1 All ER 729 ) .
4 It was a curious evening , a backward look to pieces in which could be seen the seeds of the choreographic gift that was to develop , sometimes into epic stagings , in the years ahead .
5 Beyond can be seen the outside world of ‘ Natures endless treasurie ’ , with a telescope trained on the heavens .
6 Through the glass and the vines overhead could be seen the blue sky and the white clouds , so that it was like being both indoors and out at the same time .
7 There is an inexorable logic about McCabe 's observation of the process by which the child Francie 's engaging , restless , questioning personality is gradually mutated by a brutalising absence of love or understanding or any sort of kindness , into that of a deranged adult murderer , behind whose insane and degraded behaviour , are still to be seen the vestigial lineaments of an injured child .
8 Near the top of the hill stood the large white building which was the San Martino Museum and above it , and in contrast to the museum 's firm elegant lines , could be seen the solid brown ramparts of St Elmo 's Castle .
9 Along the inferior border of the mandible may be seen the roseate shaped groups of grooves that occur when the rodent anchors its lower jaw on one side of the mandible and pivots against this with its upper jaw to produce a series of grooves converging downwards to a single point .
10 The church dates back to the 14th century , and in the grass fields to the south of Station Road can still be seen the ridge and furrow of the open field arable strips which probably originated before the charter .
11 A few miles from where the tiny ships first ‘ debouched from the Strait ’ is a spot which marks one of the suture-lines of the planet , one of those rare sites where can be seen the brushstrokes of creation .
12 These cords trail away into the distance , and there can be seen the hands of Drachenfels himself , drawing the essence out of the soul and into his own hands .
13 The commander still wears the standard green AFV crew overalls ; on his left upper sleeve may be seen the small green shamrock patch worn by QRIH tank commanders — see accompanying mono photograph .
14 In this view from the Round House towards THE SQUARE — a typical contradiction — can be seen the Trocadero on the corner of the substantial block of buildings which replaced the ‘ bankers ’ .
15 In the foreground can be seen the old-established straw-plait basket shop .
16 On the same canal may be seen the Chirk aqueduct and tunnel .
17 In this paradox can be seen the dilemma experienced by professionals .
18 In the cave could be seen the vague outlines of a rocking horse and the sharper scarlet of its flaring nostrils , and stiff-limbed puppets , dressed in rich , sombre colours , dangling from their strings ; but the brown varnish of the horse and the plums and purples of the puppets made such a murk together that very little could be seen .
19 Inside there is a piscina and in the bedrooms can be seen the outline of old windows that have been filled and plastered over .
20 Under the brown stains could clearly be seen the white bumps of calluses .
21 The reply was that he could be seen the following Wednesday for a fee of £45 .
22 ‘ This part of the country ’ , wrote Eliza , ‘ resembles for miles a succession of parks thickly dotted with tall slender trees of the Eucalypti kind and the ground covered with luxuriant verdure where during the past season not a blade of grass was to be seen the bones of many bullocks which died on their way from the upper Hunter to Maitland rill still remain by the roadside a momento [ sic ] of the excessive drought . ’
23 Directly above this the courtyard roof had a large pentagonal opening through which could be seen the stars , hanging above them in the heavens .
24 As can be seen the trend analysis once again confirms that although the business is expanding in terms of sales costs are escalating ahead of sales .
25 In the more elaborate tombs can be seen the manner of domestic interior design , for the rock has been hewn to imitate rafters and ridge-piece .
26 In S. Vitale , in particular , can be seen the typical combination of subjects in the Bible story depicted next to the Emperor Justinian , his Queen and his Court .
27 During the eighteenth century diplomats were less irregularly paid than had hitherto been the case and there can be seen the first efforts , though very limited and ineffective ones , to provide them with some systematic professional training .
28 Here again , however , can be seen the persisting tendency to link the conduct of foreign policy with miscellaneous internal functions ; for the First Secretariat of State , as it was usually known , acquired in 1782 control of the Madrid police .
29 As will be seen the courts have not applied this test literally .
30 If you leave it too long it 's there to be seen the rest of the day .
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