Example sentences of "and for [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 There are too many concepts and procedures to learn , and for simpler applications , if probably wo n't be worth the effort .
2 There were demands for higher wages , for social reform and for wider access to higher education , yet in 1966 the government felt the need to cut back on spending programmes as the economy moved into a minor recession .
3 Unionist politicians have re-iterated calls for the re-introduction of internment and for tighter security measures — including the sealing of the border .
4 It was a night for the homeless to lie down and die ; and for luckier people to sit close to their fires and thank God they were at home .
5 Nonconformity no longer felt itself to be a gathered community of dissenters but part and parcel of the English Christian Church and for better or worse the architectural tradition of that Church and nation was Gothic .
6 ‘ We have been bashing out plans for care management and for better discharge procedures , and on paper we can offer community care very well , ’ said Jim Walker , acting director of Bassetlaw trust 's mental health services .
7 The new deal called for radical changes in the working patterns of all grades of hospital staff , for the removal of the inappropriate non-medical duties , and for better accommodation and on call facilities .
8 By refusing to agree to the social chapter , is not he wanting to exclude British people from the provisions for equal status for 6 million part-time employees , many of whom are women ; for fair and equal treatment for women at work ; for proper protection for young people at work ; for rights to minimum holiday leave ; and for better information for employees ?
9 It is expected that the research findings will be valuable to the UK industry ( in particular , to UK firms wishing to increase their competitive edge by adopting ‘ best practice ’ ) and for better relations between Japanese subsidiaries and their UK suppliers .
10 On Feb. 13 up to 50,000 demonstrators outside the CP headquarters called for the deportation of Armenian refugees from Dushanbe ( the authorities insisted that fewer than 40 Armenians had arrived in the city , not thousands as rumoured , and that all had been housed with relatives ) , for the dismissal of the republic 's leadership , and for better job prospects and housing and environmental protection .
11 Led by Trude Unruh , 64 , the chair of the Grey Panthers who had been elected to the Bundestag in 1987 on the Greens ' list , the party 's main concerns were to be campaigning for better pensions and for better conditions in nursing homes and countering " ageist " attitudes .
12 For better and for worse reasons as she had divined as a girl .
13 The tactics that he employed during the crisis were vintage de Gaulle , for better and for worse .
14 A number of different factors seem to have contributed to this extensive scale of decentralization from the major metropolitan areas , including changes in residential preferences and the search by companies for less cramped factory sites and for cheaper and less organized labour such as married women .
15 As described in more detail in Chapters 5 and 6 , the latter results from the growth in employment in public-sector services in the late 1960s and early 1970s and the search by companies for less cramped factory sites and for cheaper and less unionized labour such as married women ( Fothergill and Gudgin , 1982 ; Massey , 1984 ) .
16 Three secretaries who in March had taken the unprecedented step of tendering their resignations to the GPC [ see also p. 37333 ] were also affected : Izz al-Din Mohammad al-Hinshiri , hitherto Justice Secretary , was moved to the Secretariat of Transport and Communications while Mubarak al-Shamikh and Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim , hitherto Secretaries for Transport and for Higher Education respectively , stood down .
17 The 1990/91 budget proposed by the Labour government on July 24 , 1990 , stressed social spending and provided for a new benefit targeted on low-income families , for a new universal benefit to include unemployment , and for higher spending on education and health .
18 There were nine new appointments in total , responsibility for Education and for Higher Education was split , that for Culture and for Youth Affairs was combined and the Ministry of state for Cabinet Affairs was abolished .
19 During the 1650s he sat on various commissions : for example , for the assessment in Norfolk and for oyer and terminer in London .
20 There are further opportunities for parents to provide active support to the school and for greater informal contact between parents , governors and staff .
21 One councillor governor champion co-ordinated a petition from children and parents and even had the full council in chamber addressed by a group of young children in successful campaigns for a new swimming baths for the area and for greater access by children to school playing fields outside school hours .
22 In the longer term the RSPB will continue its campaign for stiffer penalties for those who illegally persecute birds of prey and for greater restrictions on the availability of poisons .
23 As Minister of Defence between 1955 and 1957 , Zhukov had vigorously pressed for a less onerous regime of Party supervision and for greater General Staff autonomy in military — technical matters .
24 While the constitutional and legal changes laid the foundations for a breakdown of the dominance of the household and for greater individual rights , especially for women , considerable importance still attaches to some of the characteristics noted in the prewar period , albeit with modifications .
25 It paved the way for expanded West German trade with the Eastern bloc and for greater personal links between the two .
26 There were also calls for better enforcement by the Law Society of the current regulations , and for greater practical assistance to sole practitioners and new firms , perhaps along the lines of ‘ Best Practice ’ .
27 For example , if γ 1 is -1 then a positive aggregate demand shock in period t , will imply expected values for and for lower , ceteris paribus , by an amount - t .
28 Tverskoy et al reported that patients treated by infiltration of a local anaesthetic and then given general anaesthetic for herniorrhaphy experienced less pain , and for shorter duration , than patients who received general anaesthetic alone .
29 I cried for madder music and for stronger wine ,
30 They are now trying to break down consumer perceptions that new windows ? should be installed to reduce noise and heat loss , and for easier maintenance and greater security .
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