Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In such a situation it is therefore all the more necessary to recognize the unique place the ethnographer holds and to capitalize on it .
2 Already in my own LEA there are plans for visual arts teachers to explore and establish assessment guidelines , and to capitalize on the considerable amount of curriculum development work that has occurred over recent years .
3 Much depends on the nature of the training provided , especially the ethos that guides it ; that is , whether it is organization- and profession-centred on the one hand or client- and community-oriented on the other and the degree of commitment on the part of professionals to recognize and affirm the value of indigenous factors and to capitalize upon them .
4 This doorway was made high in order to permit laden waggons or carts to enter the barn and to unload from the threshing floor into the bays .
5 To foster in pupils a love of literature , to encourage their awareness of its unique relationship to human experience and to promote in them a sense of excitement in the power and potential of language can be one of the greatest joys of the English teacher .
6 But in another way some stubbornness was at work in me , some determination never to give up , and to cling in secret to whatever reality I could find for myself .
7 For example , search software offers the types of facilities discussed in Chapter 17 , including the ability to search on words in pre-determined fields , the ability to search on word stems and to search on words with variant spellings , and then the ability to rank the retrieved material according to its relative significance .
8 He therefore gave authority to one Edward Sawyer to make inquiries , and to search for evidence in all houses and places in Kettering and five miles around .
9 We try to tackle the problem at all ends — to prevent young people ending up on the streets , to provide a roof over their heads , and to search for long-term solutions .
10 Royal household men were sent against Edward Woodville and to search for Dorset .
11 In this first study , the European-ness of the 1989 elections will be explored in depth to see whether there are differences between EC countries , and to search for clues about likely future changes .
12 Royal household men were sent against Edward Woodville and to search for Dorset .
13 But Protestant orthodoxy in the generations after the Reformation had inclined to treat the Bible in a rather hardened and absolute fashion , and to search in it for a wider range of information than the Reformers were looking for .
14 In Fothergill 's garden he found Arbutus andrachne , raised from seeds sent by Russell from Aleppo in 1754 and to flower at Upton in 1766 .
15 Perhaps had the Ceauşescus ruled over a larger state their megalomania might have been more comfortably contained , but trapped inside little Romania it began to consume the whole nation and to penetrate into every area of life , even its most intimate secrets .
16 The duties of the CCC , which was to work ‘ in close touch ’ with the Central Juvenile Employment Exchange , were to arrange for the vocational guidance of prospective school-leavers and to liaise with exchange officials in registering juveniles and in selecting applicants for interviews .
17 He had two political advisers : Harold Macmillan , the British Resident Minister in the Mediterranean ( holding Cabinet rank ) , whose role was to act as British political adviser and to liaise with the British Government .
18 In some companies this role has to a degree been formalised through the creation of audit committees made up of non-executives , their function being to review the effectiveness of the company 's auditing procedures and to liaise with the auditors .
19 That schools be encouraged both to maintain their choral tradition and to liaise with local church musicians , in order to agree on a common repertoire of hymns and songs ( 610–614 ) .
20 He or she is best placed to give you legal advice , and to liaise with the other professional agencies involved .
21 He has strict instructions to ignore all interference and diversions by individual residents , and to liaise with and receive instructions from Pat Holmes or Cresta Management Office only .
22 The aims then , as now , were to promote the use of the Heart of Wales line and railways in general , and to liaise with BR and other rail user groups with similar aims .
23 The role of an MAS specialist , in addition to helping a retained client through all stages of a proposed transaction , is to co-ordinate the delivery of other KPMG services , at the appropriate time , and to liaise with other professional parties to the transaction .
24 With reference to Jim Brunton 's letter ( 17 February ) , I would like to support Professor Ronald Girdwood 's remarks in an earlier letter and to confirm for blood donors and other readers the facts about blood for private hospitals .
25 You have only to think of the situation in which a mother is terrified of thunder and panics whenever she hears it , rushing to close the curtains and to cower in the corner of the room .
26 Mr Behbehanian , his banker , who believed that the British controlled every event in Iran , was still pressing him to repair there and to apologize to the British for insulting them in recent years .
27 It was not intended to give this impression , and we take this opportunity to make that clear and to apologize for any embarrassment caused .
28 An Essex girl was expected to call her foster-mother 's mother ‘ granny ’ , and to shop for her .
29 The decree was intended to wipe out the illegal cash holdings of black-marketeers , and to drain from the economy up to 20 per cent of the money supply , which had become bloated by the printing of new money to cover budget deficits in recent years .
30 The pioneer of bee research Karl von Frisch recalls ( and we have observed ) instances in which the trained foragers began to anticipate subsequent moves and to wait for the feeder at the presumptive new location .
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