Example sentences of "and even as " in BNC.

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1 And even as the unlamented Official Secrets Act of 1911 groaned in its death throes in the late 1980s ( to be replaced by an even more constraining measure ) , officers about to retire in West Mercia were presented with an official force form and asked to sign a ‘ Declaration ’ under the Act .
2 I have seen at long last that I need to be free of my beloved mistress and even as I write that word it is hollow for how can I love one who no longer has the least regard for me ?
3 Mr Dobbs said : ‘ As far as I am aware the BBC want to do the sequel , and even as I speak they are discussing potential script writers . ’
4 James Molyneaux and the Rev Ian Paisley have already set this deadline for the resumption of talks and even as their two parties vigorously fought each other in several constituencies , joint working groups were in session drawing up vital working papers for the forthcoming negotiations .
5 Britain , however , had fought to impede European agreements requiring catalytic converters on cars and even as London 's traffic slowed to pre-First World War speeds , planned to build vast new roads and to cut rail services .
6 ( ‘ And even as wheels in harmony of clockwork so turn that the first , to whoso noteth it , seemeth still , and the last to fly … ’ )
7 But it 's a duster you take to it , not one of the latest hydraulic drills , and even as you dust , you must do it lovingly .
8 But police said children had ignored them and even as rescue workers left the scene they had to warn two more boys who were about to go out on to the ice .
9 And even as he began , a top executive from Renault-Williams tried to persuade him not to go through with it .
10 I swallowed this , and even as they walked me down the garden path and into the field where the half-built aviary was situated , I still had no idea what was going on .
11 A wind was getting up , and even as I stood there , the lower stars were obscured by drifting darkness .
12 In 1927 Welford Beaton was left in no doubt that the motion picture was ‘ a throbbing , living , human thing ’ after Janet Gaynor 's performance in Frank Borzage 's Seventh Heaven and especially by her grief as her husband left for the war ; Beaton had cried at the time and even as he wrote the spell was not broken .
13 And even as she prayed and wished , she knew , deep inside , that it was all useless .
14 As Jack and his friends grow older their pace necessarily slows a little but there is still an impetuous tone about their exploits as lieutenants , commanders and even as admirals , and their courtships as well as their warmongering are still basically ‘ fun ’ .
15 When the old man had wandered upstairs again , with a book under his arm , Clara whispered " Who Was that ? " and even as she Whispered she realized that it could be no other than the book shops owner , and added hastily , " That must be A. I Warbley , I suppose ? "
16 " Your father did n't die for Ireland , " Katherine snapped , silencing him , and even as the words were tumbling out , she was regretting them .
17 And even as its sound struck the cage about him , there was a crash and a judder and the sky was falling in upon him from the darkening night .
18 And even as they fouled up long-held theories on what was sexy , they gave a whole new dimension to perceptions of ‘ womanhood ’ .
19 But the anointing , which ye had received of him , abideth in you , and ye need not have any man teach you but as the same anointed teachers you all things , and is truth and is no lie and even as it have taught you , ye shall abide in him .
20 And even as he watched it blurred .
21 Since the nature of the taboos varies between one society and another and even as between one situation and another within the same society , there is no particular action which is universally considered to be sinful in all circumstances : to kill a neighbour is a crime , to kill an enemy may be a duty .
22 His body rolled away and uncovered the blood-spattered broken body of my poor dead sister , and even as I raised my hand to my mouth to stifle the scream , I saw the vicious green lizard dart into her hair .
23 Mrs Langley rose from a chair by the fire and Alexandra was aware of her daughters and someone else on a sofa in the great square bay window ; and even as Mrs Langley was greeting her she could hear Rose say clearly , ‘ Well , whatever else she has n't got , she certainly has elegant clothes , ’ and Alexandra , stung out of all terror quite suddenly , said crisply , ‘ I will tell my aunt how much you admire her taste .
24 And even as I did I was astounded at myself .
25 She tried frantically to struggle , but his strength was far greater than hers , and even as she pushed against him she was overwhelmed by a far more desperate need to hold him , to feel his strong body pressed against hers once more .
26 Startled , she looked up into Dane 's sea-blue eyes , and even as she tried to strengthen herself against him she felt a rush of longing so intense that it made her weak at the knees .
27 She knew she was deliberately goading him to anger and even as she did it she was annoyed with herself .
28 She also noticed that at times Silas left his table to chat with his guests , and even as she wondered if he 'd come to her table he sat in the chair opposite her , his presence making her feel warm .
29 Silas sent her a look she was unable to define , and even as she tried to fathom its meaning their gaze locked for several long moments until he reached across the table to squeeze her hand .
30 And even as her mind tried to deny it , her basic honestly forced her to admit the truth .
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