Example sentences of "and make some " in BNC.

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1 In a moment Vigo would glance round , show surprise and make some swift apology for being engaged on matters beyond a policeman 's comprehension .
2 One horse may say , ‘ I like you ’ , by mouthing his owner 's hand with his lips and tongue ; another may put his head on his owner 's shoulder ; or a third may come up to his owner and make some other form of body contact .
3 For young women more than any other group there is so much scope for expression through the way they dress and look , so many more opportunities to have fun , play around with the rules , and make some of their own .
4 He would become so uncomfortable that he would eventually leave the table and make some more coffee !
5 Whenever someone undertakes interesting experiments or activities on the air it is open to other operators around the world to find out what is happening , join in , and make some contribution themselves .
6 ‘ I suggest we review next year 's budget and make some radical changes .
7 We are not in competition but are part of the same team , and so , in that spirit , I would like to turn the spotlight on our existing systems and make some fairly revolutionary suggestions .
8 Get out and make some decisions which contribute to profit .
9 He mentioned also that " The inhabitants of the town have been so good as to rebuild me the Court wall and make some improvements in the yard , and they are very desirous for the Company to lend their aid " .
10 We might get paid release we might not erm and I think we 're gon na have to leave it and make some further enquiries and get back .
11 And I was in a ca , er school over the summer holidays and er , we were looking at the design and technology and the point was that they got ta design and make some components , and realise I 'm talking about , you know , six , seven , eight year old , mixed girls and boys theirselves , and it was ra rather heart-warming to see where the way these youngsters react .
12 They agree with him that they must develop a vision and make some strategic decisions .
13 Try and make some good come out of all this badness .
14 The names of those attending the wedding are usually known in advance but if not you may be able to look at the seating plan or guest list on the day and make some joke about the names , picking out amusing surnames such as , ‘ In this room we have a Black but no White , two Browns , some Blues , and a Green , but no ‘ reds ’ .
15 We report some inappropriate comparisons and make some recommendations for constructing future league tables .
16 Men who believe themselves out of all danger may grow careless , and make some foolish move that can betray them .
17 ‘ If I could have a few minutes — let's say half an hour — to think it over and make some notes , I daresay we 'll be as right as a snail 's whisker . ’
18 Ski with a friend and make some fairly short-radius turns which the second skier will try to emulate at exactly the same moment ( ie turn at the same time rather than follow the same track ) .
19 And make some tiptoe cringing steps .
20 You will walk very carefully into the cottage , you will put the kettle on and make some tea .
21 CATHERINE For heaven 's sake go and make some tea or something , I ca n't bear people standing about doing nothing .
22 She was overdue for some leave , and she could go to France and make some enquiries .
23 We shall draw the attention of the business community , especially small businesses , which are such an important part of the economy in my hon. Friend 's part of the world , to the policies being espoused by the Labour party and make some estimate — if the Labour party will not do so , we certainly will — of the real burdens that they would place on business and the devastating impact that they would have on self-employment and employment throughout the country .
24 ‘ If the NIE shares offer a good premium , and I expect that they will , then people should be able to buy them , sell them quickly and make some money to buy into BT3 if they want . ’
25 I 'm not gon na go over t what my colleague has said but what I do wan na know is when are the Labour Party gon na get hold of some issue and make some sort of mileage out of it , because we 've got a number of sponsored MPs and we ca n't get 'em off the doorstep at election time , but when it comes about doing summat for us and consider the fact that it affects many many people and we talk about the links that the Labour Party and the trade union has , I think the Labour Party 's already severed 'em , as far as I 'm concerned .
26 It demands the identification of a coordinator who should ensure that consultation with staff is genuine and that they feel involved ; explain processes clearly from the outset ; help teachers draw up a realistic timetable and ensure that deadlines are met ; provide advice and keep a check on what is happening at each stage ; contact people outside the school who might be brought in to help ; try to ensure that the review and the development are rigorous and systematic ; and make some evaluation of the effectiveness of the GRIDS method after about twelve months .
27 Happily all four engines had been spared the attention of the Ju88 but I was soon to learn from the flight engineer that the aileron control cable had been severed and he went into the wing root to find the two ends and make some sort of connection .
28 ‘ Now I 'll leave you to rest and incubate some more venom while I go and make some phone calls — ’
29 Right let's clear these and make some coffee .
30 Come let's go up there and make some , come on
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