Example sentences of "and did [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 For these reasons — their pattern of settlement , the ease , low cost and low risk of meeting obligations — Zuwaya were able to still think of themselves as nomads : they were wrong , but from time to time they could and did regard some of their social arrangements as unchanging , inert .
2 Many people find it virtually impossible to recollect the country we were elected to change — and did change .
3 In spite of those findings , the ITC 's chief executive , David Glencross , accepted that the public 's mood can and did change .
4 D maintained throughout that he had not intended to kill , but there was evidence from which the jury could infer — and did infer — that he intended to cause grievous bodily harm .
5 It could and did reach conclusions upon policy , but the final decision rested with the Queen , who seldom attended meetings and might easily ignore their conclusions .
6 In essence Ward J. found that the physical and mental state of Miss T. on the Sunday afternoon and evening were such that , although she was undoubtedly under the influence of her mother , she was capable of reaching and did reach a decision as to her own treatment .
7 ‘ Unfortunately , one of your number disregarded that direction and did speak to someone who is a witness in the trial .
8 While believing that few teachers were intentionally racist , and while not accepting that racism was the sole cause of West Indian underachievement , the committee concluded that unintentional racism ( in the sense of stereotyped , negative or patronising views of West Indian children ) was widespread and did influence children 's performance .
9 He was fascinated by horses — so fascinated that he came to be called ‘ The Man who Loved to Draw Horses , ’ although he could and did draw a wide range of other domestic animals .
10 I suggest that in early modern England the sodomite , though not an identity in the modern sense , could and did denote subject positions or types ; ‘ he ’ precisely characterized deviant subject positions as well as denoting the behaviour of individuals .
11 So you were n't aware of what he could n't do , so much as what he could do and did do , and how little of it you could understand .
12 What he could and did do , throughout the Algiers year , was to strengthen the CFLN 's position inside and outside France so that , whenever the operation began , the CFLN would be in the best position to preempt Allied attempts to marginalize it .
13 nothing to stop the defendants if they er wish to do so pursuing , preparing their counterclaim , erm , but the one thing it can not do , even if the English law for example set- off would otherwise permit it , er is to , would , would be to prevent the , the collection of funds , because if the English law was set off and did do that , that would be running contrary to the directive
14 He drank when young and while still young drank a lot , challenging himself to knock off all comers , but most of all to align himself with the legendary drinking miners who could and did sweat it off down the pit while Richard had to force it off in games .
15 He said : ‘ Having regard to the terms of the correspondence , I am of opinion that the letters were intended to set out , and did set out , matters on which the writers had reached agreement . ’
16 But it was encouraging that some journalists were genuinely interested in trying to help and did feel that what had happened to John could have easily happened to them .
17 It has been suggested that the wild man , or wood-wose , who appears so often in medieval literature , is a conventional figure typifying madness and deriving from the mad king Nebuchadnezzar , who was ‘ driven away from among men , and did eat grass like an ox , and his body was wet with the dew of heaven ; till his hairs grew like the feathers of eagles , and his nails like birds claws . ’
18 Men could and did eat sandwiches while their female companions ate nothing .
19 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food , and that it was a delight to the eyes , and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise , she took of the fruit thereof , and did eat ; and she gave also unto her husband with her , and he did eat …
20 The metaplastic cells usually presented in patches and did stand out clearly because of the presence of abundant PAS positive mucin in their cytoplasm .
21 While this organ could and did assume the executive functions of a provisional government , its creation did not resolve two crucial problems : what roles were the existing political parties and the mass of the population to play in the New State .
22 The third part of Engels 's discussion explains why , in spite of the presence of the State in medieval Europe , some islands of communal organization could and did remain .
23 I remarked that , of the politicians I had known , only Mr Healey and Mr Powell could and did talk philosophy .
24 He could and did talk at times as if he were simply continuing Schleiermacher 's programme , and described Schleiermacher as his predecessor in the matter of method .
25 But emergencies could and did arise , as they were to arise in 1293–4 and 1323–4 .
26 Taking advantage of the disordered and uncertain state of things it is not surprising that some mineral " owners " felt they ought to have reward for the working of minerals on their land , and there is little doubt that legal issues could and did arise where such " illegal " mining was detected .
27 Even if I DID turn both taps fully on and DID leave the plug out I would not allow the bath to get anywhere near overflowing because my Mum would beat me around the head with the back-scrubber .
28 It is , in their Lordships ' opinion , quite clear that Mrs. Duval was pressed by her husband to sign , and did sign , the document , which was very different from what she supposed it to be , and a document of the true nature of which she had no conception .
29 As the benefit money came in we sent a lot of it out to Suzie 's parents — we thought that if we found something we wanted to buy out there and did choose to emigrate , having the money out there in the first place would make it all that much easier .
30 But he could and did hold a fringe meeting with the Bow Group , where he gave the becoming speech of a statesman .
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