Example sentences of "be to do [art] " in BNC.

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1 The best approach would have been to do the more straightforward bits first and to spend only the allocated time — 36 minutes — and no longer .
2 … most of the theft-murders that have resulted in capital convictions since the Act have been committed by stupid persons , who had not the sense to see how easily they could be caught , and how much safer it would have been to do the job in a different way .
3 Cheaper alternatives to turning up the central heating are to do a brief bout of gentle exercise , which increases body heat from the inside , or to wrap up well , which reduces loss to the outside .
4 I 've heard that KING KURT have reformed and are to do a London gig .
5 Giving parents a measure of choice would , it was argued , be more likely to secure their involvement in the school and in their child 's schooling : ‘ They are more likely to support a school they have freely chosen and to give it the loyalty which is so essential if their children are to do the same . ’
6 There is only limited opportunity , in effect , to break the patterned nature of their work if field men are to do the other things required of them .
7 Not many other people take it , either , but we could all read in our own newspapers that it was supporting Labour , and I should have thought a normal reaction among honest Britons , who have grown to mistrust businessmen in the age of takeovers , would be to do the opposite .
8 By now it had become clear that the way to approach the show would be to do the linking material as near to Joyce 's as I could , but to do the sketches very much more as I would approach them as an actress .
9 job if there 's gon na be an exercise or a they like it to be a real-life practical situation , almost like a simulation of the job rather than something that 's er for example if you were to do a case study , pragmatists would like it be in an insurance-related case study and it could be related to their job very .
10 Air operations in Hawaii were put under the direction of Lt Col Art Wildern ( USAF , ret ) who hired and trained the second crew of pilots who were to do the flying in Hawaii .
11 He is to do a lot less swinging .
12 The thing is to do a little bit often . ’
13 ‘ His business , ’ one observer noted of Pillai , ‘ is to do a good job , whether the job is the procuring of animal manure or the crushing of nationalism or the nursing of village sports . ’
14 The best approach is to do a little hard work every day , exercising enough to become breathless and increase the heart beat .
15 The biggest single change you can make in your lifestyle is to do a personal food and drink audit — an awareness audit of what you eat and drink .
16 Separately , Computer Associates International Inc , which is already doing Unix versions of its mainframe software , is to do a version of its Unicenter systems management software for Microsoft Windows NT .
17 The answer is to do a Save As rather than a Save .
18 The usual way of finding out what sort of Christmas the trade had , or what the high street thinks of the year just finished , is to do a ring round of booksellers and publishers and then report the opinions thus canvassed .
19 That 's right trying to find work these days can be demanding and extremely frustrating so you want to make sure that you give yourself the best chance of getting a job and one way to help is to do a good application form and know how to handle yourself in an interview .
20 All he needs to do is to do a photocopy
21 When you start is to do a thing , put that mallet down like that and then line up the which you need to go .
22 Oscar Wilde once said something marvellous , he said ‘ the nicest feeling in the world is to do a good deed anonymously and have somebody find out ’ er I believe from a religious perspective that every good deed I know somebody finds out and that it 's , it 's not really lost .
23 ‘ My dream is to do an animated film .
24 ‘ My dream is to do an animated film .
25 To suggest that it could be or has been ‘ proved ’ by archaeologists is to do the story a great disservice .
26 All you can do , if you decide to develop your spiritual self , is to do the best you can in an imperfect situation .
27 The first 20 live closest to the hospital that is to do the transplant , the next 20 are somewhat further afield and the remainder are scattered all over the country .
28 The professional way , though , is to do the transfer on a special sound recorder which is synchronised electronically to the actual video pictures .
29 ‘ The perfect solution for him is to do the same as Tom Goddard .
30 How do they decide which of them is to do the job that month ?
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