Example sentences of "and only when " in BNC.

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1 And Lucy called her in the morning , swept away all doubts with a rush of enthusiasm about the exhibition , and only when they 'd hung up did Jay realise that she had n't given her a date , a time ; that she — they ? — were just where they 'd been five months before .
2 How long she had been there , we could not be sure , for if she sat with head and tail aligned along the wall , she was invisible from below , and only when she turned sideways did she come into view .
3 We took masses of orders , from Paul Smith , Liberty and Whistles , and only when the show was over did we understand what we 'd let ourselves in for . ’
4 And only when I have experienced this pressure , through them , and absorbed it , can I feel that here is the beginning of an interpretation .
5 He was so involved in these thoughts that when the school finally loomed into view he failed to notice it and only when Tock poked him in the side did he look up and see the gigantic sight .
6 Populations evolved separately in each of these pools , and only when the water rose again did they re-convene in the same lake .
7 He prepares to do so , and only when it is clear that he will obey the divine command does God at the last moment spare his son and tell him to kill a sheep instead .
8 From the entrance to the church the fresco makes the flat wall behind the altar look like an apse , and only when the wall is approached is the illusion of curvature broken .
9 Dust lay thickly over the cracked flagstone floor and only when I ascended a dangerous staircase did I find a solitary reminder of the business that helped to make the Damianis one of the richest Arab families in Jaffa .
10 In the present there is only the attention of the soul by means of which the future becomes the past , and only when the constant diminishing of the future of the sound has made it entirely past can the mind measure it in terms of some preconceived standard .
11 Footsteering is best practised in position 3 of the sequence and only when the board is planing fast .
12 It is clear that time will be allowed for improvements to be carried out and only when it is clear that there is no prospect of the business in question being able to operate without causing an odour , which amounts to a statutory nuisance , will the court permit the issue of a writ of sequestration for contempt of court , in committing breaches of the undertaking not to cause a statutory nuisance , thus closing the business down without compensation .
13 When ( and only when ) five items have accumulated by being added at the end of the previous complete sentence , you reply with the type of shop — in this case obviously a chemist 's shop .
14 Nerves got the better of me and only when Les Cox stopped me to go for another take did I realise I 'd got my letters mixed up and had inadvertently said : ‘ Will you switch these sans off please ?
15 The work is produced in direct response to a particular scene or constructed still life , and only when finished is consideration given as to whether to present it to a gallery or publisher .
16 And only when he got it did he accept that his day had arrived .
17 In science it involves peer review — other scientists examine , criticise , and question your work and only when you pass this rigorous vetting can you be truly confident that the work is valid .
18 When the War Altar charges into combat ( and only when it charges ) the sounding of the Horn strikes terror into the charged enemy unit .
19 We have therefore sought only one in-depth interview with each family so far , about six months after the positive screening test ; any other direct contact with the families has been limited and only when sought by them .
20 As we will see later , the applicant in a public law action must first seek leave to apply for judicial review , and only when leave has been granted will the application actually be heard .
21 Note that unc when an only when A contains at least one element which is not in B. We says sets A and B are equal , and write A = B , when and only when they contain precisely the same members .
22 Thus A = B when and only when both unc and unc hold simultaneously .
23 Points in the plane are made to correspond to pair of real numbers and vice versa in such a way that if points P and Q are given coordinates unc and unc respectively then P and Q coincide when and only when
24 A x B is called the Cartesian product of A and B. The word " ordered " implies that elements ( a , b ) , ( c , d ) in A x B are defined to be equal when and only when both a = c and b = d .
25 Thus , use of " iff " indicates that a will be called a divisor of b when and only when the required c exists .
26 The " main purpose and aim of the study of English literature " is to build " a constant habit of mind , since the mind when thus disposed , and only when thus disposed , can be truly described as liberally educated " . "
27 For example , in The New Unhappy Lords , written by A.K. Chesterton , the first chairman of the National Front , a complex web of deception and intrigue is described and only when Chapter 25 is reached does he suggest , almost as an afterthought , that the ‘ master-manipulators and master-conspirators ’ were Jewish , with the proviso that not all Jews were implicated in the conspiracy .
28 At first he was surprised at this and only when they referred to him as an ‘ adult ’ did he realize that some time in the previous weeks the last of his juvenile plumage had moulted and his wings now had the rich and glossy glow of an adult golden eagle .
29 Only on his way home did he suddenly realize that illness could have prevented her from meeting him , and only when he entered the farmhouse that evening did he discover that she was dead .
30 Timely interventions by senior Army officers had already established the ‘ official view ’ that the paratroops had fired only at clearly identifiable targets , and only when they came under heavy fire from gunmen , and nail and petrol bombers ( Curtis , 1984:41–2 ) .
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