Example sentences of "and such [art] " in BNC.

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1 Swore like a trooper under his breath as the bus swayed through the leafy lanes , saying he could no longer make out the landmarks , that he knew such and such a tree or house was in such and such a place , he 'd passed it so often in the bus , but now could barely see it .
2 Swore like a trooper under his breath as the bus swayed through the leafy lanes , saying he could no longer make out the landmarks , that he knew such and such a tree or house was in such and such a place , he 'd passed it so often in the bus , but now could barely see it .
3 It is not , however , possible to complain about whether such and such a point should or should not have been awarded .
4 Psychologists of vision , for example , have to think in terms of levels of representation that the nervous system computes and not to do so would be to render unintelligible the processes that occur between the transducing of light-rays into electrical impulses at the retina and the cortex recording the object as ( say ) a rigid cylinder rotating at such and such a distance from the viewing point .
5 And such a change from that of Leo Beenhakker , the urbane Dutchman from whom Toshack took over at the Bernabeu last summer .
6 In part Morgan believed that , in systems based on descent groups , spouses were held in common because , in such a society , people often talk of wives or husbands as ‘ having been married to such and such a gens ’ .
7 From the outside people may say she has married into such and such a descent group but this does not mean that she is also not at the same time the wife of a particular man .
8 Extrapolate the trends of the last 40 years and such a depressing scenario looks like a dead cert .
9 Mr Lawson asserted that the right to a trial without delay had long been established : see Magna Carta Chapter 40 : and such a fundamental principle was valueless unless a court had power to enforce it by not tolerating abuse of its process .
10 It was fabulous because King Crimson had such a tremendous sound and such a tremendous image that for them to suddenly stand up and do a lot of Buddy Holly hits with Donovan singing vocals was really cute .
11 The powers of parents and guardians include the power of administering reasonable punishment , and such a power may be delegated by them to others , such as schoolmasters , under whose control the child is placed .
12 A joint tenant might , however , transfer his interest in his lifetime ( though not by will ) ; and such a transfer would , before 1 January 1926 , have had the effect of making the transferee a tenant in common with the other or others , though the others continued as between themselves to be joint tenants .
13 A mortgage may contain a clause giving the mortgagee a power of sale , and such a power ( subject to certain conditions ) is now implied in ever mortgage made by deed .
14 The transfer of goods is most commonly made by merely handing them over , and such a transfer is equally effectual whether the transfer is for value or by way of gift .
15 He could n't afford to believe that he had ever run like that , with such aching legs and such a flood of strength .
16 Although a conviction is perfectly possible where no harm results — and such a case might still be regarded as a most serious non-fatal offence , since D tried to cause death , and the subjective principles confirm the high guilt — there are also cases where D's attempt to kill results in serious injury to the victim .
17 Controversy had two major advantages for the Church : considerable free publicity , and such a negative public image that only those who were strongly committed would join .
18 Everyone likes to feel wanted and appreciated and such a group of people will give or raise whatever amount of money is needed .
19 Others , however , joined in the exercise : ‘ It must have been in such and such a way ; I mean , there 's a story which says …
20 The computer is fed with all the relevant data , and ecological theory , and is then asked , ‘ if we did such and such , to this lake ( or river , or bay , or whatever ) , what effect would this have on such and such a pollutant ? ’
21 Where will you find in any of them so much Nature , Sweetness , Simplicity and Ease , and such a judicious Choice of new and enlivening Epithets ?
22 I never touched anything but soda-water and so I realize how other people played on her drunkenness and she was so … half-charming and such a fool ’ .
23 Mark Twain , for example , who went to see the Great Exhibition of 1867 , wrote : ‘ ( I saw ) Napoleon in military uniform — long-bodied , short-legged man , fiercely moustached , old , wrinkled , with eyes half-closed and such a deep crafty scheming expression about them . ’
24 A little later , Charles Dickens recorded travelling ‘ through miles of cinder-paths and blazing furnaces and roaring steam engines , and such a mass of dirt , gloom and misery as I never before witnessed ’ .
25 When we first drank claret we heard it called by that name , we were eating such and such a dinner etc .
26 He convolutes and wreathes his melodies with such a forcing of rhyme and such a thicket of peculiar and ill-founded analogies , that his meaning is hard to discern .
27 Where spray bottles are more widely used and there is a risk of confusion colour coding is desirable and such a provision would take precedence over our control needs .
28 In one regrettable case , which I myself witnessed , it had become an established sport in the house for guests to ring for the butler and put to him random questions of the order of , say , who had won the Derby in such and such a year , rather as one might to a Memory Man at the music hall .
29 In doing so , he grazed his leg on an exposed tooth of his victim , and such a trivial scratch was ignored .
30 And such a change !
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