Example sentences of "and [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 The moving spectacle , which was interrupted repeatedly by rounds of automatic weapons fire , was carried live on Sarajevo television , and beamed to homes in all the former Yugoslavian republics .
2 They laughed a little hysterically , and whispered to each other to be quiet and then laughed again , drunk with the joy of touching hands and the scent of their bodies in the dark .
3 I lay still and looked at him in the dusk and began to laugh , and whispered to her , ‘ It 's all right , it 's a statue of St Joseph ! ’
4 She stood on the stool and reached up to replace it , and when she stood back down again she bent over and whispered to me , ‘ That 's a bad omen , luv .
5 I leant over Mum and whispered to Dad .
6 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
7 Seizing her opportunity , Margaret leant forward across her desk and whispered to Maura .
8 Patrick leaned forward and whispered to Joseph .
9 He reached through the hole and whispered to her to take his hand .
10 He stepped back from the console and whispered to the Cell .
11 Slowly , they got together at the far end of the house and whispered to each other .
12 There were about twenty passengers ( this was no passenger ship ) and we slept in the mess , on benches and deckchairs , much resented by the crew , each of us with his possessions , or his secret , crushed like a lover in his arms and whispered to in all the languages of Europe …
13 The next day Signor Merli came to the bank , ostensibly on business , and whispered to me that some of the prisoners had decided to leave their hiding places and strike out across the Via Emilia towards the high Apennines .
14 As Rain showed him and Eliot out , he hung back and whispered to her .
15 Sir Bruce sipped , made a face , and whispered to Agnes : ‘ And I thought we suffered at MoD .
16 She kissed it as if it was a relic and whispered to me la muerta , la muerta .
17 She kicked forward and whispered to Scathach , ‘ They 're not wolves , they 're humans .
18 I shuffled along behind Werewolf and whispered to him , ‘ Head for the Wood to the right and wait for me somewhere near that big conifer . ’
19 The edict of Guntram issued at Péronne , and appended to the canons of the Council of Mâcon of 585 , continues royal involvement in ecclesiastical legislation , with an attack on Sunday work , and by backing the force of the canons with secular sanctions .
20 English poststructuralists , when wearing their Marxist hats , would undoubtedly want to insist that ideas belong in larger contexts , social , cultural , and political , and can not easily be abstracted and appropriated to other ends .
21 Bhawana loved animals and planned to be a vet .
22 But in the weeks that followed they became very close and clung to one another in their loss .
23 Her thin denim jacket was sodden and clung to her like a wet tea towel .
24 Feeling sick with relief that she had not run away with a rich man , Frankie shook his head vigorously in agreement and clung to her arm .
25 Wilcox set off in a straight line , indifferent to the snow that covered his thin black shoes and clung to his trouser bottoms .
26 On the Continent , station architects tended to be more restrained than their English-speaking colleagues , more prone to arches than towers , but they were not unaffected by the new aesthetic and clung to it longer .
27 He crouched down and clung to the rail with his right hand and reached out with his left as if to punch a hole through the wall .
28 She curled up in the darkest corner , pillowing her head on her arm , and clung to the memory of four hours before , when the time had stilled and she had been not , sweet tearing bliss … .
29 She embraced her sobbing daughter and clung to her in desperate shame .
30 Nicky slid off the sofa and clung to her legs .
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