Example sentences of "and make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Willow Craft Trail reveals how willows , or ‘ withies ’ are grown and make into a variety of baskets , furniture and other long lasting items .
2 Get into the trees and make for high ground .
3 He even test-sailed the course with a friend , allowing the Nancy to drift out to the Beach End buoy and make for Holland .
4 But which of us , locked behind a desk or in a queue at the supermarket check-out , has not had an overwhelming desire to drop everything , run into the street , hail a passing cab and make for the nearest airport to catch a plane to anywhere ?
5 If the queen cat was satisfied from her seven matings with one tom , she would leave the other males in the lurch and make for home .
6 Delaney should now quickly gather all surviving members of his force and make for the target , with no potentially dangerous searches .
7 A further danger is that adaptation may mix different individual styles and make for poor reading .
8 I prepared to collect the rest of my medicines and make for the hospital , when the policeman said to me , ‘ Excuse me , sir .
9 Contributions from Squadron members are related in the order that they joined the unit and make for fascinating reading , especially as raids and operations inter-weave with different opinions coming to the fore — Alan has added occasional notes only by way of factual back-up , ensuring the originality of the contributor 's writing .
10 Once in the field turn left , following the hedge through a gap at the top and make for a stone stile in the top right hand corner .
11 Whatever the colour scheme , whatever the style , these pretty white duvet covers and pillowcases from Lace Lady will fit in like a dream — and make for a good night 's sleep .
12 They get the argument out of a tight corner , and make for a less fatalistic scenario .
13 ‘ I think I 'll follow Mr Robinson 's example and make for — ‘
14 From Schaffhausen , it is natural to turn east and make for Konstanz and the broad waters of the Bodensee .
15 On no account look out your passport and make for the airport because they 'll catch you in customs and the judge will be cross and tell you you 're a cold-blooded , ruthless and calculating murderess and give you twenty years .
16 I head off along the road and make for Deptford High Street , swinging my bag of clothes like I was going on holiday .
17 However , lengthy and complex consultative committees can hinder revision and make for a slowly changing scheme .
18 I saw Yet drag himself up , eyes charged with fear , and make for the door to the lower regions .
19 Araminta released her and sped away , leaving Theda to draw a breath , square her shoulders , and make for Lady Merchiston 's door .
20 Turn around and make for Tracy Castle ?
21 He watched him move quickly across the alley , and make for the patch of deep shadow under the iron stairs .
22 Optimistic views , not shared by Freud , that liberation from sexual prohibitions would eliminate neurosis and make for a healthier society have proved to be wrong .
23 She cringed back from him , pressing herself against the stove , wondering if she could edge past and make for the door .
24 Now pull yourself together , get back behind the keyboard and make with the Chris-style po-faced air of Weltschmerz .
25 I lower my pants and make with the magic handle .
26 Gave her the facts to make of what she would ; and make of them what she could , Jay did not understand .
27 Surely this is the worthiest human task ; to cultivate this magic box and make of life a splendid and beautiful vision and creation ?
28 It would take time to set that to rights , and make of Carlotta 's old home a palace fit for her brother to live in .
29 ‘ You are self-employed and make of it what you will , ’ says Lorna .
30 This usually means conspicuous consumption in one or all of its varied forms — the size of the house , the size , age and make of the car , the possession of other consumer durables , the quality of furnishings , and so on .
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