Example sentences of "and even when " in BNC.

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1 They 're born , they grow old , and they die like us ; and when they 're old , they can turn foolish , and even when they 're young , they can deceive you , and they 're actually capable of telling lies , pretending to be what they are n't : to be sick when they 're healthy , and healthy when they 're sick . ’
2 Despite the large profits made by the industry , only four of the 26 companies involved will provide bait to the fishermen , and even when they do the amount supplied is grossly inadequate .
3 Fluff continued to look after Titch , and even when she grew and became Big Titch , she never forgot her first friend , and they shared a basket , though she persecuted everyone else — feline and human — giving them no peace until she fell asleep , having worn out herself and everyone else .
4 Not until the second half did Saints show any of their best style and even when it came it was never sustained .
5 And even when you think you know the island intimately , it will keep on springing surprises .
6 It contrasts so vividly with the centesimal system where the remedy may well be given as a single dose and even when several doses are taken is usually stopped at the first sign of improvement .
7 Authoritative directives are often rules , and even when they are not , because they lack the required generality , the same reasoning applies to them .
8 And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road , I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock , as it were , I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so , I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill .
9 Gedge has now learned to protect himself and even when he gives his number to friends , he implores them not to pass it on .
10 What was even more worrying was that she had never cried and even when he remonstrated with her and told her bluntly that their two children were dead and buried she just smiled and turned away .
11 Indeed , in many cases they were precisely the group targeted to carry the burden of job losses in the 1980s , and even when the economy improved they remained the group most likely to have long spells of unemployment .
12 And even when he displays them again , he hides their beauty in the multitude .
13 Political upheaval and war are not necessarily associated with curriculum change ; and even when they are , change seems habitually to be followed by a reversion to the status quo ante , a tendency to equate change with relabelling , a reassertion of institutional inertia .
14 The existence of a correlation , of course , does not establish the existence of a causal relationship , and even when a causal relationship is suggested the correlation itself does not establish the direction of the causal relationship .
15 And even when the censorship is proven , it is possible to defend the practice by simply saying it was unavoidable .
16 Here the sales staff glided about with languid grace more reminiscent of Paris than New York , the house models managed to look like elegant advertisements for Varna even after a long session of standing stock still while a toile was pinned and draped and adjusted around them , and even when a rail of sample clothes had to be wheeled across the hallowed expanse of green , carefully hidden inside grey and black sample bags to make sure they were safe from the photographic eye of a fashion spy , it was managed with what Hugo referred to as ‘ panache ’ .
17 She tried all kinds of diets and even when she stuck rigidly to an Energen 1000 Calories a Day diet and lost over two stone not a single inch went from her thighs .
18 An aggravation is usually short-lived , and even when present the patient often feels better .
19 In injuries and accidents , the injury remedies can be of great value , and even when surgery is indicated they can be helpful in shortening the post-operative period and in speeding up the recovery process .
20 However , in abstract thinking it has always been our habit to assume the role of Ego perfectly isolated from spontaneity ; and even when in theory we have learned to distinguish the play-acting from real life , we are still liable to slip back into thinking as though the agent applying ‘ Be aware ’ were indeed an Ego unaffected by inclination veering with awareness .
21 But in so far as I achieve awareness from your viewpoint I feel the pull towards your goals , and even when I resist , I do so very much as I push away inclinations of my own which are dangerous to my long-term ambitions ; a choice between your goals and mine belongs among my choices of ends .
22 Consequently Courtney got away with most of his crimes and even when he was brought to trial he was sentenced to a mere seven years in prison .
23 And even when he 's off-duty , O'Neill happily embraces the aura of a man most would consider a burden .
24 The churches were usually brick built , and even when their walls did not crack and warp under the impact of the process , there remains , according to Romanian architects , the threat that their very bricks could crumble within a few years .
25 And even when the body is capable of such response , slight variations in external conditions and our own changing state may throw the process out of alignment .
26 Only 5 per cent said interest rate was the most important factor , and even when their second and third choice factors were added in , only 19 per cent gave any importance to interest rates .
27 And even when the same lender is involved , different types of business may carry different rates ( it is common , for example , for rates of charge to be higher on HP for older cars than on HP for new ones ) .
28 And even when they do make a specific choice , non-cost factors are generally more important to them than cost factors .
29 James Hunt was able to capitalize on his absence and even when he came back to racing , Niki was hampered in his driving by the healing of his scars , particularly about his eyes .
30 ( My ex-husband did not want me working in Oman with him , and even when I was in the UK arranging the divorce he took steps to prevent me returning to Oman to teach until he had himself left the country in 1987 . )
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