Example sentences of "and [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 We still find Christian undergraduates entering universities , and ordinands coming into theological colleges , who have no idea of the tremendous advances that have been made in biblical scholarship and whose first contact with historical criticism is a dismaying and frightening experience instead of , as I think it ought to be , a liberating and wholly enhancing experience .
2 They grumble about the Ossis ' exaggerated expectations and leisurely working habits .
3 Women are peculiarly fitted for the onerous task of patiently and skilfully caring for the patient in faithful obedience to the physician 's orders .
4 GARY Wolstenholme no doubt arrived at Augusta with a set of expectations borne of years of reading about the Masters , watching the final stages on television and latterly imagining what it will be like , for he is playing in the US Masters as an automatic invitee after winning the 1991 Amateur Championship .
5 If the figures are for real GNP per head then West Germany would fare better , because of its slow growing ( and latterly falling ) population , than America which has had millions of new immigrants .
6 The Council accepted the report , amending one sentence to-read : ‘ For reasons which are apparent from the rest of this report the Visiting Party could not feel assured that the Director was fully and properly exercising his responsibility for the ‘ internal organisation and management and discipline of the Polytechnic ’ , in accordance with the Articles of Government' .
7 Making herself examine this thought , slowly and properly turning it around in her mind , recreating the scene which she could see so vividly of Jasper and Bert with the two I.R.A. , she had to admit that Jasper and Bert had made a bad impression .
8 Since the MOD housing stock is being sold off and other houses are being renovated and improved slowly , does the hon. Gentleman accept that the situation will not get better in the foreseeable future unless far greater urgency is given to the problem of properly housing and properly treating our service personnel and those whom we consider are no longer needed in our forces ?
9 In the model the Arctic ozone hole appeared as a direct result of the changes in circulation induced by both doubling the amount of CO 2 and properly representing the radiative feedbacks of the evolving ozone distribution .
10 Owen reached through the branches to the bridle of Isambard 's horse , that stood tossing his head and nervously trampling the path .
11 Two weeks ago the same Dr Courtney was convicted of raping two women and indecently assaulting two others .
12 Dr Courtney was also found guilty of drugging and raping a woman who went to him for advice about work , and indecently assaulting a German student and a 17-year-old when they went to his surgery for part-time jobs .
13 Evil charmer Thomas Courtney , 46 , was found guilty yesterday of drugging and raping two women and indecently assaulting two others .
14 A week later Michael Musgrove , 21 , was jailed for 13 years for raping three women and indecently assaulting two others .
15 A SCHOOLBOY was yesterday cleared of attempting to rape a policewoman and indecently assaulting her .
16 A 39-year-old man admitted kidnapping two 13-year-old schoolgirls , raping one and indecently assaulting the other , before stabbing them with a three-foot-long ceremonial sword and leaving them for dead in the forest .
17 A man who admitted twice raping his 15-year-old daughter and indecently assaulting her teenage friend was jailed for six years .
18 Man charged : Steven Leach , 35 , of The Close , Walton , appeared at Liverpool today charged with abducting and indecently assaulting a boy of four , and was remanded in custody until Friday , after a massive police search .
19 Pte Mark Turner , 21 , of 24 Airmobile Field Ambulance Brigade , Gaza Barracks , Catterick Garrison , is charged with a serious sex offence against a woman and indecently assaulting her in Scotton , near Catterick Garrison , on Friday .
20 The man , who can not be named for legal reasons , admitted the charges falsely imprisoning and indecently assaulting his superior on August 9 last year .
21 Barth was driven to this not only by his own exceptionally and relentlessly enquiring mind , but also by the shaking of the foundations of the world he had known under the impact of the First World War .
22 So Vaughan contented herself with training as a nurse and avidly reading food books in her spare time .
23 We talked with our students about the freedoms of college life , and suggested that they might judge whether or not certain behaviour was ‘ age appropriate ’ by looking at the nursery nurses ( incorrectly and naïvely assuming the latter would unfailingly provide the models we sought ! ) .
24 Its partly diurnal habits make this the most familiar of the six smaller owls of the region , short tail and conspicuously bounding flight .
25 ‘ And how 's your mother , Shirley ? ’ asked Mrs Harper , carefully and conspicuously laying her clove on the side of her plate ; taking the offensive .
26 For Burroughs as for Pynchon , conventional plot sequence would confirm the reader within his/her cultural conditioning , hence the importance of discontinuity , shock tactics and surreally destabilizing images .
27 We will be making regular reports to the AEA Audit Committee in the interim and vigorously pursuing the remaining actions as an integral part of our strategy for commercial success . ’
28 Very often the soil is dry and hungry ( deficient in nutrients ) , especially near evergreens and vigorously rooting hedge species such as privet .
29 His many enthusiasms extended to owning a couple of elderly Rolls-Royces , attempting to restart a School of Architecture at the RA , submitting with success his own drawings to the Summer Exhibition and vigorously supporting home-town local causes , including the Malvern Arts Club .
30 The menagerie of the Zoological Society provided the perfect opportunity to observe subjects alive and vigorously kicking , and the tiny woodcuts of the Society 's guidebook vibrate with squawking , flapping , screeching birds drawn as never before attempted in a British work of its kind .
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