Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I think she still lives in the parish and commutes in .
2 Sometimes they were so drunk they fell asleep where they were and lay without pillows or covers until I returned from work , and then I would rage at them in Arabic , telling them that thanks to them my room was no better than the Italian 's pigsty at home ; we used to spit on the ground whenever we went near it , children and grownups alike , shouting exclamations of disgust , even though all we could see of it was the outer fence .
3 Furthermore , ever since it became an independent department it has wanted to stop being merely a postman between the Treasury and the recipients of funds , and aspires instead to set the policy framework .
4 The schoolmaster of St. Andrews was ambitious ‘ and aspires eagerly to the dignity of being professor of humanity in this university ’ .
5 When we get up , the weight of our bodies compresses these discs and squeezes out the extra fluid .
6 There is insufficient information to resolve the phylogenetic relationships between anomalocariids , onychophores and arthropods exactly , but the first group may be a glimpse of what early arthropod-like protostomes were really like .
7 But there 's a small issue of beams and motes here .
8 He refused to listen to Norman Adler , the political consultant hired by a local foundation ; ‘ He simply puts on his army boots and marches ahead , ’ Adler says , regretfully .
9 But then , about one year in six , some fortunate swirl in the currents brings them back to the island where they first fell into the water a month earlier and at a high tide in December , a horde of tiny crablets no bigger than ants suddenly emerges from the waves and marches valiantly up the beach and on inland to restock the forest .
10 From early on March 28 the whole of Moscow city centre appeared to be under siege , with lorries and armoured cars blocking all approaches to the Kremlin , water-cannon trucks , mounted police and troops in gas masks stationed in backstreets , and troops on street corners keeping shoppers and sightseers away from the Kremlin .
11 The snatching is usual on full lock as the universal joint in each front drive shaft speeds up and slows down as it is not a constant velocity joint ( unlike the V8 109 and Range Rover ) .
12 How come time speeds up and slows down all at once ?
13 A high and uncertain rate of inflation is disturbing because it reduces the efficiency of the market economy and slows down the process of economic growth .
14 Cold inhibits or prevents plant growth and slows down chemical processes in soils , prolonging the period of maturation .
15 It is worthwhile practising timed starts to get a feel for how fast your yacht accelerates and slows down , and how long it takes to cover a certain distance .
16 A computer chip checks voltage levels within the battery , and slows down the recharging process if this increases too rapidly , thereby , according to Innovations , avoiding the danger of explosive gases building up .
17 Right it is a hundred miles from King 's Lynn to London , the train takes two hours to do the journey the train does not go at a constant speed , it speeds up sometimes and slows down at other times it also stops at stations on the way and on once of course as it , as it 's stopping it 's going more and more slowly and as it 's er moving off again it starts slowly and starts to go quickly but because it takes two hours in all the train goes a hundred miles in two hours we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
18 To keep the Moldavians and Gagauzes apart two regiments of USSR Interior Ministry troops were despatched to the Gagauz districts at Snegur 's request on Oct. 28 .
19 Other evidence suggesting that LDL is important is that LDL enters the arterial intima from plasma at rates directly related to its plasma concentration ( Niehaus et al , 1977 ; Nicoll et al , 1981 ) and accumulates particularly in atheromatous regions ( Nicoll et al , 1981 ) .
20 It takes them long enough to cut a way through to the chimney of the air shaft , sawing through the rhodie branches and tearing away the brambles and other undergrowth ; then they lever off the iron grating over the shaft without any difficulty , and one of the younger cops , in an overall and a hard hat , wraps the rope around himself — proper climbing rope they had in the back of one of the Range Rovers — and abseils down into the darkness .
21 One important question in this area awaits a final answer : if , on its proper construction , the statutory authority exempts the undertaker from Rylands v. Fletcher liability and imposes only an obligation to use due care , upon whom does the burden of proof lie ?
22 The allocation of the annual budget and grants also falls within its domain .
23 The social fund is a scheme which makes loans and grants mainly to people getting income support .
24 The strength of neo-elitism is best seen against the background of pluralism ; as a critique of pluralism it introduces the concept of non-decision-making and points up the failure of pluralist methods to define properly what is meant by the term ‘ key issues ’ .
25 The bureau observes that housebuilders ignore such market demands at their peril and points out that basements serve a useful ecological purpose .
26 He knows every corner and brick of the cathedral and points out the glories of the 11th-century ( Romanesque ) triforium with its later , inferior , 14th-century equivalent : ‘ You do see , do n't you ? ’
27 He suggests that section 8(3) will probably be ‘ sensibly construed as an attempt to strike a realistic balance ’ and points out that there will be ‘ room for legitimate differences of emphasis among the various agreed syllabuses , as at present ’ .
28 Sioli ( 1985 ) has examined the effects of deforestation in relation to the Amazonian environment and points out that the disruption of biogeochemical cycles by burning renders nutrients susceptible to leaching .
29 But the report also says , ‘ Doctors are not prohibitionists ’ , and points out that ‘ … findings suggest that abstainers do not necessarily enjoy better health than moderate drinkers ’ .
30 It prides itself on this fact and points out in its brochure that while a large group can offer a wide range of services ‘ many of which you are unlikely to want … its investment managers suffer from real problems and conflicts of interest : supporting in-house issues , buying in-house unit trusts , helping its market makers and churning portfolios ’ .
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