Example sentences of "and to have a " in BNC.

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1 That is what it takes to become internationally popular and to have a longlasting career .
2 Most of these new rich were only one step removed from village life , and to have a brand new ‘ cottage style ’ house , and on an enormous scale , was for them extremely appealing .
3 This time the five have agreed to start looking now , and to have a candidate by October .
4 We want all our people to share in growing prosperity and to have a stake in the country 's future .
5 Never had we been so pleased to see a house and a coal fire , and to have a warm welcome !
6 Or her , ’ she would add scrupulously , being among other things a feminist ) , but in practice this does n't seem to affect her behaviour very noticeably — she seems to have ordinary human feelings , ambitions , desires , to suffer anxieties , frustrations , fears , like anyone else in this imperfect world , and to have a natural inclination to try and make it a better place .
7 On a personal level , I have to say that I found the fellowship 's officials to be delightfully hospitable and to have a genuine love for God .
8 The conclusion must be , once again , that the need to worship a ‘ god ’ and to have a place for that worship is of paramount importance , and must be satisfied and be regarded as an essential part of any society of whatever political persuasion .
9 It is possible to pay your rates monthly , rather than in one big lump sum and to have a ‘ budget account ’ with the Gas and Electricity Board who estimate your likely yearly consumption , based on the number of appliances you have , and work out a monthly payment figure .
10 To be strong and to have a reputation for being so is a source of self-esteem .
11 And yet the effective auditor needs to understand management and to have a close working relationship with the managers .
12 RTD , in other words , wanted radio to be less centralized and to have a real two-way contact with its audience .
13 Her bid to stop the clock led her to marry a man nearly 20 years her junior and to have a child at 46 .
14 Through the whole history of climbing there 's the struggle for risk and the unknown on one side , while on the other you 've got the desire for safety and to have a safety net .
15 Each wing was to be of two storeys and providing two wards of twelve beds each with one of the ground floor wards to be reserved for mental cases and to have a padded room .
16 After six years in a Birmingham slum parish , Anna thought , you became desperate not to have a front doorstep strewn with down-and-outs and to have a back garden littered with worms , not discarded syringes and used condoms .
17 TNC does not seem to recognize how worthwhile changes in assessment need to be ‘ slowed ’ by teachers and to have a wider impact on curriculum and teaching methods if they are to have beneficial consequences for achievement levels ; that such reform takes time and considerable teacher commitment ; and that a heavy investment in INSET is needed .
18 In a town where the politics of two great interests clashed , it was essential to make the best possible use of any means of influence and to have a deputy functioning in the regality court in a way which would make friends for the duke 's interest rather than enemies .
19 I went down to the washroom to get a drink of water , and to have a shave ; I did n't want to turn up at Boulogne Police Station looking scruffy .
20 They should also be advised to warm up slowly before reaching peak activity , and to have a cool down period afterwards , to allow the muscles to gradually decrease their need for oxygen .
21 Finally and , since it is presented as a statement of fact , unobjectionably , it records that there ‘ has been an increasing desire among employees to control their working environment and to have a say in decisions which affect their working lives ’ .
22 And they were very , very prepared to look at different department 's needs , and to have a very wide-ranging staff discussion on what the curriculum needs were , and to buy the books accordingly , and then to move on to how they should use them .
23 The right to legal advice and to have a person informed
24 It is necessary both to predict what is likely to be found in a discourse before trying to process it , and to have a clear purpose in processing .
25 Moreover , although the Gothic novel was largely escapist , its plebeian characters tended to be much more conspicuous than Jane Austen 's servants , and to have a distinct character of their own .
26 But the priest allowed himself to be seated and to have a glass of wine poured for him .
27 They had come , they said , to take Klein to lunch and to have a friendly discussion about a matter in which he might have a mutual interest .
28 The claim was for a conciliation board , a national minimum rate of wages , a manning scale for stokehold , deck and galley , the abolition of medical examinations by a doctors privately appointed by the Shipping Federation offices , the right of seamen to a portion of their wages while in port and to have a representative present while signing on , the fixing of working hours and overtime rates and improved forecastle accommodation .
29 Eight people who are themselves disabled were invited to join the group , to match the number of professionals already involved , and to have a direct influence on the work which was being developed .
30 One advantage is that salaries are paid even during training ; and a career in the world of manufacture and commerce is attractive to those who want to do something ‘ real , ’ to take part in the basic process of creating wealth , to tackle a variety of problems and jobs and to have a chance to organise and administer , and perhaps to travel .
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