Example sentences of "and not the " in BNC.

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1 Unluckily , this may be of little help to the reader if the pictures illustrated are used as mere decoration , and not the subject of critical discussion .
2 Grounds for the bishops ' opposition were that only parents and not the state should have the right to provide for the health of their children , that the state had no role to play in the physical education of children and mothers , and that individual privacy would be threatened by public use of their private health records ( Whyte 1980 : 213–14 ) .
3 Not a picture of , he wrote , and not the thing itself .
4 Not the strength of the body , he wrote , and not the strength of the will , but the strength of the whole self .
5 Not the splashers on of paint and not the witty designers of operatic sets , not those who claim to have their fingers on the pulse of things and not those who shut themselves up and ignore the world .
6 Any need to analyse the ways in which the multi-variant police world forms a coherent and self-sustaining whole is material for the social scientist and not the practitioners , for they already live the system as a matter of course .
7 In this account , Lévi-Strauss uses the ‘ hero 's journey ’ to self-analysis in the field as a means of achieving or engendering knowledge ( see also Caplan 1988 ) ; emphasizing that it is the journey to self-awareness itself , and not the arrival , which is the most important aspect of the rite de passage .
8 Notice that the bell and not the referee calling a halt is the deciding factor here .
9 In both cases it is the application of the technique and not the technique itself which is dangerous .
10 However , most roundhouse kicks make contact with the side of the head and not the face .
11 ‘ All my work is the evidence of a life , and not the life itself . ’
12 And not the England of our dreams
13 Ashton 's Cock and Hens come straight from the farmyard and not the Imperial Ballet .
14 What we spoke of would be a part of , an inhabitant of , the changing inter-acting universe and not the source of all meaning and being .
15 The Portuguese officials said they would hear the appeal on 18 October and confirmed the appeal only involved the fine and not the ban , which actually took effect at the Spanish Grand Prix last Sunday .
16 ‘ One must recognise that these polls take place , but also carefully remember that a decision about any vacancy that takes place is taken by my colleagues in the House of Commons , and not the general public . ’
17 Sara Calloway , of Women Against Rape , said the 18-year-old victim 's character had been put on trial and not the police officer 's .
18 In purely practical terms the largest population in Belorussia after the indigenous inhabitants remained from the 1897 to the 1926 census the Jews and not the Russians .
19 He could never be happy with morning prayer and not the sacrament as the chief morning service .
20 Therefore on one side we must assert the authority of the Bible over man and the Church , and not the authority of man and the Church over the Bible .
21 If you achieve this , then a record deal is just around the corner , and you will have earned yourself a strong negotiating position which should enable you to sign the deal you want and not the first deal that is offered .
22 The agent can also make a deal with the promoter on the gross and not the net figures .
23 The main advantage of a limited company is that in general only the company and not the individual is liable for the business debts .
24 This is usually recoupable , so the band should realize that they are spending their own money on tour , and not the record company 's .
25 Yet the really important decisions , affecting the whole shape of politics in the 1930s , were those made in September and October 1931 ; it was these decisions , and not the formation of the National Government itself , which were to determine the configuration of party politics for the rest of the decade .
26 It was , however , Geoffrey Dawson , editor of The Times , who , in an editorial on 16 September , was the first to suggest that the National Government itself , and not the parties separately , should make an appeal to the country ‘ on a broad programme of reconstruction which will include a tariff ’ .
27 It was the general election , then , and not the formation of the first National Government , that was the crucial event in the politics of the 1930s .
28 It was the priest and doctor and not the guerrilla fighters who had emerged as the bigwigs in the country Moran had fought for .
29 ‘ What is appropriated and reproduced is here only the herd and not the soil which is always used in temporary commonalty wherever the tribe breaks its wanderings. ’ [ p. 89 . ]
30 These farmers had no money for improving agricultural methods and no motivation either because they realised that ‘ however beneficial any methods of agricultural technology were in the abstract , the benefits reaped from the improved methods would go to the money lender and not the tiller ’ ( Mamdani , The Myth of Population Control ) .
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