Example sentences of "and for all " in BNC.

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1 The horrors must be stopped everywhere once and for all .
2 Despite its title , and for all Fraser 's grave and civil investigative demeanour , the book does not exhibit this past as something to be searched for , uncovered , so much as something which is unfindable , interminable .
3 To begin at the right time , he wrote , means to be done with excuses once and for all .
4 If I could only resolve that lower right hand panel though , he wrote , or even decide once and for all to leave it empty , then perhaps the boredom would disappear .
5 He lay face down beside me , not knowing that I was now painfully aware that the threads which bound me to home and the inevitable marriage had snapped once and for all .
6 So for all you Seles fans , let's just get this sorted out once and for all .
7 I think she has a genuine feeling for the fans and for all that 's been written about her .
8 In the Poetry Review for February , 1912 , a critic , who is himself a poet , and whom I always read with great interest , speaks of the struggle ‘ to find out what has been done , once and for all , better than it can ever be done again , and to find out what remains for us to do ’ … .
9 If we were to wind up the POWs fund and pay out the money once and for all to all POWs that we could find , we could run into severe problems in the next 10 to 15 years as these chaps get very old and need help even more .
10 ‘ Having seen him about six times , and having spoken to most of their leaders , I believe that the time is right for us to talk to them now , to end this whole conflict once and for all .
11 He said : ‘ Now and for all time in the future , human skills and human talents will be the major determinants of success or failure — not just for individuals but for a whole society in all of its social , cultural and commercial life . ’
12 The mobilisation of the militias has been accompanied by letters in the press , supposedly from members , calling for tough action against ‘ subversive provocation ’ and vowing to ‘ stop these counter-revolutionary actions for once and for all - with weapons if need be ’ .
13 And it is surely in keeping with the Kremlin 's efforts to win trust abroad , to remove once and for all an issue which intrudes into every high-level encounter with Sweden .
14 There was nothing I could do for it this time' ) , but ‘ Is She Really Going Out With Him ? ’ , formerly ditched , now finds itself reinstated , although apparently in a setting designed to tease out its reluctant humour once and for all .
15 What is remarkable about the present sterling crisis is that the Government — and for all practical purposes , that means the Prime Minister — has declined to tackle any of them .
16 ‘ This spectacular discovery should once and for all prove what shape the original Globe was , ’ Martin Clout , the theatre architecture historian , said .
17 But the entire episode promoted anti-union sentiment , not only amongst Conservatives , and led to many cries for legislation on picketing to clip the power of the overmighty trade unions once and for all .
18 Standard specifications have been agreed for some products like hamburgers and meat pies , for example , and the NAAFI have the task of sourcing supplies for these and for all other items such as fruit and vegetables .
19 The park , unlikely though it might seem , was not a job , not a political ideology , not a way of filling in the weary hours until she was old enough to retire , not even something to spite her mother with once and for all while she accepted everything else from her .
20 Marx was pointing out that the capitalist assumption that what motivates man everywhere and for all time is the search for profit , is totally misleading and is itself a product of capitalism .
21 Velázquez shaped the public image of this family for his own and for all subsequent generations , investing them with an extraordinary pictorial power and stability .
22 But the strikers who have fought over so many months with so much courage and strength have achieved another kind of victory — they have exposed once and for all the myth of the TUC 's solidarity with exploited workers and in the process of doing so they have redefined the methods and outlook of industrial struggle .
23 And always , at the back of his mind , there was the business with the Police ; a mere shadow , as he repeatedly reminded himself , without substance , but there just the same and often , as he went through Ostkreuz on the S-Bahn , he was tempted to get off and see Lieutenant Werner , merely to get the matter sorted out once and for all but , mindful of Bodo 's advice , he never did .
24 And for all the pomp and ceremony , for all the formality and precision , the security and the months of planning , for all the cameras and lights , it was still a touching and surprisingly intimate affair .
25 We pray for all those killed each day in wars , disasters and accidents throughout the world ; for prisoners of conscience ; and all who suffer torture , starvation or maltreatment ; and for all whose anniversaries fall at this time of the year .
26 It was not plain sailing and orthodox and ‘ liberal ’ Communists will be at each others ' throats — at local level — until they hold a full congress next January to determine new policies once and for all and to approve new leaders .
27 He added : ‘ Let us move beyond containment , and once and for all end the Cold War . ’
28 And for all his stubbornness he is in fact hinting at his readiness for a deal .
29 On the first anniversary of that invasion , when thousands of Czechoslovak demonstrators were dispersed on Mr Husak 's orders by the police with military support , he was awarded the Order of Lenin , the highest honour the Russians could give him , and his acceptance of it sealed his fate once and for all Within two years of becoming party leader he purged all but 26 of the central committee members who had been in office before the invasion .
30 And for all that , there 's something endearing about them .
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