Example sentences of "and a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When he left he took a pile of exercise books , a scrapbook and a diary , but a first glance at their contents did not suggest that they were going to be fruitful .
2 Adventure Training put him in contact with me and after five days Bombardier Michael Goldsmith and a subaltern had come to see me from the Outer Hebrides with a view to offering an army vehicle .
3 And then I began to notice that the pictures on the walls were all prints of cavalry regiments , and a hatstand in a corner was n't really a hatstand but another empty shell case with a clutch of regimental flags standing in it .
4 At the edge of the carpet are a filing cabinet and a hatstand and two upright chairs .
5 Dean White , 23 , from Chepstow , Gwent , who suffered cracked ribs and bruising , was swept on to a mudbank in the dark and found by members of the Army Apprentice College at Chepstow , after coastguards with spotlights and a helicopter with heat-searching equipment had searched without success .
6 ‘ A boat and a helicopter ? ’ scoffed another old hand .
7 Police using tracker dogs and a helicopter found the body of 25-year-old Sharon Webb on Cape Town 's Table Mountain .
8 Police using tracker dogs and a helicopter found the body of 25-year-old Sharon Webb on Cape Town 's Table Mountain .
9 Road blocks were set up and a helicopter equipped with heat-seeking equipment was brought in from Manchester as police began a house-to-house search .
10 Road blocks were set up and a helicopter brought in from Manchester as police began house-to-house inquiries .
11 Dorothy Snook , of Bristol , will be on cloud nine after a stay at the Hereford Moat Hotel , which includes flying lessons , a balloon flight and a helicopter lesson .
12 Chased by police vehicles and a helicopter it rammed three cars as it careered down the wrong side of city centre roads .
13 ( He retired from AIB in December 1984 and has been succeeded by Don Cooper , another graduate of ETPS and a helicopter specialist . )
14 When Branson and Joan arrived in the Virgin Islands , they were sped effortlessly through Customs , conveyed by limousine to a private villa , and a helicopter was put at their disposal .
15 Details presented themselves to him with unusual clarity : the sprinkling of grey hairs among Henry 's curls ; an ambulance siren and a helicopter fighting for dominance outside ; and the dryness at the back of his throat which announced that his addiction to tobacco was craving to be fed .
16 Now he has two air ambulances — a twin-engined plane and a helicopter .
17 BLIND six-year-old Nicholas Kil-len will launch an RNIB charity week tomorrow with a thrilling 100mph dash in a catamaran , followed by a funfair jaunt and a helicopter flight over Blackpool .
18 According to an Army communiqué Salvadorean " subversives " ( i.e. guerrillas of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front — Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional — FMLN ) had on May 27 , 1989 , entered a small Honduran town in the border area but had been forced back to El Salvador by a patrol ; Salvadorean aircraft and a helicopter gunship had fired into Honduran territory in pursuit of the rebels ; and a Salvadorean aircraft had flown over Honduran territory on May 29 .
19 Also on May 2 another Croatian policeman was killed in the mainly Croatian coastal village of Polaca when Serbian police tried to take over the Croatian-manned police station ; and a helicopter carrying among others the Vice-President of the Croatian Federal Assembly , Vladimir Seks , was fired on and forced to make an emergency landing after it took off from Kijevo .
20 Azerbaijani villages came under attack from Armenian forces , and a helicopter was shot down on April 11 .
21 Police dogs and a helicopter have been used to help arrest a new age traveller .
22 A Conservative government would press ahead with plans for a fourth Trident submarine and a helicopter carrier .
23 He was recaptured a few days later in Liverpool in an operation involving more than 60 police officers and a helicopter .
24 A full air sea rescue was put into operation , involving St Mary 's lifeboat and a helicopter from Valley .
25 A rescue involving St Mary 's lifeboat and a helicopter from RAF Valley , Anglesey was launched .
26 I have n't got an airport , I 've got an aeroplane and a helicopter , I have n't got an airport .
27 We had cycled on the road from Bodø to Fauske and on the Sulitjelma ; pushed the bikes over to Sorjusjaure ; ridden and swum our way to Staloluokta within the Padjelanta National Park ; and then thrashed our way on the faster tracks through Arasluokuoktastugorna , Låddejåkkåstugana and Kisurisstugan to Akkastugorna and a ferry to Ritjemokk , before cycling by road to Vietas ; and gone by plane to Sitastugan at the north-west end of Sitasjaure .
28 Before then it was served with a ford , and a ferry when the tide was high .
29 A councillor who is a student of standing orders is always an asset to the council , but a councillor who is not becomes a burden and a handicap to debate , and frequently a disappointed and frustrated person .
30 It is perhaps useful , in considering the problem , to differentiate between a disability and a handicap .
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