Example sentences of "and set out " in BNC.

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1 What it did , however , was to recommend a series of procedures , and to set out suggested working timetables , designed to enable agencies and production companies to control their costs more effectively .
2 But if not that , then many critics would like to be dictators of literature , to regulate the past , and to set out with quiet authority the future direction of the art .
3 If combination is atomic , then it should be possible to symbolize chemical compounds , and to set out chemical reactions in a kind of algebra .
4 Following the recent discussions between [ name of MAS partner/manager ] and[name of vendor/vendor 's representative ] we are writing to confirm that we would be pleased to act for the shareholders in the proposed sale of your subsidiary , More Mature Business Limited ( ‘ the company ’ ) , and to set out formally our terms of reference and responsibilities with regard to our involvement in the sale process .
5 According to a report from the Itar-Tass news agency on Oct. 29 , Yeltsin said that withdrawals would only resume after separate agreements had been signed with Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania to regulate the procedures and to set out measures to " provide social security for the servicemen and members of their families " .
6 To establish how the advisors shall report on their activities to the investors , and to set out any other conditions which the investors may wish to establish .
7 He said the Budget had two objectives in that respect : to support the recovery in the year ahead ; and to set out a clear medium-term strategy for bringing the borrowing requirement back towards balance .
8 All the same , her dreamy enjoyment faded and as Felipe was almost smothered by Candace and Mitch was utterly involved with Ana , who refused to be more than primly polite to the new arrivals , Maggie found herself encumbered with Peter Rainford , who sat as close as he could get and set out to entertain her .
9 It would have even more credibility if the Labour party would claim and set out the funding that it would provide for the national health service , which it has expressly failed to do .
10 The OR Staff , as they are called , specify what is needed in two documents : the ‘ Staff Target ’ , which is couched in broad enough terms to allow several solutions ; and the ‘ Operational Requirement ’ , which subsequently narrows down the possibilities , and sets out more detailed specifications for the research and development phases of the project .
11 In pursuit of these , Mopsus proposes marriage to a fine lady and is beaten by her servants ; he steals his father 's rent money and sets out for London where he is robbed by a prostitute and thrown into gaol ; his father sends more money which he uses to bribe the gaoler ; he is tricked into marrying an aristocrat 's mistress who promptly gives birth ; the woman leaves and the baby dies ; the prodigal returns to his father .
12 A man stranded on a desert island builds a rowing boat and sets out for the nearest land .
13 Doodle , a funny little insect thing , is determined to rescue the fair maiden and sets out with only a set of pencils to his name .
14 Once more Joseph is obedient and sets out for his own country .
15 The BFA also regulates disputes between franchisor and franchisee and sets out their mutual obligations .
16 The Act creates a Supervisory Authority , and sets out the provisions for setting up a stock exchange and for the public dealing with securities .
17 He pays the check and sets out briskly , Michelin under his arm , passing newsbills for the popular papers which say :
18 In the end the woman chooses to renounce both men and sets out on her own path .
19 Objective a ) requires the provision of information resources to underpin the research effort , and implicitly provides for our function as a publisher ; b ) explicitly mentions the library and the archive collection ; c ) implies the efficient curation of information , and the granting of access to the resources ; d ) specifies our enquiry , consultancy and educational functions , all of which have a high information content ; e ) demands the use of expertise and data for the provision of specialist services , and f ) relates to our public amenity function , and sets out the purposes for which access to the amenity is provided .
20 Guideline 7 , Management , discusses this in more detail and sets out examples of good practice .
21 I have enjoyed reading the Draft Plan , which is very clear , and sets out the issues in an informed and concise manner .
22 Sampling lists , that is , a record which identifies and sets out the population from which a sample is to be drawn , may not always completely enumerate the population from which the sample is to be drawn , the list may follow some peculiar sequence , sections of the population may be difficult to contact or refuse to co-operate , and so on .
23 The lecture provides a guide to the subject-matter and sets out the foundations on which the student must build .
24 The report , Targets for Coastal Habitat Re-creation , analyses the rate of future loss by type of habitat and by county , and sets out targets for the creation of new habitats to meet English Nature 's objective of maintaining coastal habitats and features , at least at the 1992 level .
25 Chapter 15 discusses the distinction between experts and arbitrators and sets out the factors for an assessment of which category a referee belongs to .
26 The guide spells out their rights , describes the type of help to expect in school , explains the process of issuing statements of special needs and sets out the appeals procedure for dissatisfied parents .
27 This is set in Ulster and sets out to depict ordinary people getting on with their lives .
28 She plays Bruna , a street-wise veteran of the East Side , who is attacked and sets out to get revenge .
29 It eventually showed fishermen preparing and setting out on a peaceful evening for a night 's work ; while they are at sea , a storm blows up .
30 The approaches advocated by the DES , HMI and the Scottish Education Department follow a procedure very common in the USA , i.e. starting with a statement of aims and setting out areas , or whatever , that will satisfy these aims .
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